University of Texas at Austin

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Bart S. AbplanalpClinical Psychology2001 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
Lawrence D Abraham
Taylor W. AceeEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education, Mathematics Education, Women's Studies Educational Psychology2009 Claire E. Weinstein (grad student)
Michelle V. AchacosoEducational Psychology Education2006 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
George K. Acquaah-Mensah2001 Steven W. Leslie (grad student)
Eishi AdachiStatistics, Nursing, Biostatistics Biology2006 Keenan Pituch (grad student)
Rachelle M. Adams Biology2008 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
DeAnna L. Adkinsbrain plasticity and recovery of function20012005 Theresa Jones (grad student)
Velma Afanador-PerezSpecial Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Elementary Education2002 Shernaz B. Garcia (grad student)
Seema AgarawalaNeuroscience Biology
Seema Agarwala
Laura Agee Psychology Marie H. Monfils (grad student)
Rajvi Agravat Neuroscience2022 Liberty S. Hamilton (grad student)
Nafiz Ishtiaque AhmedMemory consolidation, Medial Temporal Lobe, Striatum Michael Vincent Freedberg (grad student)
Kee-Chan AhnNeuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders Hitoshi Morikawa (post-doc)
Dae-Yong AhnMarketing Business Administration Marketing2009 Vijay Mahajan (grad student)
Ricardo C. AinslieGuidance and Counseling Education, Personality Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology
Aziz M. Al'Khafaji Cell and Molecular Biology2019 Amy Brock (grad student)
Kelly L. AlanisTests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2011 Edmund Emmer (grad student)
Drema D. AlbinClinical Psychology2001 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Duane G. AlbrechtVisual System Wilson S. Geisler (collaborator)
Adriana A. AlcantaraNeuroscience, Cell Biology, Behavioral
Matthew E. AldenNeural and Cognitive Modeling Computer Science2007 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Richard W. AldrichIon channels
Mark W. AlexanderMusic2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Alicia L. AlexanderSpeech Communication, Social Psychology2004 Anita L. Vangelisti (grad student)
Elizabeth S. AlexanderEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology Educational Psychology2008 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Mohammad A. AlghoraniEducational Psychology Education, Personality Psychology, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2003 Toni L. Falbo (grad student)
Carolyn S. AllemandCurriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education, Educational Psychology Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Sydnye D. AllenBlack Studies, Public Health, Individual and Family Studies Human Development and Family Sciences2009 Nancy Hazen-Swann (grad student)
John AllisonSensory systems neurophysiology Walter Wilczynski (grad student)
Rachel P. AllredBehavioral Neuroscience Psychology2009 Theresa Jones (grad student)
Shane S. AlluaEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology Educational Psychology2007 Susan N. Beretvas (grad student)
Lynn M. Almli Neuroscience2009 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Douglas L. Altshuleranimal flight, biomechanics, motor control, visual guidance, visual neuroscience Zoology19962001 Robert Dudley (grad student)
Nicole Andrea Amador2000 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Amy D. AmidonClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Gender Studies Educational Psychology2008 Alissa Sherry (grad student)
Anthony P. AmmeterManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology2000 Janet M. Dukerich (grad student)
Abe Amsel
Edward AndersonEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology
Urton AndersonBehavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Accounting Business Administration
Richard J AntonelloEncoding models of language20192024 Alexander G. Huth (grad student)
Anne E. AppelClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2001 George W. Holden (grad student)
Thomas L. Arnowimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing Electrical and Computer Engineering2008 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Maria M Arredondobilingualism, language acquisition
Andrea E. ArthurDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2008 Rebecca Bigler (grad student)
Ryan T. AshCortical circuits, autism20062007 Eyal Seidemann (research assistant)
Deepashree A. AthleSocial Psychology Psychology2006 Carson B. Wagner (grad student)
Nigel Atkinson
Allison Auchter Psychology Marie H. Monfils (grad student)
Katherine V. Aumer-RyanDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2008 Rebecca Bigler (grad student)
Romana L. Autreyauditory system2005 Na Li (grad student)
Maria D. AvalosEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2004 Toni L. Falbo (grad student)
Travis A BabolaAuditory system, development Neuroscience20112013 Nace L. Golding (research assistant)
