Ming Gu

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
 Mathematics University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Numerical linear algebra, Scientific computing
"Ming Gu"
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Jiang Zhu grad student 2005 UC Berkeley
Jianlin Xia grad student 2006 UC Berkeley (MathTree)
Cinna J. Wu grad student 2012 UC Berkeley
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Dou Y, Gu M, Chandrasekaran S. (2019) An efficient algorithm for bounded spectral matching with affine constraint Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications. 26
Liao X, Li S, Cheng L, et al. (2016) An improved divide-and-conquer algorithm for the banded matrices with narrow bandwidths Computers & Mathematics With Applications. 71: 1933-1943
Gu M. (2015) Subspace iteration randomization and singular value problems Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 37: A1139-A1173
Demmel JW, Grigori L, Gu M, et al. (2015) Communication avoiding rank revealing QR factorization with column pivoting Siam Journal On Matrix Analysis and Applications. 36: 55-89
Li S, Gu M, Cheng L, et al. (2014) An Accelerated Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for the Bidiagonal SVD Problem Siam Journal On Matrix Analysis and Applications. 35: 1038-1057
Li S, Gu M, Parlett BN. (2014) An improved dqds algorithm Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 36: C290-C308
Li S, Gu M, Cheng L. (2014) Fast structured LU factorization for nonsymmetric matrices Numerische Mathematik. 127: 35-55
Wilkins G, Gu M. (2013) A modified Brent's method for finding zeros of functions Numerische Mathematik. 123: 177-188
Li S, Gu M, Wu CJ, et al. (2012) New Efficient and Robust HSS Cholesky Factorization of SPD Matrices Siam Journal On Matrix Analysis and Applications. 33: 886-904
Xia J, Xi Y, Gu M. (2012) A Superfast Structured Solver for Toeplitz Linear Systems via Randomized Sampling Siam Journal On Matrix Analysis and Applications. 33: 837-858
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