Lavanya Sharan
Affiliations: | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States |
Visual perceptionWebsite:
"Lavanya Sharan"Mean distance: 14.58 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Rosenholtz R, Sharan L, Park E. (2016) Why don't we see the gorilla? Looking in the wrong places, attending to the wrong stuff, or doing the wrong task? Journal of Vision. 16: 43 |
Sharan L, Rosenholtz R, Adelson EH. (2014) Accuracy and speed of material categorization in real-world images. Journal of Vision. 14 |
Sharan L, Rosenholtz R. (2014) If you can see it, you spot it sooner: Peripheral change detection is correlated with performance on `Spot-The-Difference' puzzles Journal of Vision. 14: 615-615 |
Sharan L, Liu C, Rosenholtz R, et al. (2013) Recognizing Materials using Perceptually Inspired Features. International Journal of Computer Vision. 103: 348-371 |
Sharan L, Rosenholtz R. (2013) If you cannot see it, you look at it: Visual conspicuity in real-world scenes is correlated with fixations Journal of Vision. 13: 923-923 |
Xiao B, Sharan L, Rosenholtz R, et al. (2011) Speed of Material vs. Object Recognition Depends upon Viewing Condition Journal of Vision. 11: 19-19 |
Adelson E, Sharan L, Rosenholtz R. (2011) Material recognition is fast, but not superfast Journal of Vision. 11: 402-402 |
Sharan L, Rosenholtz R, Adelson E. (2010) Material perception: What can you see in a brief glance? Journal of Vision. 9: 784-784 |
Nishida S, Motoyoshi I, Nakano L, et al. (2010) Do colored highlights look like highlights? Journal of Vision. 8: 339-339 |
Sharan L, Rosenholtz R, Adelson EH. (2010) Eye movements for shape and material perception Journal of Vision. 8: 219-219 |