Jill A. Yamashita, Ph.D.

2003 University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States 
Visual system
"Jill Yamashita"
Mean distance: 16.06 (cluster 29)


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Michael A. Webster grad student 2003 University of Nevada, Reno
 (Face similarity and the other -race effect in face perception.)
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Yamashita JA, Hardy JL, De Valois KK, et al. (2005) Stimulus selectivity of figural aftereffects for faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 31: 420-37
Paras CL, Yamashita JA, Simas ML, et al. (2003) Face perception and configural uncertainty in peripheral vision Journal of Vision. 3: 822a
Yamashita JA, Hardy JL, De Valois KK, et al. (2003) The relative selectivity of face adaptation for low-level image properties Journal of Vision. 3: 71a
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