Travis A. BabolaAuditory system, MSO2011 Nace L. Golding (research assistant)
Yoon Bai Center for Perceptual Systems Robbe L.T. Goris (grad student)
Maria K. BakerClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Kelley A. Baker-SpannEducational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies, Developmental Psychology2001 Edmund Emmer (grad student)
Akram BakkourfMRI, memory, decision making20092014 Russell A. Poldrack (grad student)
Lavanya BalasinghamGuidance and Counseling Education, Personality Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology Counseling Psychology2007 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Willa Belinda Baldwin1980 Raymond C. Hawkins (grad student)
Rita Balice-Gordon Wesley J. Thompson (grad student)
Dana H. Ballardvisual system,computational neuroscience
Melanie E. BallatoreEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2007 Kevin Stark (grad student)
John A. BanasSpeech Communication, Marketing Business Administration2005 Monique Turner (grad student)
Susan M. Bankssynapses, synuclein Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology Janice A. Fischer (grad student)
Hongbo BaoNeuropharmacology ICMB2008 R. Adron Harris (grad student)
Dodd BarbaraEducational Psychology Education
Edward D. BarkerSocial Psychology2003 George W. Holden (grad student)
Barry S. Barnettimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing2000 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Douglas W. Barrett2005 Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student)
Amanda P. BarrowGeneral Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology Counseling Psychology2007 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Timothy M. Barthplasticity, recovery of function Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Silvia K. BartolicIndividual and Family Studies, Physiological Psychology, General2012 Edward Anderson (grad student)
Christel Celeste BastidaNeuroendocrinology, Cancer, Phase I Clinical Trials, Reconstructive Surgery, Patient-reported outcomes Yvon Delville (grad student)
Marlene T. BatemanMusic2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Danielle E. BatesEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2006 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Eric E. Bauer2001 George Pollak (grad student)
Alexander T. BaughBehavioral Biology Neuroscience2009 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Roy D. Bayly Cell and Molecular Biology2009 Seema Agarwala (grad student)
Charles BeamanVisual System, Sleep, ECoG Mechanical Engineering20072009 Richard R. Neptune (research assistant)
Lucinda M. BeardGeneral Psychology, Oncology2004 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Sarah K. BearmanClinical Psychology Psychology2005 Eric Stice (grad student)
Gary A. BeckSpeech Communication, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology2010 Anita L. Vangelisti (grad student)
Victoria E. Becknersimilarity, analogy, decision making, categorization, knowledge representation, reasoning and individual differences2004 Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
James A. Bednarcomputational neuroscience, visual system, topographic maps, development19952002 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Jennifer S. Beer
Maria Beth BellDecision & reward, motion processing20052008 Alex C. Huk (grad student)
Bridget J. BemMusic2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Laura S. BennettDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2004 Nancy Hazen-Swann (grad student)
Suzanna M BennettCalcium signaling Neuroscience20142018 Richard W. Aldrich (research assistant)
Michelle L. BensenbergGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Public and Social Welfare2000 Gary Borich (grad student)
Giacomo BenvenutiNeuroscience Center for Perceptual Systems2015 Eyal Seidemann (post-doc)
Stephan J. BeraTechnology of Education2004 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Susan N. BeretvasEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology
Michael S. BergmanClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology2004 Clayton Shorkey (grad student)
Monica L. BerlangaNeuroscience, Cell Biology, Behavioral Institute of Neuroscience2006 Adriana A. Alcantara (grad student)
Ximena E. Bernal Ecology, Evolution and Behavior2007 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
William Morris BernsteinNeuroscience Theory psychology19761981 Robert A. Wicklund (grad student), Robert L. Helmreich (grad student)
Celia BeronMolecular Neuroethology20132015 Andres G. Vidal-Gadea (research assistant)
Alejandro BerrioEpigenetics, evolution and Behaviour Ecology Evolution and Behavior20092016 Steven M. Phelps (grad student)
Alicia D. BethEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education, Rhetoric and Composition Language2004 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Kelley R. BeversBiopsychosocial model of pain Psychology Psychology20122012 Samuel D. Gosling (research assistant), Raymond C. Hawkins (research assistant)
Janice M. BeyerManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Jamil Palacios BhanjiSocial and Affective Neuroscience Jennifer S. Beer (grad student)
