Martin J. Bourgeois
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, United States |
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"Martin Bourgeois"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeJameson K. Hirsch | grad student | 2003 | University of Wyoming |
Dana M. Binder | grad student | 2006 | University of Wyoming |
Christine M. Adams | grad student | 2007 | University of Wyoming |
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Bourgeois MJ, Sommer KL, Bruno S. (2009) What do we get out of influencing others? Social Influence. 4: 96-121 |
Binder DM, Bourgeois MJ. (2006) Direct and indirect effects of group discussion on consensus Social Influence. 1: 249-264 |
Bourgeois MJ. (2002) Heritability of attitudes constrains dynamic social impact Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 28: 1063-1072 |
Sommer KL, Horowitz IA, Bourgeois MJ. (2001) When juries fail to comply with the law: Biased evidence processing in individual and group decision making Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 27: 309-320 |
Bourgeois MJ, Christman S, Horowitz IA. (1998) The role of hemispheric activation in person perception: Evidence for an attentional focus model Brain and Cognition. 38: 202-219 |
Latané B, Bourgeois MJ. (1996) Experimental Evidence for Dynamic Social Impact: The Emergence of Subcultures in Electronic Groups Journal of Communication. 46: 35-47 |
Bourgeois MJ, Horowitz IA, ForsterLee L, et al. (1995) Nominal and Interactive Groups: Effects of Preinstruction and Deliberations on Decisions and Evidence Recall in Complex Trials Journal of Applied Psychology. 80: 58-67 |
ForsterLee L, Horowitz IA, Bourgeois M. (1994) Effects of notetaking on verdicts and evidence processing in a civil trial Law and Human Behavior. 18: 567-578 |
Williams KD, Bourgeois MJ, Croyle RT. (1993) The effects of stealing thunder in criminal and civil trials Law and Human Behavior. 17: 597-609 |