Alice J. Paquette, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2000 | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"Alice Paquette"Mean distance: 14.57 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDavid J. Anderson | grad student | 2000 | Caltech | |
(The role of the neuron -restrictive silencer factor during vertebrate embryogenesis.) |
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Paquette AJ, Perez SE, Anderson DJ. (2000) Constitutive expression of the neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF)/REST in differentiating neurons disrupts neuronal gene expression and causes axon pathfinding errors in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97: 12318-23 |
Roopra A, Sharling L, Wood IC, et al. (2000) Transcriptional repression by neuron-restrictive silencer factor is mediated via the Sin3-histone deacetylase complex. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 20: 2147-57 |
Xu F, Paquette AJ, Anderson DJ, et al. (2000) Identification of a cell type-specific silencer in the first exon of the His-1 gene. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 76: 615-24 |
Roopra A, Sharling L, Wood IC, et al. (2000) Transcriptional Repression by the Neuron-Restrictive Silencer Factor (REST/NRSF) is Mediated via the Sin3/Histone Deacetylase complex Biochemical Society Transactions. 28: A88-A88 |
Shimojo M, Paquette AJ, Anderson DJ, et al. (1999) Protein kinase A regulates cholinergic gene expression in PC12 cells: REST4 silences the silencing activity of neuron-restrictive silencer factor/REST. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 19: 6788-95 |
Chen ZF, Paquette AJ, Anderson DJ. (1998) NRSF/REST is required in vivo for repression of multiple neuronal target genes during embryogenesis. Nature Genetics. 20: 136-42 |
Schoenherr CJ, Paquette AJ, Anderson DJ. (1996) Identification of potential target genes for the neuron-restrictive silencer factor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93: 9881-6 |
Goulding M, Paquette A. (1994) Pax genes and neural tube defects in the mouse. Ciba Foundation Symposium. 181: 103-13; discussion 1 |