University of Copenhagen

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Per Aagaard
Kamilla Angelo2002 Søren-Peter Olesen (grad student)
Daniela Balslev Olaf B. Paulson (grad student)
Francisco Barbosa EscobarConsumer behaviour, multisensory marketing, crossmodal correspondences
Jesper Bastlund
Carmelo BellarditaNeuroscience
Vladimir Berezin
Rune W. Berg Department of Neuroscience2005 Bruce H. Bjornson (grad student), jørn hounsgaard (grad student), David Kleinfeld (grad student)
Elisabeth Bock
Kim Boddum Uffe Kristiansen (grad student)
Christian Bohr1880 Peter Ludvig Panum (grad student)
Robert M. BrownstoneSpinal cord, neural circuits for movement19901991 Hans Hultborn (post-doc)
Fritz Buchthal Johannnes Lindhard (post-doc)
Claus Bundesenvisual attention
Kirsten CaesarNeuroscience, Blood flow, Cerebellum
Samit ChakrabartySpinal Neurophysiology, Interneurones, suprsapinal control20052005 Hans Hultborn (research scientist)
Julia T. Choihuman locomotion and posture Jens Bo Nielsen (post-doc)
Anne-Lise Christensenneuropsychology Alexandr Romanovich Luria (research scientist)
Lasse Christiansenelectrophysiology, brain stimulation, spinal cord injury, motor learning, plasticity department of Exercise and Sports sciences20182019 Jens Bo Nielsen (grad student), Jesper Lundbye-Jensen (post-doc)
Christoffer Clemmensen
Florence Cotel Jean-Francois Perrier (grad student)
Jared CreggNeuroscience
Susanne DitlevsenLeaky integrate-and-fire models, Morris-Lecar model, motoneurons, stochastic processes, statistics
Anders Fink-Jensen
Lars Friberg
Matthias GondanMultisensory integration, RT modeling
Jean-Pierre GossardLocomotion Hans Hultborn (post-doc)
Michael J. GreyNeuromuscular Plasticity, Functional Electrical Stimulation Jens Bo Nielsen (research scientist), Michel Ladouceur (collaborator)
Cornelis Grimmelikhuijzen Department of Biology19962023 Frank Hauser (collaborator)
Vladimir Hachinski Clinical Physiology19741975 Niels Lassen (research scientist)
Philip C. HanawaltDNA repair19581960 Ole Maaløe (post-doc)
Frank Hauser
Valdemar Henriques1891 Christian Bohr (grad student)
Anders HougaardNeurology, Headache
jørn hounsgaardcellular neurobiology, neural networks, spinal cord, cerebellum
Jorn (Jørn) Hounsgaard
Hans Hultborn
Thomas Jespersen
Sanne Barsballe JessenNeurovascular unit and brain aging
Jessica L. Justinussen Morgane Thomsen (grad student)
Konstantin Khodosevich
Jessica Klein20102013 Morten Pilgaard Kristensen (grad student)
Thomas L Koch Department of Biology20182021 Cornelis Grimmelikhuijzen (grad student)
Kristi A. Kohlmeier1996 Michael H. Chase (grad student)
Nathalie KrauthNeural circuits, Motor Control, Energy Homeostasis, Memory Department of Neuroscience Center for Basic Metabolic Research2019 Ole Kiehn (post-doc), Christoffer Clemmensen (post-doc)
Morten Pilgaard KristensenStress, Sleep, Depression
Uffe Kristiansen
Joerg Peter KutterAnalytical Chemistry; Microfluidics
Christina Labarrera
Niels Lassencerebral blood flow, early functional neuroimaging
Nils Lassen
Rodolfo Delgado Lezama jørn hounsgaard (grad student)
Johannnes Lindhard
Matthew George Liptrottractography, DWI, diffusion MRI
Yong Liuentorhinal cortex development
Jesper Lundbye-Jensen
Matthew Domenic Lycas
Niels LynnerupForensic anthropology, osteoarchaeology, paleopathology
Mads Alexander Just MadsenMultiple Sclerosis, Brain Stimulation, TMS, MRI, fMRI, Cortical Lesions, Motor Control Department for Nutrition and Exercise20122017 Jesper Lundbye-Jensen (grad student)
Debora Masini Department of Neuroscience20192021 Ole Kiehn (post-doc)
