Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Charles K. Abrams Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Martin W. AdlerPharmacology, substance abuse Murray Jarvik (grad student)
Hitoshi Aikawa Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Jonathan E. AlpertDepression/Psychiatry
Karina AlvinaSynaptic physiology, stress, hippocampus Neuroscience20122016 Kamran Khodakhah (grad student), Pablo Castillo (post-doc)
Vahe E. Amassian
Gizely N. AndradeSchizophrenia, Neurophysiology, Endophenotypes, Genetics John J. Foxe (grad student)
Michelle W. Antoine
Elisa Aquilanti
Anita E. Autryparenting, depression, galanin, stress
Asma B. SalekNMDA Channels, Ischemic Stroke. Neuroscience2021 Pablo Castillo (post-doc)
Harvey Babkoffaudition, sleep deprivation Molecular Pharmacology19671969 Seth K. Sharpless (post-doc)
Scott Everet Bairdgenetics Molecular Biology19881990 Scott Emmons (post-doc)
Moez BaliGABAA receptor Myles H. Akabas (post-doc)
Thaddeus A. Bargiello
David Bartolomé-MartínSynaptic Vesicle Cycle20092011 Donald Faber (post-doc)
Daniel BasilioBiophysics of Membrane Transport20042005 Michael V. Bennett (research assistant)
Zahra BassedaVision, Neuropsychopharmacology2012 Kamran Khodakhah (post-doc)
Gary J. BassellmRNA transport, local protein synthesis Robert H. Singer (grad student)
Daniel Belyusar
Michael V. Bennettneuroscience20072014 Nicolas Palacios-Prado (collaborator)
Amal Kanti Beraion channel, gap junction, GABAA receptor, stroke20042005 Myles H. Akabas (post-doc), Vytas K. Verselis (post-doc)
James Berkman
Robert O. Blaustein Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Clemence Blouetenergy balance, hypothalamus, brainstem, leucine Medicine20072014 Gary J. Schwartz (post-doc)
Adam Randall Bogartneuroimaging, (MRI)
Lauren Boudewyn
Mathieu BourdenxNeuroscience, Neurodegeneration, Protein aggregation, Proteostasis, Aging, Lysosomes, Prion2017 Ana M. Cuervo (post-doc)
Chloe E Brittenhamvision, attention, autism, neurodiversity, pupillometry Sophie Molholm (grad student)
Celia Brosnanneuro-immunology
Joel E. Brown
Lucy L. BrownMovement Disorders, Functional Neuroanatomy
Feliksas F. BukauskasGap Junctions, Hemichannels, Connexin, voltage gating Robert Weingart (post-doc)
Adina R. BuxbaumRNA, local translation2007 Robert H. Singer (grad student)
Roger CachopeHuntington's Disease, Dopamine, Endocannabinoids, Synaptic plasticity, Schizophrenia Alberto Pereda (post-doc)
Diany Paola Calderoncerebellum
Corey A. CalhounDevelopmental Behavioral Neuroscience, Metabolism, Appetitive Behaviors, Stress, Psychopharmacology, Neuroimmunology
Erika Calvo-OchoaPlasticity, neurogenesis, neurodegeneration, zebrafish, olfactory system Pathology20102010 Bryen A. Jordan (research assistant), Roger Gutierrez-Juarez (grad student)
Wendy Cammer
Michael Cammermicroscopy, cell biology Neuro Wendy Cammer (research scientist)
Philip D. Campbell Developmental and Molecular Biology20112015 Florence L. Marlow (grad student)
Barbara Cannella
Yumei Caosynaptic transmission Donald Faber (post-doc)
Kevin L. CarefReward seeking behavior2011 Saleem M. Nicola (grad student)
Reed C. CarrollSynaptic plasticty, glutamate receptors
Ilaria CartaSocial behavior, neural circuits, neuropeptides Neuroscience Anita E. Autry (grad student)
Albert H. CassMembraneTransport phenomena Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Daniela Cassataro
Pablo Castillo
Noëlie CaylaNeural circuits, behaviors, cerebellum Neuroscience Kamran Khodakhah (grad student)
Fanny CazettesSystems neuroscience Jose Luis Pena (grad student)
Marcelo Chacon Neurosciences20112016 Donald Faber (post-doc)
