David R. Elmaleh

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"David Elmaleh"
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Meng J, Elmaleh DR, Jyawook S, et al. (1994) Synthesis of 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-L-glucose and positron emission tomography studies in monkeys. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 21: 633-40
Jones GS, Elmaleh DR, Strauss HW, et al. (1994) Synthesis and biodistribution of a new 99mtechnetium fatty acid. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 21: 117-23
Brownell AL, Hantraye P, Wullner U, et al. (1994) PET- and MRI-based assessment of glucose utilization, dopamine receptor binding, and hemodynamic changes after lesions to the caudate-putamen in primates. Experimental Neurology. 125: 41-51
Elmaleh DR, Padmanabhan S, Hassan MA, et al. (1993) Synthesis and evaluation of 1-[11C]methyl-4-aryl-piperazinium salts as myocardial imaging agents. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 20: 427-33
Elmaleh DR, Kizuka H, Hanson RN, et al. (1993) Structure-localization relationships of 11C-labeled phentermine derivatives: effect of aromatic substitution. Applied Radiation and Isotopes : Including Data, Instrumentation and Methods For Use in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine. 44: 821-9
Livni E, Fischman AJ, Ray S, et al. (1992) Synthesis of 18F-labeled fluconazole and positron emission tomography studies in rabbits. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B, Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 19: 191-9
Kairento AL, Livni E, Mattila S, et al. (1988) Comparative evaluation of [123I]14-p-iodophenyl-beta-methyltetradecanoic acid and thallium-201 in the detection of infarcted areas in the dog heart using SPECT. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B, Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 15: 333-8
Yamamoto K, Som P, Brill AB, et al. (1986) Dual tracer autoradiographic study of beta-methyl-(1-14C) heptadecanoic acid and 15-p-(131I)-iodophenyl-beta-methylpentadecanoic acid in normotensive and hypertensive rats. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 27: 1178-83
Hanson RN, Jones GS, Franke L, et al. (1985) Preparation and evaluation of 3-[125I]iodo-4-aminophentermine as a brain perfusion imaging agent. Comparison with labeled phentermine derivatives. International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 12: 321-5
Livni E, Elmaleh DR, Barlai-Kovach MM, et al. (1985) Radioiodinated beta-methyl phenyl fatty acids as potential tracers for myocardial imaging and metabolism. European Heart Journal. 6: 85-9
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