Melissa M. Coates, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2005 | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
cellular physiology, ion channels, Ca imaging, neurostem cellsGoogle:
"Melissa Coates"Mean distance: 14.01 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorStuart H. Thompson | grad student | 2005 | Stanford | |
(Vision in a cubozoan jellyfish, Tripedalia cystophora.) |
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Theobald JC, Coates MM, Wcislo WT, et al. (2007) Flight performance in night-flying sweat bees suffers at low light levels. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 210: 4034-42 |
Garm A, Coates MM, Gad R, et al. (2007) The lens eyes of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora and Chiropsalmus sp. are slow and color-blind. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 193: 547-57 |
Coates MM, Garm A, Theobald JC, et al. (2006) The spectral sensitivity of the lens eyes of a box jellyfish, Tripedalia cystophora (Conant). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 209: 3758-65 |
Nilsson DE, Gislén L, Coates MM, et al. (2005) Advanced optics in a jellyfish eye. Nature. 435: 201-5 |
Coates MM. (2003) Visual ecology and functional morphology of cubozoa (cnidaria). Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43: 542-8 |