Natalia B. Biani Biology2009 Lawrence E. Gilbert (grad student)
Kevin Wood Bieri Laura Lee Colgin (grad student)
Rebecca BiglerDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Alex Birdsill Psychology20132019 Andreana P. Haley (grad student)
Nathaniel J. Blancocognition, decision-making, categorization, learning W Todd Maddox (grad student)
Sondra T. Bland2000 Timothy Schallert (grad student), Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student)
Cindy A. BlankenshipEducational Psychology Education2000 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Angelo Blasio2014 Robert O. Messing (post-doc)
Yuri A. BlednovNeuroscience Biology
Cheasequah J Blevins Neuroscience Boris V. Zemelman (grad student)
Martin Blumenfeld Hugh S Forrest (post-doc)
Alison G. BoardmanEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Elementary Education2004 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Stephen L. BoehmAlcoholism20022005 R. Adron Harris (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. Boerger2005 Jacqueline Woolley (grad student)
Corey J. Bohilcognitive psychology, category learning, decision making2002 W Todd Maddox (grad student)
Nicole K. Bohnsack Kinesiology & Health Education20102014 Jonathan B. Dingwell (grad student)
Brian J. BondyLocus Coeruleus2014 Nace L. Golding (grad student)
Kathryn Bonnen Lawrence K. Cormack (grad student), Alex C. Huk (grad student)
Maria C. Booherparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next2000 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Jane E. BoothClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2003 Caryn L. Carlson (grad student)
Cecilia M BorgheseLigand-gated ion channels; voltage-gated potassium channels
Gary BorichEducational Psychology Education
William Bosking2006 Eyal Seidemann (post-doc)
Zoe M Boundy-Singer Center for Perceptual Systems Robbe L.T. Goris (grad student)
Jennifer N. BourneStructural plasticity
Alan C. Bovikimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing
Neal A. BowenClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2002 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Aimee M. BoydPsychometrics Psychology, Statistics, Tests and Measurements Education2003 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Erin F. Boyd-SoissonDevelopmental Psychology2002 Nancy Hazen-Swann (grad student)
Kalina M. BrabeckGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Women's Studies, Hispanic American Studies2006 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Andrea M. Bradford Psychology2009 Cindy Meston (grad student)
Kathy D. BradleyDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Darrin H. BragerRegulation of neuronal excitability2005 Daniel Johnston (research scientist)
Sylvia H. BrancaDevelopmental Psychology2005 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
Alyssa M. Braun2002 Peter Thomas (grad student)
Melinda J. BravoEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology2003 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Robert Brenner1997 Nigel Atkinson (grad student)
Eric Brenner
Eric Brenner Cell and Molecular Biology2021 Amy Brock (grad student)
Zachary Bretton-Granatoor Neuroscsience2019 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (grad student)
Caitlin C. Brez Psychology2009 Leslie Cohen (grad student)
John V. Brigandedevelopment, inner ear Karen Artzt (post-doc)
Edna BrinkleyClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Black Studies, Women's Studies2001 Toni L. Falbo (grad student)
Steven G. BrittDrosophila visual system development and function
Amy BrockCell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics
Susan BroniarczykMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Franklin BronsonNeuroscience Biology
Frank BronsonReproductive neuroendocrinology
Christia S. BrownDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2003 Rebecca Bigler (grad student)
David H. BrownAuditory system2018 Nace L. Golding (post-doc)
Cheryl A. BrowneDevelopmental Psychology2004 Jacqui D. Woolley (grad student)
Christopher G. BrownsonIndividual and Family Studies, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2001 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Aleksandra Bruchey2006 Marie H. Monfils (post-doc), Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student)
Charles Thomas Bruesentomology1902 William Morton Wheeler (grad student)
Audrey Christine Brumbackneurophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders19981999 George Pollak (research assistant)
Allison Bruning Psychology2018 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (grad student)
Richard J. Brunt Psychology2007 Leslie Cohen (grad student)
Bobby D. BryantNeural and Cognitive Modeling Computer Sciences2006 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Dulce P. BuenoManagement Business Administration, Health Care Management2000 Janice M. Beyer (grad student)
Johannes D. BurgeVisual system20102015 Wilson S. Geisler (post-doc), Benjamin Scholl (collaborator)
