Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Marta Weinstock
Monther Abu-RemailehLysosome/metabolism Yehudit Bergman (grad student)
Jose de Jesus Aceves BuendiaNeurodegenarive diseases and Epilepsy Medical Neurobiology20152017 Joshua A. Goldberg (post-doc)
Merav AhissarPsychophysics20082009 Shaul Hochstein (grad student), Moshe Abeles (grad student), Tim Christian Kietzmann (collaborator), Naftali Tishby (collaborator)
Ehud AhissarTouch, active sensing, closed-loop sensation Moshe Abeles (grad student)
Binshtok AlexanderPain, nociception, TRP channles, Na channles Michael J. Gutnick (grad student)
Amir AmediCortical plasticity, TMS, fMRI, cross-modal plasticity19982004 Ehud Zohary (grad student)
Ido Amihaicognitive neuroscience Leon Deouell (grad student), Shlomo Bentin (grad student)
Nadav AmirComputational Cognitive Science ELSC20142020 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Oren Amsalem NEUROBIOLOGY Idan Segev (grad student)
Fritzie Arce-McShaneSystems Neuroscience, Electrophysiology, Sensorimotor cortex, Aging20032009 Eilon Vaadia (grad student)
Yara Atamna Medical Neurobiology2015 Joshua A. Goldberg (grad student)
Gal Atlan20132021 Ami Citri (grad student)
Reut Avinun Psychology Ariel Knafo-Noam (grad student)
Gai Ayalon Yael Stern-Bach (grad student)
Ran Bachrach19972004 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Jonathan S. BainQuantitative MRI, Laterality ELSC2014 Aviv Mezer (grad student)
Omer BarkaiPain
Gil BejeranoComputational Biology19962000 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Yinon Ben- Neriah
Yoram Ben-Shaul Moshe Abeles (grad student)
David BeniaguevComputational Neuroscience, Single Neuron Computation, Dendritic Integration20152022 Idan Segev (grad student), Mickey London (grad student)
Shlomo BentinCongitive neuroscience Alexandra List (collaborator), Shaul Hochstein (collaborator)
Hagai Bergmanbehavioral neurophysiology1993 Moshe Abeles (grad student), Naftali Tishby (collaborator)
Yehudit Bergman
F Bergmann
Gal BitanAlzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Drug development19901996 Chaim Gilon (grad student)
Noa Blaistain2014 Ami Citri (grad student)
Frederick Shimon Bodenheimer
Louisa Bogaerts Psychology20152016 Arnaud Rey (post-doc)
Thomas BoraudBasal Ganglia20002001 Hagai Bergman (post-doc), Eilon Vaadia (post-doc)
Aviva Breur
Ron S. BroideSensory and Motor Systems, botulinum toxin19951997 Hermona Soreq (post-doc)
Yoram BurakTheoretical neuroscience
Indrajeet C.2020 Mati Joshua (post-doc)
Matan CainEye movements ELSC2018 Mati Joshua (grad student)
Simone Cardoso de OliveiraNeuroscience Eilon Vaadia (post-doc)
Amiram Carmon
Gal ChechikComputational Neuroscience19992006 Israel Nelken (grad student), Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Ronit Cherki Medical Neurobiology2019 Joshua A. Goldberg (research scientist)
Wei-Hua Chiu Medical Neurobiology2016 Joshua A. Goldberg (post-doc)
Ami CitriSynaptic Plasticity, Glutamate receptors, addiction, experience-dependent plasticity, transcription, circuits
Dana CohenMotor system Yosef Yarom (grad student)
Uri CohenInvariant representations, Plasticity, Weakly electric fish, STDP, Neural Network Theory Haim Sompolinsky (grad student)
Chen Cohen Life Science & Psychology20152016 Ami Citri (research assistant)
Hermann CuntzComputational Neuroscience, Dendrites Idan Segev (post-doc)
Gavriel DavidPhysiology and pathology of Calcium handling in motor axons and terminals19821986 Yoel Yaari (grad student)
Yair Deitcher2016 Mickey London (grad student), Idan Segev (grad student)
Leon DeouellAudition19942000 Shlomo Bentin (grad student), Shaul Hochstein (collaborator)
Marshall Devorpain, neuropathology Patrick D. Wall (post-doc)
Opher DonchinMotor control Eilon Vaadia (grad student)
Michael Doron
Shaul Druckmann Idan Segev (grad student)
Shlomo DubnovMachine learning, computer music 19921996 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Eran Eldar Neuroscience20092014 Yael Niv (grad student)