Andres E. ChavezSynaptic transmission2007 Pablo Castillo (post-doc)
Christopher H. Chen
Chi-Wing Chowtranscription factors and signaling pathway
Edith Chung20182019 Lucas Sjulson (research assistant)
Ana CicvaricNeuroscience
Ana Cicvaric Neuroscience Jelena Radulovic (post-doc)
Alexa Clapp Developmental and Molecular Biology20152017 Florence L. Marlow (post-doc)
Kelly Clemenza Neuroscience2019 Lucas Sjulson (grad student)
Ruben Coen-Cagliprimary visual cortex, bayesian models, image statistics, image synthesis20082012 Odelia Schwartz (post-doc)
Fredric S. CohenMembrane fusion from a biophysical and cell biological perspective Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Marco ColombiniMembrane Transport Phenomena Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Jorge E ContrerasLarge Pore Channels, Connexins, Pannexin, Gap Junction Channels, Connexin Hemichannels, Cardiac Physiology, Arrhythmias Neuroscience Michael V. Bennett (grad student)
Steven J. CookNeuroscience Neuroscience20122017 Scott Emmons (grad student)
Anne Haney Crossmultiple sclerosis, neuroimmunology, diffusion tensor imaging, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis19871991 Cedric Stuart Raine (post-doc), Labe C. Scheinberg (post-doc), Celia Brosnan (post-doc)
Jihong Cuimammary stem cell and breast cancer stem cell
Sebastian CurtiElectrical synapses Alberto Pereda (grad student)
Thaddeus Bradley CzubaVision Science20122016 Adam Kohn (post-doc)
James E. DarnellSTATs, development
Sulagna Dasgene expression in neurons, synaptic plasticity, imaging, neuroimmunology
Leo M. DavidoffNeurosurgery Harry M. Zimmerman (collaborator)
Peter Davies Alzheimer's, Apoptosis, Amyloid, Phosphorylation
Federico DavoineElectrical synapses, neurophysiology20162021 Alberto Pereda (grad student)
Cecil de Baecque Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Eliezyer Fermino de Oliveiradecision making Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience2018 Lucas Sjulson (grad student)
Victor A. Del BeneNeuropsychology, cognition, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke, vascular cognitive impairment, deep brain stimulation Pediatrics and Neuroscience20112017 John J. Foxe (grad student)
Shlomo S. Dellalion channels, synaptic transmission20122015 Donald Faber (post-doc)
Ronald A. DePinhomolecular and biological processes governing the development of cancer, the basis for aging and degenerative diseases, and the maintenance of normal and cancer stem cells.19841985 Matthew D. Scharff (post-doc)
Martin Deschenes Michael V. Bennett (post-doc)
George H. DeVriesglial proliferation, glial myelination19701972 William T. Norton (post-doc)
Dennis W. DicksonNeuropathology of aging, dementia and parkinsonism19841997 Robert D. Terry (research scientist), Asao Hirano (collaborator)
Maria Johanna Dizoncerebellum
Johann du Hoffmann Saleem M. Nicola (grad student)
Harry Eagle
Scott EmmonsC. elegans
Anne M. Etgen
Eliseo A. EugeninNeuroinflammation. Dementia. AIDS. HIV. NeuroAIDS
Donald Faberfish; mauthner cell; behavior; locomotion
Amanda Kathleen Fakiramorphine, hippocampus, calcium20032005 David C. Spray (research assistant)
Lei Feng Development and Molecular Biology20102016 Florence L. Marlow (post-doc)
Casara Jean Ferrettiautism, psychology, pharmacology
Jeannie M Fiber Anne M. Etgen (post-doc)
Alan FinkelsteinIon-Conducting Channels Incorporated into Planar Lipid Bilayer Membranes
Eugene Flamm
Carmen E. FloresNeuroscience
John J. FoxeSchizophrenia, Attention, Multisensory Integration, Object Recognition, Executive Function, Autism Spectrum Disorders19991999 Greg V. Simpson (grad student), Walter Ritter (collaborator), Herbert G. Vaughan, Jnr. (grad student)