R. Michael Burger2000 George Pollak (grad student)
Sabrina S. Burmeisterneuroethology, animal communication, behavioral endocrinology2001 Walter Wilczynski (grad student)
Dayna S. BurnettGeneral Psychology, Cinema Educational Psychology2007 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Clarke BurnhamClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Emily W. BurtonClinical Psychology Psychology2006 Caryn L. Carlson (grad student)
Angela M. BushEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education2006 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Brianne J. ButcherClinical Psychology, Special Education, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2009 Timothy Keith (grad student)
Luisa Cacheauxcalcium channels, mTOR, ERK Kimberly F. Raab-Graham (post-doc)
Narriman L. Callaway2003 Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student)
Marguerite C. CampBehavioral Neuroscience Psychology2007 Theresa Jones (grad student)
Gerald A. CampbellBlood-brain barrier, Cerebral small vessel disease19691974 Richard Alfred Matzner (grad student)
Adem Can Psychology2008 Yvon Delville (grad student)
Jose Ernesto Canton-Josh Neuroscience20102014 Michael Dean Mauk (research assistant)
William H. CanuClinical Psychology2004 Caryn L. Carlson (grad student)
Lei CaoNeuroscience, Cancer, Gene therapy, Virology, Metabolism Mechanical Engineering2007 Steven Biegalski (grad student)
E. John CapaldiAnimal Learning, Animal Memory, Comparative Cognition Hugh G. Blodgett (grad student)
Jeremy CapelloClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology Counseling Psychology2008 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Stephanie L. CaplesGeneral Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Women's Studies, Black Studies Counseling Psychology2008 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Allison G. CaplovitzTechnology of Education, Early Childhood Education, Reading Education2005 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
Kima L. CargillSocial Psychology, Law2002 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Caryn L. CarlsonClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Stephanie M. Carlsonretina2006 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Blaine H. CarrPhysiological Psychology, Clinical Psychology2001 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Ronald C. CarrellSocial Psychology, Management Business Administration, Speech Communication2004 Stefano Grazioli (grad student)
Jo A. CarsonNutrition, Educational Psychology Education2000 M Beth Gillham (grad student)
Caryn L. CarsonClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Caryn L. CarsonClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Marianella Casasola2000 Leslie Cohen (grad student)
Rita J. CaseyClinical Psychology, Early Childhood Education1988 Judith Langlois (grad student)
Matilde Castro Pharmacology and Toxicology Pharmacy20182018 Saul Jaime (research assistant), Rueben A. Gonzales (research assistant)
Zeynep CemalcilarEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Technology of Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2003 Toni L. Falbo (grad student)
M. Catalina Cervantes Pharmacology and Toxicology2018 Yvon Delville (grad student), Saul Jaime (research scientist)
Jessica H. ChanceyGABA receptors, adult neurogenesis MacKenzie A. Howard (post-doc)
L. Judson Chandler Steven W. Leslie (grad student)
Bharath Chandrasekaranhuman auditory system
Young E. ChangDevelopmental Psychology, Women's Studies, Individual and Family Studies2003 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
Yin-Jui Chang Biomedical Engineering Mechanical Engineering20192018 Samantha R. Santacruz (grad student), Benito Fernandez (grad student)
Hsiu-Sui ChangLanguage and Literature Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Higher Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Chia-chien ChangLinguistics Language, Language and Literature Education2005 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Payne Yun-peng ChangSynaptic plasticity, hippocampus2006 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Sumohana S. Channappayyaimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2007 Alan C. Bovik (grad student), Robert W. Heath (grad student)
Jennifer R. ChapmanMental Health, Clinical Psychology2002 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Harold H. ChaputNeural and Cognitive Modeling2004 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Julie A Charlton Center for Perceptual Systems Robbe L.T. Goris (grad student)
Allison K. ChaseClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Public Health, Health Education2001 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
Stacy Po-Ting Chen Linguistics Nicole Y. Y. Wicha (grad student)
Xixi ChenIon channels, dendritic information processing20042006 Daniel Johnston (post-doc), Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Wan-Chen Chendevelopment, aging2003 Guy Manaster (grad student)
Chao Chenimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 Alan C. Bovik (grad student), Robert W. Heath (grad student)
