Edward Soucy

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Vision, Olfaction
"Edward Soucy"
Mean distance: 14.07 (cluster 6)
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Albeanu DF, Provost AC, Agarwal P, et al. (2018) Olfactory marker protein (OMP) regulates formation and refinement of the olfactory glomerular map. Nature Communications. 9: 5073
Liu H, Yang W, Wu T, et al. (2017) Cholinergic Sensorimotor Integration Regulates Olfactory Steering. Neuron
Soucy ER, Albeanu DF, Fantana AL, et al. (2009) Precision and diversity in an odor map on the olfactory bulb. Nature Neuroscience. 12: 210-20
Fantana AL, Soucy ER, Meister M. (2008) Rat olfactory bulb mitral cells receive sparse glomerular inputs. Neuron. 59: 802-14
Albeanu DF, Soucy E, Sato TF, et al. (2008) LED arrays as cost effective and efficient light sources for widefield microscopy. Plos One. 3: e2146
Soucy E, Wang Y, Nirenberg S, et al. (1998) A novel signaling pathway from rod photoreceptors to ganglion cells in mammalian retina. Neuron. 21: 481-93
Soucy ER, Wang Y, Nathans J, et al. (1996) Ganglion cell response properties in the coneless retina of a transgenic mouse Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 37: S1057
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