Anna FrancesconimGluR trafficking
Matthew J. Friedmanpsychopharmacology, randomized clinical trials Pharmacology19671969 Jerome H. Jaffee (collaborator)
Darlene Gabeau-Lacet
Allison T. Gage19921996 Patric K. Stanton (grad student)
Peter J. GaskillNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology Pathology20062015 Joan W. Berman (post-doc)
Simon GelmanSynaptic physiology2007 Donald Faber (post-doc)
Gourisankar Ghoshtranscription, signaling, pre-mRNA splicing, mRNA transport, protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein-RNA interactions1991 LaDonne Heaton Schulman (grad student)
James E. GoldmanGlial differentiation in mammalian CNS development; progenitors in the adult CNS; cytoskeletal abnormalities and stress proteins in neurological disorders. Pathology Robert D. Terry (post-doc)
Hilary GomesMismatch Negativity, Speech-Language Impairment, Development, Event-Related Potentials Walter Ritter (grad student)
Amos G. GonaDevelopmental Neurobiology William Etkin (grad student)
Nicholas K. GonatasNeuropathology, Neurodegenerative diseases19621963 Saul R. Korey (post-doc)
Ernesto GriegoHippocampus, Synaptic plasticity, Intrinsic plasticity Neuroscience2023 Pablo Castillo (post-doc)
Marta Grońska-Pęski Neuroscience20132020 Jean Hébert (grad student)
Robert E. GrossEpilepsy, Movement Disorders, Deep brain stimulation, gene therapy, axon guidance Charles S. Rubin (grad student)
Robert Gross
Charlotte L. GroveSynaptic Transmission Donald Faber (grad student)
Ross C. GruberNeuroinflammation and Multiple Sclerosis Pathology20112015 Bridget Shafit-Zagardo (post-doc)
Itamar GrunfeldElectrophysiology Neuroscience2022 Rachel A. Ross (post-doc)
Wenjun Guo
Kurt HaasDendrite Growth Patric K. Stanton (grad student)
Andrew L. Harrisconnexin channels19791982 Michael V. Bennett (grad student), Michael V. Bennett (post-doc)
Hayden A. M. Hatch Genetics and Neuroscience Julie Secombe (grad student)
Jean Hébert
Christopher A. HenryVisual system Neuroscience2013 Adam Kohn (post-doc)
Eric J. Heyer Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Asao HiranoNeuropathology
Caroline J. Hoangcerebellum20032008 Kamran Khodakhah (post-doc)
David Hoch Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Gregory HogeElectrical synapses Alberto Pereda (grad student)
Eric Hollander
Ronald W. Holz Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Dikran S. Horoupian Pathology (Neuropathology)19701972 Henryk M. Wisniewski (research scientist)
Tim Hunt1966 Irving London (research assistant)
David Lewis HuntSynaptic plasticity, Circuit Dynamics Neuroscience Pablo Castillo (grad student)
Paul Hyunh Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Khalid Iqbal Michael L. Shelanski (post-doc)
William R. Jacobs
Jerome H. JaffeeDrug abuse, addiction, physical dependence, barbiturates, nicotine, psychiatry, anxiety
Karen S. JakesMolecular biology of Colicin channels Alan Finkelstein (research scientist)
Tyron D. Jensen
Xiaoxuan JiaVisual system, object recognition
YoungHwan Joenergy metabolism, signaling in hypothalamus
Young-Hwan JoNeuroscience, obesity, autonomic nervous system, POMC, cholinergic, vagal
Anne B. JohnsonNeuropathology
Jake JordanMemory, Hippocampus, Hemispheric Lateralization Neuroscience J. Tiago Goncalves (post-doc)
Sofia Jürgensen2012 Pablo Castillo (post-doc)
Ramakrishnan K Bcerebellum
Bashkim KadriuNeuroscience20112013 Carlos Rozas (collaborator)
Bruce L. Kagan Channel forming toxins/ Amyloid/Planar lipid bilayers Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Magdalena Kalinowska Neuroscience Anna Francesconi (grad student)
