Jessica J. Summers, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
Educational Psychology EducationGoogle:
"Jessica Summers"Mean distance: 3010.31
Sign in to add mentorDiane L. Schallert | grad student | 2002 | UT Austin | |
(Social goals, achievement goals, and the pathways of peer influence in 6th grade.) |
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Falco LD, Summers JJ. (2019) Improving Career Decision Self-Efficacy and STEM Self-Efficacy in High School Girls: Evaluation of an Intervention: Journal of Career Development. 46: 62-76 |
Falco LD, Summers JJ. (2019) Social Persuasions in Math and Their Prediction of STEM Courses Self-Efficacy in Middle School Journal of Experimental Education. 1-18 |
Summers JJ, Falco LD. (2018) Evaluating Construct Validity of the Middle School Self-Efficacy Scale With High School Adolescents Journal of Career Development. 89484531877338 |
Summers JJ, Davis HA, Hoy AW. (2017) The effects of teachers' efficacy beliefs on students' perceptions of teacher relationship quality Learning and Individual Differences. 53: 17-25 |
Cole JS, Bergin DA, Summers JJ. (2016) A lottery improves performance on a low-stakes test for males but not females Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 25: 488-503 |
Falco LD, Summers JJ, Bauman S. (2010) Encouraging mathematics participation through improved self-efficacy: A school counseling outcomes study Educational Research and Evaluation. 16: 529-549 |
Ciani KD, Middleton MJ, Summers JJ, et al. (2010) Buffering against performance classroom goal structures: The importance of autonomy support and classroom community Contemporary Educational Psychology. 35: 88-99 |
Bauman S, Summers JJ. (2009) Peer victimization and depressive symptoms in Mexican American middle school students: Including acculturation as a variable of interest Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 31: 515-535 |
Summers JJ, Bergin DA, Cole JS. (2009) Examining the relationships among collaborative learning, autonomy support, and student incivility in undergraduate classrooms Learning and Individual Differences. 19: 293-298 |
Ciani KD, Easter MA, Summers JJ, et al. (2009) Cognitive biases in the interpretation of autonomic arousal: A test of the construal bias hypothesis Contemporary Educational Psychology. 34: 9-17 |