Diana L. Pettit

Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York, United States 
"Diana Pettit"
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Abbas SY, Hamade KC, Yang EJ, et al. (2013) Directional summation in non-direction selective retinal ganglion cells. Plos Computational Biology. 9: e1002969
Harris AZ, Pettit DL. (2008) Recruiting extrasynaptic NMDA receptors augments synaptic signaling. Journal of Neurophysiology. 99: 524-33
Pettit DL, Augustine GJ. (2007) Chemical two-photon uncaging. Csh Protocols. 2007: pdb.prot4850
Harris AZ, Pettit DL. (2007) Extrasynaptic and synaptic NMDA receptors form stable and uniform pools in rat hippocampal slices. The Journal of Physiology. 584: 509-19
Yang EJ, Harris AZ, Pettit DL. (2007) Synaptic kainate currents reset interneuron firing phase. The Journal of Physiology. 578: 259-73
Yang EJ, Harris AZ, Pettit DL. (2006) Variable kainate receptor distributions of oriens interneurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 96: 1683-9
Skeberdis VA, Chevaleyre V, Lau CG, et al. (2006) Protein kinase A regulates calcium permeability of NMDA receptors. Nature Neuroscience. 9: 501-10
Pettit DL, Shao Z, Yakel JL. (2001) beta-Amyloid(1-42) peptide directly modulates nicotinic receptors in the rat hippocampal slice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 21: RC120
Pettit DL, Shao Z, Yakel JL. (2001) β-Amyloid1–42Peptide Directly Modulates Nicotinic Receptors in the Rat Hippocampal Slice The Journal of Neuroscience. 21: RC120-RC120
Pettit DL, Augustine GJ. (2000) Distribution of functional glutamate and GABA receptors on hippocampal pyramidal cells and interneurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 84: 28-38
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