Zaven Kaprielian Paul H. Patterson (post-doc)
Peter M. KaskanMotivation, learning, emotion, neuroanatomy, amygdala, deep brain stimulation
Odelya Kaufman Developmental and Molecular Biology20122017 Florence L. Marlow (grad student)
Corey J. KellerNeuroscience Ashesh D. Mehta (grad student), Fred Lado (grad student)
Shivani C. Kharod Neuroscience Anatomy and Structural Biology2018 Pablo Castillo (grad student), Robert H. Singer (grad student)
Simin Khavandgarcerebellum20022004 Kamran Khodakhah (post-doc)
Kamran KhodakhahIP3 receptors, cell signalling, biophysics
Paul K. Kienker Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Nathaniel James Killiancentral nervous system physiology Neurological Surgery2019 Emad Eskandar (collaborator)
Soyoun Kimdecision making Neuroscience2019 Lucas Sjulson (research scientist)
Matthew E. KleinNeuroscience, RNA metabolism Bryen A. Jordan (grad student), Roberto Malinow (research scientist), Richard H. Goodman (research scientist), Pablo Castillo (grad student)
Robyn S. KleinNeuroimmunology Pharmacology Lloyd D. Fricker (grad student)
Shigeichi Kobayashi Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Adam Kohnvision Alex C. Huk (collaborator)
Saul R. Korey Robert D. Terry (collaborator)
Atsuo Koto Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Aravind Krishna Neuroscience2018 Adam Kohn (grad student)
C. Geoffrey G. LauSynaptic plasticity, inhibitory/GABAergic transmission, olfaction20012007 Michael V. Bennett (grad student)
Sunhee C. LeeAIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Chemokines, Cytokines, Receptors
dong kun lee medicine20132015 Young-Hwan Jo (post-doc)
Juan Lerma Michael V. Bennett (post-doc)
Elliott Levine Harry Eagle (post-doc)
Rickard B Libman19901992 Ralph L Sacco (grad student)
Uno Lindberg James E. Darnell (post-doc)
Christos Panagiotis LisgarasEpilepsy, High-Frequency Oscilllations, Traumatic Brain Injury, Developmental Epilepsy, Cholinergic Neurotransmission
Heng Mavisual neuroscience; cognitive science; computational neuroscience
Jeannette R. MahoneyMultisensory Integration; Spatial Attention
Florence L. MarlowMolecular Biology, Genetics
Alain MartyCerebellum, Synaptic transmission Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Vincent B. McGintyCortical, limbic and striatal circuits; reward and addiction; electrophysiology20082010 Saleem M. Nicola (post-doc)
Ashesh D. MehtaNeuroscience Charles E. Schroeder (grad student)
W. Jost Michelson
Joseph A. MindellPhysical principles governing membrane-protein function Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Stanley Misler Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Hannah R. Monday Neuroscience Pablo Castillo (grad student)
Sara E. Morrisonaffective neuroscience, electrophysiology Psychiatry20102015 Saleem M. Nicola (post-doc)
Howard S. Moskowitz20002005 Timothy A. Ryan (grad student)
Robert U. Muller Samuel M. Feldman (grad student), Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Hitoshi Nagara Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Scott Nawyretina, glutamate signal transduction
Saleem M. Nicola
Walter D. Niles Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Luke Norena20182019 Lucas Sjulson (research assistant)
William T. Norton
Eli Orbach Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Nicolas Palacios-PradoGap Junctions, electrical synapses20092014 Feliksas F. Bukauskas (grad student)
Sung-Min Parkcerebellum
Carlyn Patterson
Abhimanyu PavuluriNeural Coding Neuroscience2018 Adam Kohn (grad student)
Jose Luis Pena
L-X Peng Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Alberto PeredaElectrical synapses, Synaptic plasticity.