Grace A. ChenClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Ying-Shu ChenSpecial Education, Early Childhood Education, Language and Literature Education Special Education2008 Shernaz B. Garcia (grad student)
Yu-Jung ChenEducational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education Educational Psychology2006 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Nina ChengDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Chi-chia ChengDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Educational Psychology Education2004 Kristin Neff (grad student)
Ian Cheng Yvon Delville (grad student), Theresa Jones (post-doc)
Shao-Ying Cheng Neuroscience2009 Yvon Delville (grad student)
David S. ChesterAggression, Rejection, Self-Regulation, Social Neuroscience, Research Methodology Department of Psychology20102011 Jennifer S. Beer (research assistant)
Yung-nan ChiangLanguage and Literature Education, Educational Psychology Education2006 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Sonia Chin20062008 David Pafford Crews (research assistant)
Rohit D. ChitreBiomedical Engineering2000 Lawrence D Abraham (grad student)
Ravindra ChitturiMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology2003 Vijay Mahajan (grad student)
Raymond Chitwood Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Han M. ChngManagement Business Administration Management2006 Alison Davis-Blake (grad student)
Yoonsuck Choecomputational neuroscience, physical sectioning microscopy, neuroinformatics2001 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Se Hoon H. ChoiAlzheimer, Neurogenesis Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Hyo H. Choiimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing Biomedical Engineering2006 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Veronica ChoiVisual system
Jill G. ChrismanBehavioral Psychology, Women's Studies Educational Psychology2007 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Hsiang-Ning R. ChuEducational Psychology Education, Language and Literature Education Educational Psychology2008 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Hyung-Hwa ChuLanguage and Literature Education, American Literature, Higher Education Curriculum and Instruction2008 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Ping-Fang M. ChuEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2007 Edmund Emmer (grad student)
Sun Y. ChunEnglish as a Second Language Education, Foreign Language Education, Technology of Education, Teacher Training Education2011 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Jessica A. Church-LangfMRI, reading, development
Malgorzata ChwatkoPolymers, Membranes20152019 Nathaniel A. Lynd (grad student)
Maya Reynolds Clark2006 Ronald B. Gillam (grad student)
Loretta J. ClarkePhysical Education, Early Childhood Education, Individual and Family Studies, Recreation2000 Joe L. Frost (grad student)
Peter clasen David Schnyer (grad student)
Pamela Clement1980 Raymond C. Hawkins (grad student)
Ben Clites Cell and Molecular Biology Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Jamie M. Cloud20062012 David M. Buss (grad student)
Victoria V. CobbRhetoric and Composition Language, Language and Literature Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Gabriela Coello-ReyesVisual Systems
Roberto Ulises Cofresialcohol, affect, behavioral automaticity, conditioning, motivation, reward Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology20162018 Regina A. Mangieri (research assistant), Rueben A. Gonzales (research assistant), Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student), Kim Fromme (collaborator), Hongjoo Joanne Lee (collaborator), Marie H. Monfils (collaborator), Hongjoo Joanne Lee (grad student), Marie H. Monfils (grad student), Kim Fromme (grad student)
Leslie Cohen
Jesse Cohn Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Laura Lee Colginhippocampus, brain rhythms
Jeffrey H. CombsTransmembrane signalling2006 Martin Poenie (grad student)
Catherine J. ConnellyAuditory Circuitry and Plasticity Neuroscience2015 Nace L. Golding (post-doc)
Enrique Contreras-HernándezSpinal cord, dorsal horn, spontanoeus activity Biomedical Engineering2019 Samantha R. Santacruz (post-doc)
Jason B. CookAlcohol, GABA, neurosteroids Neuroscience20142017 Hitoshi Morikawa (post-doc)
Samuel E Cooperanxiety, fear conditioning, avoidance, psychophysiology, neuroimaging, quantitative psychopathology2019 Joseph E. Dunsmoor (post-doc)
Jessica A. Cooper W Todd Maddox (grad student)
William R. CorbinClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology20002002 Kim Fromme (post-doc)
Stephanie B. CorlissEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education2005 Claire E. Weinstein (grad student)
Lawrence K. CormackVisual system Alex C. Huk (collaborator)
Jesse R. CougleClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2008 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
