Kim Kirsner

University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia 
Cognitive Psychology
"Kim Kirsner"
Mean distance: 16.31 (cluster 15)
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Johnstone T, van Reekum CM, Bänziger T, et al. (2007) The effects of difficulty and gain versus loss on vocal physiology and acoustics. Psychophysiology. 44: 827-37
Johnstone T, van Reekum CM, Hird K, et al. (2005) Affective speech elicited with a computer game. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 5: 513-8
Kirsner K. (1974) Modality differences in recognition memory for words and their attributes. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 102: 579-84
Craik FIM, Kirsner K. (1974) The effect of speaker's voice on word recognition Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 26: 274-284
Kirsner K, Craik FI. (1971) Naming and decision processes in short-term recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 88: 149-57
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