Diana L. Pettit
Jeff W. Pollardtumor progression and metastasis
Manuela PolydoroAlzheimer's disease Pablo Castillo (grad student)
Doug PortmanC. elegans, behavior, development, genetics, sex differences19962002 Scott Emmons (post-doc)
James M. PowersPeroxisomal Disorders Pathology Robert D. Terry (grad student)
Thomas Preuss
Sudarshana PurkayasthaNFkB pathway :cardiovascular & metabolic disorders Dongsheng Cai (research scientist)
Cedric Stuart Raineneuroimmunology of multiple sclerosis 19691971 Michael L. Shelanski (collaborator)
Nelson RamirezNeuronal Development
Joseph Ransohoff
Lynn Raymond Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Davide ReatoNeural circuits, Electrical stimulation
David C. Reevesion channel Myles H. Akabas (post-doc)
Magali Reyes19921996 Patric K. Stanton (grad student)
Cindy M. ReyesNeuroscience2012 Saleem M. Nicola (grad student)
Johanna M. Rimmelecognitive neuroscience, auditory cognition, cognitive aging, plasticity, temporal processing, oscillations Elyse Sussman (grad student)
Walter RitterMismatch Negativity, Auditory Processing, Event-Related Potentials Herbert G. Vaughan, Jnr. (post-doc)
Alma Rodenas-RuanoDevelopmental Neuroscience20082012 R. Suzanne Zukin (post-doc), Pablo Castillo (post-doc)
Myriam Romero Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Pearl S. Rosenbaumophthalmic pathology
Paul A. Rosenbergglutamate transporters Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Hubert Rosomoff
Rachel A. Ross Molecular Pharmacology Luciano Rossetti (grad student)
Jesse RothSignal transduction, endocrinology
Sophie Rothhamel Development and Molecular Biology20082011 Florence L. Marlow (post-doc)
Carlos RozasNeuroscience20122014 Donald Faber (post-doc)
Charles S. Rubin Ora M. Rosen (post-doc)
Stephanie Rudolph20072012 Jacques I. Wadiche (grad student)
Juan Carlos Saezconnexin, pannexin Michael V. Bennett (grad student)
Jeffrey L. SalisburyCentrosome biology, Cancer biology Peter Satir (post-doc)
Adrian Santos-Ledo Development and Molecular Biology20122016 Florence L. Marlow (post-doc)
Gaetano Santullicardiology20032015 Guido Iaccarino (post-doc)
Clifford Saron Herbert G. Vaughan, Jnr. (grad student)
Peter Satirmicrotubule function, cytoskeletal integration
Herbert H. Schaumbergperipheral nerve pathology
Labe C. Scheinbergmultiple sclerosis
Charles E. Schroeder Neuroscience19841986 Herbert G. Vaughan, Jnr. (post-doc)
Kenneth Schulman
Odelia SchwartzComputation & Theory, visual system
Susan Schwartz-GiblinGABA1965 Vahe E. Amassian (grad student)
Julie Secombe
Lisa Senzel Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Keanu ShadronAuditory system, Development Neuroscience20182023 Jose Luis Pena (grad student)
Michael L. ShelanskiNeural development, cytoskeleton19671971 Robert D. Terry (post-doc)
Yin Shenvisual system20062010 Scott Nawy (post-doc)
Robert H. SingerCell Biology
Lucas Sjulsonneurophysiology of drug addiction and decision making, translational neuromodulation
Stephen L. Slatin Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Michoel SnowVisual System, Computational Models Odelia Schwartz (grad student)
Peter Jeffrey SnyderNeuropsychology, Neuropharmacology, Alzheimer's Disease, History of Neuroscience, Bioethics, Neurophysiology19921994 Robert M. Bilder (post-doc)
Adam C. SnyderAttention, Working Memory, Decision-making, Multisensory Integration, Complex Dynamics, Neural Population Coding20112012 Sophie Molholm (post-doc)
Ruy Soeiro James E. Darnell (post-doc)
Ludovic Spaethcerebellum Neuroscience2021 Kamran Khodakhah (post-doc)
Alfred J. Spiromuscle pathology
David C. SprayGap junctions
Larry R. SquireMemory Murray Jarvik (post-doc)
Dan J Steinanxiety disorders Psychiatry Eric Hollander (post-doc)
