John M. Carson, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Mechanical Engineering | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"John Carson"Mean distance: 25.02 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorRichard M. Murray | grad student | 2008 | Caltech | |
(Robust Model Predictive Control with a Reactive Safety Mode.) |
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Acikmese B, Carson JM, Blackmore L. (2013) Lossless convexification of nonconvex control bound and pointing constraints of the soft landing optimal control problem Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology. 21: 2104-2113 |
Carson JM, Açikmeşe B, Murray RM, et al. (2013) A robust model predictive control algorithm augmented with a reactive safety mode Automatica. 49: 1251-1260 |
Blackmore L, Acikmese B, Carson JM. (2012) Lossless convexification of control constraints for a class of nonlinear optimal control problems Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5519-5525 |
Aaikmeşe B, Carson JM, Bayard DS. (2011) A robust model predictive control algorithm for incrementally conic uncertain/nonlinear systems International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 21: 563-590 |
Carson JM, Açikmeşe B, Murray RM, et al. (2008) A Robust Model Predictive Control Algorithm with a Reactive Safety Mode Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 41: 13175-13181 |
Carson JM, Epstein MS, Macmynowski DG, et al. (2006) Optimal nonlinear guidance with inner-loop feedback for hypersonic Re-entry Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2006: 5782-5787 |