Fanni L. CowardEducational Psychology Education, Speech Communication2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Kimberly Hillsman Coxreproductive neuroendocrinology, behavioral neuroendocrinology20032005 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Joseph C. CrabtreeMusic2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Megan Creaseylight matter interaction, quantum dots, single photon sources, ultrafast spectroscopy, blood diagnostics Physics20062012 Xiaoqin Li (grad student)
Adam C. CreasyEducational Psychology Education, Recreation2006 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
David Pafford Crews
Ashley Crisp Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Christine E. CrookallMusic2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Danielle A. CrosbyDevelopmental Psychology2000 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
James CrowellVisual perception John T. Patterson (grad student)
Guohong Cuidopamine Institute for Neuroscience20022007 Hitoshi Morikawa (grad student)
Molly E. Cummings
Isabella C.M. Cunninghamadvertising, marketing
Melissa A. CurranDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology2004 Nancy Hazen-Swann (grad student)
Thaddeus Bradley CzubaVision Science Sensory Neuroscience Sensory Neuroscience Neuroscience Psychology20162012 Alex C. Huk (grad student), Lawrence K. Cormack (grad student), Alex C. Huk (post-doc), Lawrence K. Cormack (post-doc)
Kimberly DahlVoice disorders, Speech motor control, Voice perception Department of Linguistics20072009 Lars Hinrichs (grad student)
Richard W. DanielsDrosophila synapse20002002 Bing Zhang (research assistant)
Homa B. DastaniPharmacy, Public Health, Health Care Management2005 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Jaimie N. DavisNutrition2004 M Beth Gillham (grad student)
Barbara L. Davis
Debra L. Davis2004 Jacqueline Woolley (grad student)
Laurie L. DavisPsychometrics Psychology2002 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Frederick DavisCircadian Rhythms Michael Menaker (grad student)
Scott Davis
Alison Davis-BlakeManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Mary E. Dawson Integrative Biology2007 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Lainy B. Dayavian cognition, neuroanatomy, cerebellum Timothy Schallert (grad student), Walter Wilczynski (grad student), David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Kaya de Barbarocognitive flexibility Psychology2012 Gedeon O. Deák (grad student)
Judah Ben De PaulaColor selectivity, topographic maps Computer Sciences Computer Sciences20042007 James A. Bednar (grad student), Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Tamara L. DeHayPersonality Psychology, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2008 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Leta F. DeithloffEducational Psychology Education, Language and Literature Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Kullaya DejitthiratBehavioral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2004 Kristin Neff (grad student)
Rocio DelgadoSpecial Education, Hispanic American Studies, Reading Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2006 Shernaz B. Garcia (grad student)
Judy S. DeLoachecognitive development, symbolic functioning Leslie Cohen (grad student)
Yvon Delville
Anna P. DematatisPhysiological Psychology2005 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Nikolai C. DembrowSensorimotor integration Center for Learning and Memory20072014 Harold H. Zakon (post-doc), Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Damion V. DemeterfMRI, rs-fcMRI, Functional Network Development, Cognitive Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscience Psychology Jessica A. Church-Lang (grad student), Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (collaborator)
Peyton G DemetrovichIn vivo hippocampal electrophysiology Neuroscience Laura Lee Colgin (grad student)
Brandi L. DeMontCurriculum and Instruction Education, Foreign Language Education, Higher Education2010 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Nicole E. Deneen-Bell2003 Philip B. Gough (grad student)
Maansi Desai Communication Sciences and Disorders20182023 Liberty S. Hamilton (grad student)
Claude DesjardinsReproductive neuroendocrinology
Brian G. Dias Institute for Neuroscience2008 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Laurea DiazIon channels, intrinsic plasticity20052005 Daniel Johnston (post-doc), Richard A. Morrisett (grad student)
Gabe J. DiazVision, PandA2010 Mary M. Hayhoe (post-doc)
Gabriel J Diazvisually guided action, visual perception, eye tracking, virtual reality Psychology20102013 Mary M. Hayhoe (post-doc)
Kevin E. DicksonManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2003 Alison Davis-Blake (grad student)
Randy DiehlSpeech perception and production, phonetic theory, cognition
Peter D. Dijkstra
Geoffrey Dilly20092012 Christina J. Schier (research assistant)
Jonathan B. DingwellBiomechanics, Movement Science, Dynamics, Locomotion19951998 Peter R. Cavanagh (grad student)
Anna A. DiverDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Criminology and Penology, Women's Studies2002 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Theodore DixDevelopmental Psychology
