Idan Segev

Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 
"Idan Segev"
Mean distance: 13.27 (cluster 6)
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Mertens EJ, Leibner Y, Pie J, et al. (2024) Morpho-electric diversity of human hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Cell Reports. 43: 114100
Moldwin T, Kalmenson M, Segev I. (2023) Asymmetric voltage attenuation in dendrites can enable hierarchical heterosynaptic plasticity. Eneuro
Shani-Narkiss H, Beniaguev D, Segev I, et al. (2023) Stability and flexibility of odor representations in the mouse olfactory bulb. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 17: 1157259
Balcioglu A, Gillani R, Doron M, et al. (2023) Mapping thalamic innervation to individual L2/3 pyramidal neurons and modeling their 'readout' of visual input. Nature Neuroscience
Yayon N, Amsalem O, Zorbaz T, et al. (2022) High-throughput morphometric and transcriptomic profiling uncovers composition of naïve and sensory-deprived cortical cholinergic VIP/CHAT neurons. The Embo Journal. e110565
Hunt S, Leibner Y, Mertens EJ, et al. (2022) Strong and reliable synaptic communication between pyramidal neurons in adult human cerebral cortex. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Chindemi G, Abdellah M, Amsalem O, et al. (2022) A calcium-based plasticity model for predicting long-term potentiation and depression in the neocortex. Nature Communications. 13: 3038
Shapira G, Marcus-Kalish M, Amsalem O, et al. (2022) Statistical Emulation of Neural Simulators: Application to Neocortical L2/3 Large Basket Cells. Frontiers in Big Data. 5: 789962
Berg J, Sorensen SA, Ting JT, et al. (2022) Author Correction: Human neocortical expansion involves glutamatergic neuron diversification. Nature
Ezra-Tsur E, Amsalem O, Ankri L, et al. (2021) Realistic retinal modeling unravels the differential role of excitation and inhibition to starburst amacrine cells in direction selectivity. Plos Computational Biology. 17: e1009754
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