Yaacov Evenchik20132014 Ami Citri (research assistant)
Guy Eyal
Shai Fine Computer Science19931998 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Ilya A. Fleidervish
Reut Fluss-Ashwal20182021 Ami Citri (research scientist)
Esther Fridepharmacology, neurobiology, neuroimmunology, neonatal insults and stress, endocannabinoids Pharmacology Pharmacology Raphael Mechoulam (grad student), Raphael Mechoulam (collaborator), Lumir Hanus (collaborator), Aviva Breur (collaborator), Marta Weinstock (collaborator), Esther Shohani (collaborator)
Ron D. FrostigSomatosensory Cortex Moshe Abeles (grad student)
Idan FruminNeuroscience, Olfaction, Chemosignaling
Eyal Gal
Emilio R. Garrido-SanabriaEpilepsy19971998 Yoel Yaari (post-doc)
Itay Gat Computer Science19931997 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Matan GeronPain, Opioids Pharmacology Avi Priel (grad student)
Amir GlobersonMachine Learning19952005 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Joshua A. GoldbergBasal Ganglia, Neurodegeneration, Parkinson's Disease20152016 Hagai Bergman (grad student), Haim Sompolinsky (grad student), Gilad A. Jacobson (collaborator), Hermona Soreq (collaborator), Gideon A. Sarpong (collaborator)
Yael Goll20122015 Ami Citri (grad student)
Yulia GollandNeuroscience, fMRI, visual, global systems
David Golomb Haim Sompolinsky (grad student)
Elana Zion GolumbicCognitive Science, Neural Mechanisms, Face Detection 20042008 Shlomo Bentin (grad student)
Ben Jerry Gonzales2014 Ami Citri (grad student)
Ariela Gordon-ShaagMyopia; Keratoconus; Pediatric Vision Screening Hematology19942002 Ariella Oppenheim (research assistant)
Elena Olegovna Gorina
Roman U GozCortical development, electrophysiology, genetic abnormality, malformation of cortical development Agriculture Agriculture20072011 Michael J. Gutnick (grad student), Ilya A. Fleidervish (grad student)
Sonja Grünidentification of network interactions, correlation analyses, spike train analysis, data management Moshe Abeles (post-doc)
Robert Gütigspike based information processing, learning20052011 Haim Sompolinsky (post-doc)
Michael J. GutnickNeocortex, Cellular Physiology, Sodium Channels19721973 H Dieter Lux (post-doc), Patrick D. Wall (post-doc)
Aviad HaiNeuroscience Neurobiology Micha E. Spira (grad student)
Rubi HammerVisual Cognition; Learning; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience20042009 Shaul Hochstein (grad student), Daphna Weinshall (grad student)
David HanselNeurophysics, Modeling of Visual Cortex Haim Sompolinsky (post-doc)
Lumir Hanus
Assaf Harel20042009 Shlomo Bentin (grad student)
Doron Haritan2013 Ami Citri (grad student)
Maxwell Hellmann Yaara Stam-Lefler (research assistant), Naama Rotem (research assistant)
Avishai Henik Daniel Kahneman (grad student)
Yirat Henshke Hebrew University of Jerusalem2022 Mati Joshua (grad student)
Itai HershenhorenAuditory system2006 Israel Nelken (grad student)
Peter HillmanVisual Transduction
Benny Hochner
Shaul HochsteinVisual System20042005 Alberto Bernacchia (collaborator), Daphna Weinshall (collaborator), Peter Hillman (grad student)
Katharina T Hoferelectrophysiology, olfaction, olfactory bulb, cocktail-party-problem, neocortex, population activity, hippocampus, sharp-wave ripple Department for Medical Neurobiology20192023 Dan Rokni (post-doc)
Nicholas Paul HolmesMultisensory perception and action, the hand2007 Leon Deouell (post-doc)
Eran HornsteinALS, motor neuron, miRNA Nissim Benvenisty (post-doc), Oded Meyhas (grad student)
Bogna Ignatowska-jankowska2014 Ami Citri (post-doc)
Sharon Israely Brain Sciences, Medical Neurobiology Yifat Prut (post-doc)
Eyal ItskovitsComputer Science, Life Science, Neuroscience
Shachar Iwanir2006 Eitan Reuveny (grad student)
Liz Izakson2014 Ami Citri (grad student)
Jordan JacobowitzClinical Psychology, Assessment, Psychoanalysis 1984 Joel Shanan (grad student)
