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Sabine Kastner

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Sabine Kastner"
Mean distance: 11.65 (cluster 29)


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Hilda M. Fehd research assistant 2002-2004 Princeton
Kevin DeSimone research assistant 2003-2005 Princeton
Kevin S. Weiner research assistant 2003-2006 Princeton
Megan Harvey research assistant 2005-2007 Princeton
Daniel H. O'Connor grad student Princeton
Kathi Seidl grad student Princeton
Xiaofang Yang grad student
Mark A. Pinsk grad student 2000-2005 Princeton
Sara M. Szczepanski grad student 2004-2010 Princeton
Michael Arcaro grad student 2008-2013 Princeton
Manoj K. Eradath post-doc Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Yuri B. Saalmann post-doc Princeton
Diane M. Beck post-doc 2002- Princeton
Christina S. Konen post-doc 2006- Princeton
Stephanie A. McMains post-doc 2006- Princeton
Liang Wang post-doc 2010- Princeton
Jiye G. Kim post-doc 2011- Princeton
Miranda R. Scolari post-doc 2011- Princeton
Ian C. Fiebelkorn post-doc 2012- Princeton
Rujia Chen post-doc 2018-
Aidan P. Murphy post-doc 2019- Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Rober Boshra post-doc 2020- Princeton
Berit Hartjen post-doc 2020- Princeton
Keith A. Schneider post-doc 2002-2005 Princeton
Mark A. Pinsk post-doc 2005-2008 Princeton
Marius V. Peelen post-doc 2007-2009 Princeton
Gideon Paul Caplovitz post-doc 2008-2010 Princeton
Ryan E.B. Mruczek post-doc 2008-2012 Princeton
Su Keun Jeong post-doc 2014-2016 Princeton
Nikolaos C. Aggelopoulos research scientist 2006-2007 Princeton


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Jonas Obleser collaborator
Chethan Pandarinath collaborator 2017- Princeton
Michael WL Chee collaborator 2010-2012 Princeton
BETA: Related publications


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Aussel A, Fiebelkorn IC, Kastner S, et al. (2023) Interacting rhythms enhance sensitivity of target detection in a fronto-parietal computational model of visual attention. Elife. 12
Boshra R, Eradath M, Dougherty K, et al. (2022) Case studies in neuroscience: Reversible signatures of edema following electric and piezoelectric craniotomy drilling in macaques. Journal of Neurophysiology
Boshra R, Kastner S. (2022) Attention control in the primate brain. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 76: 102605
Plöchl M, Fiebelkorn I, Kastner S, et al. (2021) Attentional sampling of visual and auditory objects is captured by theta-modulated neural activity. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Rodionova EI, Kastner S, Krueger JM, et al. (2021) In memoriam: Professor Ivan Pigarev (1941-2021). Journal of Sleep Research. e13492
Liu N, Pinheiro-Chagas P, Sava-Segal C, et al. (2021) Overlapping Neuronal Population Responses in the Human Parietal Cortex during Visuospatial Attention and Arithmetic Processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-11
Llorens A, Tzovara A, Bellier L, et al. (2021) Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions. Neuron. 109: 2047-2074
Eradath MK, Pinsk MA, Kastner S. (2021) A causal role for the pulvinar in coordinating task-independent cortico-cortical interactions. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Maallo AMS, Granovetter MC, Freud E, et al. (2021) Author Correction: Large-scale resculpting of cortical circuits in children after surgical resection. Scientific Reports. 11: 8451
Buffalo EA, Courtney SM, De Weerd P, et al. (2021) Lessons from Leslie: A Tribute to an Extraordinary Scientist and Mentor. Trends in Neurosciences
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