Rune W. Berg

University of Copenhagen, København, Denmark 
"Rune Berg"
Mean distance: 20683.7 (cluster 35)
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Strohmer B, Najarro E, Ausborn J, et al. (2024) Sparse Firing in a Hybrid Central Pattern Generator for Spinal Motor Circuits. Neural Computation. 36: 759-780
Lindén H, Petersen PC, Vestergaard M, et al. (2022) Movement is governed by rotational neural dynamics in spinal motor networks. Nature
Kaur J, Berg RW. (2022) Viral strategies for targeting spinal neuronal subtypes in adult wild-type rodents. Scientific Reports. 12: 8627
Lindén H, Berg RW. (2021) Why Firing Rate Distributions Are Important for Understanding Spinal Central Pattern Generators. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 719388
Radosevic M, Willumsen A, Petersen PC, et al. (2019) Decoupling of timescales reveals sparse convergent CPG network in the adult spinal cord. Nature Communications. 10: 2937
Berg RW, Willumsen A, Lindén H. (2019) When networks walk a fine line: balance of excitation and inhibition in spinal motor circuits Current Opinion in Physiology. 8: 76-83
Berg RW. (2018) Commentary: Synaptic Excitation in Spinal Motoneurons Alternates with Synaptic Inhibition and Is Balanced by Outward Rectification during Rhythmic Motor Network Activity. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 12: 1
Petersen PC, Berg RW. (2017) Spinal Cord Preparation from Adult Red-eared Turtles for Electrophysiological Recordings during Motor Activity. Bio-Protocol. 7: e2381
Perrier JF, Rasmussen HB, Jørgensen LK, et al. (2017) Intense Activity of the Raphe Spinal Pathway Depresses Motor Activity via a Serotonin Dependent Mechanism. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 11: 111
Berg RW. (2017) Neuronal Population Activity in Spinal Motor Circuits: Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 11: 103
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