Marjorie May Dixon Integrative Biology20142021 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Seung L. DoEducational Psychology Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
QuynhChau D. DoanPharmacy2006 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Barbara G. DoddPsychometrics Psychology
James M. Doherty Rueben A. Gonzales (post-doc)
Alvin A. Dolan-HendersonPersonality Psychology2003 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
Juan M. Dominguezmotivated behavior20072010 Hayley Kleitz Nelson (collaborator)
Margaret Donahue Laura Lee Colgin (grad student)
Manoj K. DossEpisodic memory, cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychopharmacology, psychoactive drugs, psychedelics Center for Learning and Memory20092010 Alison R. Preston (research assistant)
Chantelle J. DowsettDevelopmental Psychology Human Ecology2006 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
William M. Doyondrug addiction, dopamine system20002005 Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
Meredith L. DraperGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2008 Alissa Sherry (grad student)
Barbara J. DraySpecial Education, Teacher Training Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2005 Shernaz B. Garcia (grad student)
Gwen E. Dressing Marine Science2008 Peter Thomas (grad student)
Janet M. DukerichManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Kent D. Dunlap Harold H. Zakon (post-doc)
Michelle Louise Dupre Neuroscience20032009 S. John Mihic (grad student)
Christine DuvauchelleBehavioral pharmacology, dopamine, ethanol
Manoranjan Savio D\'Souza Pharmacology and Toxicology2007 Christine Duvauchelle (grad student)
Danielle Eagan Psychology20082015 Andreana P. Haley (grad student)
Kyler M. Eastmandecision making Psychology20082008 Brian J. Stankiewicz (grad student), Alex C. Huk (grad student)
Arshia EbrahimiClinical Psychology Educational Psychology2007 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
David John Echevarria
Catharine H. EcholsDevelopmental Psychology
J. Mark Eddy
Meaghan S. EdmondsEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2007 Gary Borich (grad student)
Elizabeth Edmundson-DranePublic Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Behavioral Psychology, Health Education
Kristine R. EhrichMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration2004 Julie R. Irwin (grad student)
Daren M. Eiri
Elaine L. Ellerton Neurobiology20082008 A BY (post-doc), Mendell Rimer (grad student)
Jeffrey L. Elmancognitive science, neural networks, language processing, development, computational models1977 Peter F. MacNeilage (grad student)
Brent D. ElwoodPersonality Psychology, Theory and Methods2001 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
Edmund EmmerEducational Psychology Education
Laura E. Engelhardt Psychology2013 Jessica A. Church-Lang (grad student)
Sylvia R. EppsDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies2006 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
Ozgur ErdurMental Health, Educational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2002 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Jody L. ErnstDevelopmental Psychology, Genetics Psychology2006 Jennifer L. Matjasko (grad student)
Guillermo Y. Espinoza2000 Walter Wilczynski (grad student)
Jacqueline J Evanssocial endocrinology, pedagogy in Psychology Psychology20062011 Robert Josephs (grad student)
Ben J EvansEvolutionary Genetics Integrative Biology20012004 David C. Cannatella (post-doc)
Toni L. FalboEducational Psychology Education, Hispanic American Studies, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education
Melissa A. FarmerFemale sexuality20012004 Cindy Meston (research assistant)
Sean P. Farris R. Adron Harris (post-doc)
Laura L. FaulknerIndustrial Psychology, Information Science2006 Robert L. Helmreich (grad student)
Allison Anne Feduccia Pharmacy2009 Christine Duvauchelle (grad student)
Leila M. Feinbergrodent behavior, mechanisms of episodic memory, hippocampus, axonal transport mechanisms20042006 Timothy Schallert (research assistant)
Tatjana FeinsteinVisual perception, auditory perception2006 David L. Gilden (grad student)
Gangyi Feng20162017 Bharath Chandrasekaran (post-doc)
Lief E Fenno
Lindsay Ferguson2010 Yvon Delville (grad student)
Leonardo FernandinoNeuroscience of language, neuroimaging20022003 Peter F. MacNeilage (research assistant)
Robert E. Ferrellbiochemistry, genetics1970 G Barrie Kitto (grad student)
Roger S. FerrellMusic Education, Music2000 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
William P. Few2003 Harold H. Zakon (grad student)
Ila R. FieteComputation, theory, coding, dynamics
Jodene Fineneuropsychology, neuroimaging Margaret (Peg) Semrud-Clikeman (grad student)
Maria N. FishelEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2007 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Nicole D. FitzpatrickDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2004 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Brigitte F. FleemanManagement Business Administration, Educational Psychology Education, Business Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Alice A. Fleming2000 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Jennifer L. FogelNeuroscience Biology Neuroscience2008 Seema Agarawala (grad student)
