E. Sterl Phinney

1985- Astronomy California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Theoretical Astrophysics
"E. Sterl Phinney"


Mean distance: 13.79
Cross-listing: Astronomy Tree


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Nate Bode grad student Caltech
Sanjoy Mahajan grad student Caltech
Alice Quillen grad student Caltech
Chris Wegg grad student Caltech
Lin Zuo grad student Caltech
Michael Coleman Miller grad student 1990 Caltech (Astronomy Tree)
Paolo Coppi grad student 1991 Caltech
Steinn Sigurdsson grad student 1992 Caltech
Maurice H. P. M. Van Putten grad student 1992 Caltech
Bradley M. Hansen grad student 1996 Caltech
Michael D. Hartl grad student 2003 Caltech
Dong Lai post-doc 1994-1997 Caltech (Astronomy Tree)
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Murchikova EM, Phinney ES, Pancoast A, et al. (2019) A cool accretion disk around the Galactic Centre black hole. Nature. 570: 83-86
Ravi V, Vedantham H, Phinney ES. (2018) La Freccia Rossa: an IR-dark cloud hosting the Milky Way intermediate-mass black hole candidate Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. 478: L72-L77
Sagiv I, Gal-Yam A, Ofek EO, et al. (2014) Science with a wide-field UV transient explorer Astronomical Journal. 147
Kotera K, Phinney ES, Olinto AV. (2013) Signatures of pulsars in the light curves of newly formed supernova remnants Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 432: 3228-3236
Wegg C, Phinney ES. (2012) White dwarf kinematics versus mass Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 426: 427-439
Drake AJ, Djorgovski SG, Mahabal A, et al. (2011) The discovery and nature of the optical transient CSS100217:102913+404220 Astrophysical Journal. 735
Cameron PB, Chandra P, Ray A, et al. (2005) Detection of a radio counterpart to the 27 December 2004 giant flare from SGR 1806-20. Nature. 434: 1112-5
Kobayashi S, Laguna P, Phinney ES, et al. (2004) Gravitational waves and X-ray signals from stellar disruption by a massive black hole Astrophysical Journal. 615: 855-865
Melatos A, Phinney ES. (2000) Evolution of the Magnetic Field of a Neutron Star During Polar-Cap Accretion International Astronomical Union Colloquium. 177: 651-652
Sprult H, Phinney ES. (1998) Birth kicks as the origin of pulsar rotation Nature. 393: 138-141
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