Gilad A. JacobsonZebrafish olfaction, functional connectivity, forebrain, calcium imaging, viral tracing, behavior2009 Yosef Yarom (grad student)
Sagi Jaffe-DaxDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience Neuroscience Psychology20092016 Merav Ahissar (grad student), Leon Deouell (research assistant)
Maciej Michal JankowskiNeuroscience Neurobiology ELSC2015 Micha E. Spira (collaborator), Israel Nelken (post-doc)
Ron A. JortnerInsect olfaction20002007 Idan Segev (grad student)
Mati Joshuaeye movement and reward20052009 Hagai Bergman (grad student)
Daniel Kahnemandecision making, behavioral economics
Chaya KalcheimDevelopment Nicole Marthe Le Douarin (post-doc)
Golan KarvatMotor circuits, Optogenetics, Oscillations, Cognition, Memory Cognitive and Brain Sciences20222023 Ayelet Landau (post-doc)
Daniela Kaufer Hermona Soreq (grad student)
Alon Shmuel KerenNeuro-Imaging, ERP source localization2005 Leon Deouell (grad student)
Leila KhouriAuditory neuroscience
Avihu Klarneurodevelopment, spinal cord circuitry
Ariel Knafo-NoamValues, Developemtnal psychology, empathy, prosocial behavior, parenting
Ariel Knafo-NoamValues, Developmental psychology, empathy, prosocial behavior, parenting Psychology19962001 Shalom H. Schwartz (grad student)
Kamesh Krishnamurthytheoretical neuroscience, machine learning, biophysics Haim Sompolinsky (research assistant)
Shlomo KrispinDevelopment Chaya Kalcheim (grad student)
Michael Kubovyvisual perception, auditory perception, psychology of art, theories of pleasure19681971 Amos Tversky (grad student), Daniel Kahneman (grad student)
Yonatan M. KupchikDrug addiction, Obesity Neurobiology20052010 Itzchak Parnas (grad student)
Ilan LamplBarrel Cortex Yosef Yarom (grad student)
Ayelet Landauvisual attention, face perception Shlomo Bentin (grad student)
Hadas LapidOlfaction Adi Mizrahi (post-doc)
Noga Larry20172023 Mati Joshua (grad student)
Liora LasHippocampus and Entorhinal Cortex in Bats2006 Israel Nelken (grad student)
Efrat Lasser-Katz Medical Neurobiology20132018 Joshua A. Goldberg (research scientist)
Vitaly Lernercerebral cortex, plasticity, optogenetics, two photon microscopy2011 Yosef Yarom (grad student), Mickey London (grad student)
Hadar Levi-AharoniBrain computer interfaces, perception-action cycles ELSC ELSC20142019 Naftali Tishby (grad student), Oren Shriki (grad student)
Daniel A. Levymemory, consciousness20002002 Shlomo Bentin (grad student)
Aaron LewisLaser spectroscopy
Lior LibmanNeocortex, Cellular Physiology, Sodium Channels, TRP channels Michael J. Gutnick (grad student)
Reuven Lifshitz Safra center for Brain Science2022 David Omer (grad student)
David Matthew Lipton Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences2018 Ami Citri (post-doc)
Vladimir LitvakDeep Brain Stimulation, TMS, MEG19972001 Moshe Abeles (grad student)
Yoav Livnehinsular cortex, hypothalamus, amygdala, hunger, thirst, interoception Neurobiology Adi Mizrahi (grad student)
Adi Lixenberg2016 Mati Joshua (grad student)
Yonatan Loewenstein Haim Sompolinsky (grad student), Yosef Yarom (grad student)
Mickey London Idan Segev (grad student), Michael Häusser (post-doc)
Michael London
Tamar R. Makin2005 Nicholas Paul Holmes (collaborator)
Anat Maril
Heinrich Mendelssohn Zoology Frederick Shimon Bodenheimer (grad student)
Oded Meyhas
Aviv Mezer
Avner Michaeli Rami Yaka (grad student)
Amit MillerComputational Neuroscience
Mark W. Millermotor systems, invertebrate neurotansmitters Neurobiology19841985 Itzchak Parnas (post-doc)
Adi MizrahiNeurogenesis
Osnat Mokryn2004 Yuval Shavitt (grad student)
Toviah Moldwin
Genela Morrisdecision making, dopamine, reinforcement learning, striatum, hippocampus Hagai Bergman (grad student)
Diptendu Mukherjee20132020 Ami Citri (grad student)
Ruth Musgrove Medical Neurobiology20182019 Joshua A. Goldberg (post-doc)
