Bin Z He, Ph.D.

2006-2012 Ecology and Evolution University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
 2012-2017 FAS Center for Systems Biology Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2018- Biology University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 
Gene regulatory evolution, stress response, pathogenic fungi

As a molecular and evolutionary geneticist, I study how organisms adapt to their environment, especially through changes in gene regulatory networks. Using different yeast species as my model system, I seek to unravel general principles of how gene regulation evolves during adaptation; in particular, I’m interested in how evolution in stress response pathways contribute to some species adapting to a novel, commensal lifestyle, with a potential consequence of pathogenicity. Thanks to my training in two academic environments, I uniquely combine population genetic and molecular biology approaches to arrive at a mechanistic understanding of the genetic-phenotypic variation relationship, which I see as lacking in the current field.

Mean distance: 19.59 (cluster 33)
Cross-listing: FlyTree


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Martin Kreitman grad student 2006-2012 Chicago (FlyTree)
 (Using Drosophila natural variation to study the role of positive selection in cis-regulatory evolution and the genetic basis of a complex disease trait.)
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