Felix Mayer Biomedical Science20182023 Randy D. Blakely (post-doc)
Claire Francesca Meehanspinal cord20072012 Hans Hultborn (post-doc)
Jacob Mey Louis Hjelmslev (grad student)
Axel MichelsenBioacoustics1966 Torkel Weis-Fogh (grad student)
Katsumi MinakataAudition, Vision, Somatosensation, Multisensory Integration, Crossmodal Attention, EEG, ERP, Psychophysics, Response Selection
Arne Mosfeldt-Laursen
Thiago C Moulin
Anders S. Munch Jean-Francois Perrier (grad student)
Jens Bo Nielsen Hans Hultborn (grad student)
Dennis Nielsen
Jes OlesenNeurology, Headache Niels Lassen (research scientist)
Søren-Peter Olesenion channels
Sylwia Owczarekcell adhesion molecules
Peter Ludvig Panumepidemiology and physiology
Tatiana PasternakCortical mechanisms of vision Arne Mosfeldt-Laursen (grad student)
Olaf B. Paulson Niels Lassen (grad student)
Jean-Francois PerrierSpinal cord, motoneuron, electrophysiology, serotonin jørn hounsgaard (post-doc)
Peter Christian PetersenSystems Neuroscience20102015 Rune W. Berg (grad student)
Nicolas Caesar PetersenNeuroscience
Igor Ralets2009 Cecilia Lundberg (post-doc)
Rune RasmussenNeuroscience Center for Translational Neuroscience20152018 Nicolas Caesar Petersen (grad student), Maiken Nedergaard (grad student)
Jens Christian Rekling
Kristian H Reveles JensenCOMT, CLARITY, viral entry Neuroscience20092010 Rune W. Berg (research assistant), Jens Christian Rekling (grad student)
Mikkel Roald-Arbølvisual system, sleep, invertebrates, behaviour NEXS Department of Neuroscience20192020 Jesper Lundbye-Jensen (research assistant), Rune W. Berg (research assistant)
Per E. RolandSomatomotor system, PET, optical imaging Department of Neurology Nils Lassen (research assistant)
Annelise Rosenfalck Fritz Buchthal (grad student)
Edgar RubinVisual perception
Raul Russo Neuroscience and Pharmacology Jean-Francois Perrier (collaborator), Jorn (Jørn) Hounsgaard (grad student)
Peter Satirmicrotubule function, cytoskeletal integration Erik Zeuthen (post-doc)
Knut Schmidt-Nielsen1946 August Steenberg Krogh (grad student)
Melanie SchuppExocytosis
Hasti Seifi
Helle M. Sickmann2012 Morten Pilgaard Kristensen (post-doc)
Giacomo SitziaNMDA receptors; Basal Ganglia; Parkinson's disease Neuroscience2023 Ole Kiehn (post-doc)
Neeraj SoniAddiction, neurophysiology, ion channels
Katinka Stecina Ilya A. Rybak (collaborator)
Christina SørensenVisual cortex, Auditory cortex, stress, neural plasticity
Julius Thomsen
Morgane ThomsenAddiction2021 David Woldbye (grad student), Anders Fink-Jensen (research scientist), Maiken Nedergaard (collaborator), Kristi A. Kohlmeier (collaborator), Pia Weikop (collaborator)
Marius TscherningOphthalmology, Accommodation, Myopia, Physiological optics1875 Peter Ludvig Panum (research assistant)
Bige VardarTactile, Electrophysiology20102012 Kristi A. Kohlmeier (grad student)
Navneet A. Vasisthaneurogenesis, comparative Biotech Research and Innovation Centre2017 Konstantin Khodosevich (post-doc)
Nadia Lybøl von SchoubyeCNS Drug Discovery Medicinal Chemistry Research Biomedical Sciences Uffe Kristiansen (grad student), Jean-Francois Perrier (grad student), Thomas Jespersen (grad student)
Pia Weikop
Torkel Weis-FoghInsect flight1949 August Steenberg Krogh (research assistant)
Torkel Weis-Fogh
Victor Frederick Weisskopf1932 Niels Bohr (post-doc)
Donald M. Wilsonmotor control, neuroethology Torkel Weis-Fogh (post-doc)
David Woldbye
Paul C. ZamecnikProtein biosynthesis and anti-sense DNA19391940 Kaj Linderstrøm-Lang (post-doc)
Erik Zeuthen
Zhenxiang ZhaoALS, FTD Department of Neuroscience20212024 Claire Francesca Meehan (grad student)
Shuling ZhouiPSC