Abdulraheem Nashefmotor system, cerebellum, thalamus, motor cortex Medical Neurobiology2014 Yifat Prut (grad student)
Ilana Naveh Life Science20162017 Ami Citri (research assistant), Ehud Zohary (grad student)
Israel NelkenAuditory system1993 Moshe Abeles (grad student), Naftali Tishby (collaborator)
Erez NitzanDevelopment Chaya Kalcheim (grad student)
Yael Niv Daphna Joel (grad student)
itzhak nussinovitch
Netanel Oferneuroscience
Yulia OganianBilingualism, decision making20072010 Merav Ahissar (grad student)
David OmerNeurophysiology of social cognition
Ariella Oppenheim
Haim Ovadia
Itzchak Parnas F Bergmann (grad student)
Naama Parush ICNC20072012 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Rony Pazbehavioral neurophysiology Eilon Vaadia (grad student)
Sapir Penker2018 Dan Rokni (grad student)
Renana Peres Business Administration Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
Noa Peretz-Rivlin ELSC2015 Ami Citri (grad student)
Anat PerrySocial Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG Shlomo Bentin (grad student)
Yoni Pertzovcognitive neuroscience20042010 Ehud Zohary (grad student)
Xaq Pitkow20032006 Haim Sompolinsky (grad student)
Guy Pozner2014 Ami Citri (grad student)
Hillel PrattEEG, speech perception, auditory system19721977 Haim Sohmer (grad student)
Avi Priel Yael Stern-Bach (grad student), David Julius (post-doc)
Yifat PrutMotor system; Spinal cord1995 Moshe Abeles (grad student)
Jonas Nikolai RichterNeurobiology, Behavior20092014 Benny Hochner (grad student)
Ariel RokemMRI, Vision, Data Science20032005 Merav Ahissar (grad student)
Dan RokniOlfaction20082008 Gilad A. Jacobson (collaborator), Yosef Yarom (grad student), Benny Hochner (grad student)
Dana RonMachine learning, property testing19911995 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Orna Rosenthal19952000 Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
Boris RosinElectrophysiology of the Retina, the Basal Ganglia and the Superior Colliculus, Ophthalmology, Retinal and Macular Degenerations, Eye Movements Hagai Bergman (grad student)
Naama Rotem Yosef Yarom (post-doc)
Zvi Roth
Nava RubinMid-Level Vision19901993 Shaul Hochstein (grad student), Haim Sompolinsky (grad student)
Jonathan Rubin ICNC20072012 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Arthur Ruppin
Dov SagiVisual psychophysics Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
Noam SagivSynaesthesia, Synesthesia, Consciousness, Face Perception19971998 Shlomo Bentin (grad student)
Yosef Schechterauditory
Elad Schneidman Idan Segev (grad student), Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Shimon Schuldiner
Shalom H. Schwartz
Idan Segev Itzchak Parnas (grad student)
Eyal Seidemann1995 Moshe Abeles (grad student)
Ze'ev SeltzerSomatosensory system, Acute pain, Chronic pain, Neuropathic pain, Neurogenetics, Phenomics, Modelling pain in rodents, Trigeminal system, Phantom limb pain, Postsurgical chronic pain, Gene-by-Environment interactions in pain School of Dental Science Neurobiology Psychobiology Center19811983 Jacob Shteiner (grad student), Patrick D. Wall (post-doc), Amiram Carmon (research scientist)
H Sebastian Seung1990 Haim Sompolinsky (post-doc), Naftali Tishby (collaborator)
Meytal ShacharCognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Neuropsychology, ERPs Leon Deouell (grad student)
Nimrod Shaham Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Shani ShalgiCognitive Neuroscience, ERP, consciousness, error awareness2003 Leon Deouell (grad student)
Itay Shalom2021 Ami Citri (grad student)
Ohad ShamirMachine Learning20062010 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Liat Shavit-Grievink20122013 Ami Citri (post-doc)
Yuval Shavitt
Efrat Sheinbach
Lior ShmuelofMotor Control Ehud Zohary (grad student)
Einat ShneorOptometry, Visual System Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
Esther Shohani
Oren ShrikiComputational neuroscience19952003 Haim Sompolinsky (grad student)