Louisa J. SteinbergAuditory system Fernando Nottebohm (research assistant)
Adam Sugi2019 Lucas Sjulson (research assistant)
Adam Hideo Sugi
Adam Sugi
Elyse Sussmanauditory system
Abraham J. Sussweininvertebrate neurobiology19771979 Michael V. Bennett (post-doc)
Leah C SuttonPsychology
Theresa M. SzaboNeuroscience20022007 Donald Faber (post-doc)
Hitoshi Takahashi Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Kanji Takahashi
Seiji TanabeVisual system2010 Adam Kohn (post-doc)
Yizhe Tang Molecular Pharmacology Molecular Pharmacology2012 Dongsheng Cai (post-doc), Sudarshana Purkayastha (collaborator)
Esra F. Taracerebellum
Leon J. Thal Robert Katzman (post-doc)
Yi Tian Neuroscience2019 Lucas Sjulson (research assistant)
Jaafar O. TindiAIDA Bryen A. Jordan (grad student)
Tatjana TrcekRNA biology, germ cell development, single molecule microscopy Robert H. Singer (grad student)
E. Brady TrexlerVisual System, Retina, Electrical synapses19932000 Vytas K. Verselis (grad student)
Evelina Tutucciyeast genetics, biophysics, Gene expression Anatomy and structural biology20142019 Robert H. Singer (post-doc)
Eshwar B. Udho
Ellen Unterwaldneuropharmacology19851988 R. Suzanne Zukin (post-doc)
Wamberto A. Varanda Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Herbert G. Vaughan, Jnr.Event-Related Potentials Saul R. Korey (grad student)
Mercedes Vega-VillarNucleus accumbens, motivation, cued approach, reward learning, in vivo electrophysiology Neuroscience Saleem M. Nicola (post-doc)
Vytas K. Verselisgap junction Michael V. Bennett (post-doc)
Aria Vitale Argyris Stringaris (research assistant)
Ariel VitenzonNeuroscience, Cerebellum Neuroscience20112018 Kamran Khodakhah (grad student)
Steven U. WalkleyLysosomal Disorders
Joy T. Walter20072008 Kamran Khodakhah (grad student), Kamran Khodakhah (post-doc)
Yunyan Wang20072007 Jose Luis Pena (grad student), Donald B. Katz (research assistant)
Jonathan Warner
G. R. Wayne Moore Department of Pathology Cedric Stuart Raine (post-doc)
Qiaozhi Wei
Gary L. Wenkneuroinflammation19811982 Peter Davies (post-doc), Robert D. Terry (post-doc), Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Eric Wexlerneural stem cells, psychopharmacology19941997 Scott Nawy (grad student), Patric K. Stanton (grad student)
Joshua J. Whitecerebellum, motor development
Henryk M. Wisniewski Robert D. Terry (research scientist), Michael L. Shelanski (collaborator)
Stephanie Wissig
Mary Womackcerebellum20022004 Kamran Khodakhah (post-doc)
Zhengyan Wu Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
Kunio Yajima Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Maksim A. YakovlevBiomedical Engineering, Micro-CT Imaging Genetics20142015 Scott Emmons (research assistant)
Tsunekatzu Yamano Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Jingqi Yan Neuroscience20162020 R. Suzanne Zukin (post-doc)
Ellen J. YangHippocampus, kainate, interneurons Diana L. Pettit (post-doc)
Donald J. ZackVisual system, rhodopsin, gene expression Cell Biology19771984 Matthew D. Scharff (grad student)
Joy C. Zagoren Kinuko Suzuki (post-doc)
Amin ZandvakiliVisual system, Neural coding20072014 Adam Kohn (grad student)
Martin Zatz1969 Samuel H. Barondes (grad student)
Andreas Zaucker Developmental and Molecular Biology20112013 Florence L. Marlow (post-doc)
Joshua ZimmerbergThe fundamental membrane mechanisms of enveloped viral infection, parasitic diseases, neurotransmitter release, apoptosis, and cell-cell fusion. Tissue mechanisms of pathogenesis and regeneration by stem cell fusion. Alan Finkelstein (grad student)
Betty ZimmerbergDevelopmental psychopharmacology1971 Murray Jarvik (post-doc)
Janet C. Zimmerman
David Zopf Alan Finkelstein (post-doc)
R. Suzanne ZukinIschemia, NMDA receptors, AMPA receptors, preconditioning, neurodegenerative diseases