Stéphane Jean Michel Rainville

North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, United States 
"Stéphane Rainville"
Mean distance: 14.67 (cluster 29)


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Frederick A A Kingdom grad student 2000 McGill
 (The spatial mechanisms mediating the perception of mirror symmetry in human vision.)
Walter L. Makous post-doc 2000-2002 Rochester
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Gheorghiu E, Kingdom FA, Remkes A, et al. (2016) The role of color and attention-to-color in mirror-symmetry perception. Scientific Reports. 6: 29287
Gheorghiu E, Kingdom F, Remkes A, et al. (2015) The role of color in mirror-symmetry perception. Journal of Vision. 15: 523
Collin C, Rainville S, Watier N, et al. (2013) Featural and Configural Processing Use the Same Spatial Frequencies: A Human Observer vs. Model Observer Comparison Journal of Vision. 13: 105-105
Rainville S, Clarke A. (2008) Distinct perceptual grouping pathways revealed by temporal carriers and envelopes. Journal of Vision. 8: 9.1-15
Rainville S, Clarke A. (2008) Distinct perceptual grouping pathways revealed by temporal carriers and envelopes. Journal of Vision. 8: 9.1-15
Collin CA, Therrien M, Martin C, et al. (2006) Spatial frequency thresholds for face recognition when comparison faces are filtered and unfiltered. Perception & Psychophysics. 68: 879-89
Rainville SJ, Wilson HR. (2005) Global shape coding for motion-defined radial-frequency contours. Vision Research. 45: 3189-201
Rainville SJ, Makous WL, Scott-Samuel NE. (2005) Opponent-motion mechanisms are self-normalizing. Vision Research. 45: 1115-27
Rainville SJ, Wilson HR. (2004) The influence of motion-defined form on the perception of spatially-defined form. Vision Research. 44: 1065-77
Rainville SJ, Wilson HR. (2003) Motion constraints on the integration of spatial cues into global form Journal of Vision. 3: 753a
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