Jacob Shteiner
Yoram SingerMachine Learning19911995 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Noam SlonimMachine Learning, Computational Biology, Text analysis19962005 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Alex SobkoSUMOylation, Ubiquitination, SUMO-targeted Ubiquitin Ligase, cell migration, MAP kinase signaling, tyrosine phosphorylation, protein kinase-associated proteins Neurology Neurology19911995 Haim Ovadia (grad student), Joseph Weidenfeld (grad student)
Haim SohmerAuditory physiology
Haim Sompolinsky1989 David Kleinfeld (collaborator), Bertrand I. Halperin (post-doc), Naftali Tishby (collaborator)
Hermona Soreq
Micha E. SpiraNeurobiology and Neuroelectronics Neurobiology Itzchak Parnas (grad student)
Hedva SpitzerColor Vision Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
Yaara Stam-Lefler Yosef Yarom (post-doc)
Yael Stern-Bachionotropic glutamate receptors19921995 Steve F. Heinemann (post-doc), Shimon Schuldiner (grad student)
Shira Strauss20142014 Ami Citri (grad student)
German SumbreNeuroethology Jeffrey M. Camhi (research assistant), Benny Hochner (grad student)
Yuval TassaMotor Control Emanuel Todorov (grad student), Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Michel (Michael) TeliasNeuroscience, Fragile X Syndrome, Retina Medical Neurobiology20052008 itzhak nussinovitch (grad student)
Anna Terem2013 Ami Citri (grad student)
Lior Tiroshi Medical Neurobiology2015 Joshua A. Goldberg (grad student)
Naftali TishbyMachine Learning, Statistical Physics, Computational Neuroscience1985 Shlomo Alexander (grad student), Raphael David Levine (grad student)
Ben Torben-NielsenDendritic morphology Yosef Yarom (post-doc)
Lidror Troyansky19941998 Naftali Tishby (grad student)
Hagit Turm2012 Ami Citri (research scientist)
Nachum UlanovskyHippocampus and Entorhinal Cortex in Bats19972004 Israel Nelken (grad student)
Marylka Yoe UusisaariElectrophysiology, anatomy, cerebellum, inferior olive, viral, optogenetics, imaging, motor2012 Yosef Yarom (post-doc)
Eilon Vaadiamotor system1993 Moshe Abeles (grad student), Naftali Tishby (collaborator)
Carl van VreeswijkComputation, Theory1994 Haim Sompolinsky (post-doc)
Ehud Vinepinsky Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences2019 David Omer (post-doc)
David J. VolskyHIV-1 Loyter Abraham (grad student)
Nora Vrielerelectrophysiology, in vitro patch-clamp recording, neuronal structure-function relationships, motor systems Neuroscience Neuroscience20152023 Yosef Yarom (grad student), Marylka Yoe Uusisaari (grad student)
Shlomo WagnerOlfaction, Vomeronasal system, social interactions, oxytocin Yosef Yarom (grad student), Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
Michael Wagner Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
Joseph Weidenfeld
Benjamin D. WeinerNeural Code2013 Mickey London (grad student)
Daphna WeinshallComputer Science
Daphna WeinshallComputer vision
Yair WeissHuman and machine vision, Machine Learning, Bayesian methods, Neural computation
Ben Avi Weissman
Robert Werman
Yoel YaariElectrophysiology, Epilepsy, Bursting
Rami Yaka Dorit Ron (post-doc)
Merav Yarkoni20152018 Mati Joshua (post-doc)
Yosef Yarom Itzchak Parnas (grad student)
Amit Yaronauditory cortex Israel Nelken (grad student)
Michael YunermanOlfactory system
Shlomit Yuval-GreenbergVision and eye movements20032009 Leon Deouell (grad student)
Neta Zachbehavioral neurophysiology Eilon Vaadia (grad student)
Amotz Zahavi Zoology1954 Heinrich Mendelssohn (grad student)
Adam ZaidelMultisensory Processing20062010 Hagai Bergman (grad student)
Samuel ZibmanBrain Stimulation, Computational Modeling2014 Haim Sompolinsky (grad student), Yosef Yarom (grad student)
Lior Ziv2017 Ami Citri (grad student)
Ehud ZoharyVisual system Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
Gil Zur2017 Mati Joshua (grad student)
Ori Zviran Computer Science20152016 Ami Citri (research assistant)