Hugh S Forrest
Tom P. FrankenAuditory system, superior olivary complex, ITD, patch clamp, visual system, visual cortex, border ownership Nace L. Golding (grad student)
Robert A. FrazorVisual System19952002 Duane G. Albrecht (grad student)
MIchael Vincent FreedbergLearning and Memory
Michael Vincent FreedbergLearning and Memory, Neuroscience
Gili Freedman Psychology Jennifer S. Beer (grad student)
Karen D. FrenchTeacher Training Education, Technology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2004 Anna E. Maloch (grad student)
Samantha Friedrich Michael Dean Mauk (research assistant)
Parker FrisbiePublic Health, Behavioral Psychology
Penelope F. Frohlich2003 Cindy Meston (grad student)
William FromingSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Industrial Psychology Psychology1977 Bill Underwood (grad student)
Kim FrommeAddictions
Joe L. FrostDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Educational Psychology Education
Zoltan Fuzesseryneuroethology George Pollak (post-doc)
Julia GallegosSpecial Education, Educational Psychology Education, Elementary Education Special Education2008 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Judith D. GallikHigher Education2001 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Sarah Garbber Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Shernaz B. GarciaEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Elementary Education, Hispanic American Studies
Lizbeth K. Garcia-BravoSocial Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Women's Studies Educational Psychology2008 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Andrea Gardner Biomedical Engineering2024 Amy Brock (grad student)
Deanna H. Gatesmotor control, biomechanics20052009 Jonathan B. Dingwell (grad student)
Bernard D. GelmanEpisodic memory, Reward motivation, MTL20132015 Alison R. Preston (research scientist)
Brian J. Gereke Laura Lee Colgin (grad student)
H. Carl Gerhardtfrog communication, evolution and ecology of animal communication1970 W. Frank Blair (grad student)
Stacey L. GerkenSocial Psychology, Black Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Higher Education, Educational Psychology Education2000 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Morton Ann Gernsbacherpsycholinguistics, cognitive science, autism19801983 Donald J. Foss (grad student)
Aimee E. Gerrard-MorrisClinical Psychology Educational Psychology2007 Timothy Keith (grad student)
Deepti GhadiyaramImage and Video Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning
Michael R. GhormleyClinical Psychology2000 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Elizabeth A. GibbonsClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2000 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Bryce N. GibbsCognitive Psychology2002 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Erin M Giglio Ecology, Evolution and Behavior20122021 Steven M. Phelps (grad student)
Lucia A. GilbertSocial Psychology, Black Studies, Women's Studies
David L. GildenVisual perception, auditory perception
M Beth GillhamNutrition, Educational Psychology Education
Lynette R. GillisOrganizational, Management Business Administration Management2008 Janet M. Dukerich (grad student)
Ansley GilpinClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Jacqueline Woolley (grad student)
Cynthia K. GipsonDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies Area II Development and Culture2008 Marie-Anne Suizzo (grad student)
Deborah M. GirouxEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology - School Psychology2008 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Brian D. Glasscognitive psychology, decision making W Todd Maddox (grad student)
John A. GlynnEducational Psychology Education, Sociology of Education, Speech Communication2000 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student), Edmund Emmer (grad student)
Denise GobertHuman Development2000 Lawrence D Abraham (grad student)
Cameron A. GoetzClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Nace L. GoldingDendritic information processing
Beth Erlichman Goldstein Cell and Molecular Biology20022009 S. John Mihic (grad student)
Micah Goldwaterrole-governed categories, language, developmental psychology2009 Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
Lina Gomez Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Faustino J. GomezNeural and Cognitive Modeling2003 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Rueben A. Gonzales Steven W. Leslie (grad student)
Mitzi Gonzalez Psychology20072015 Andreana P. Haley (grad student)
Guadalupe GonzalezRacial Bias
Francisco Gonzalez-Lima
Carroll GonzoMusic Education, Educational Psychology Education
Keith M. Gora Psychology2009 Leslie Cohen (grad student)
Alexander Gordienko
Adam Girard Gordon-FennellCircuits, Motivated behavior. SUD, Consumption Neuroscience20132019 Michela Marinelli (grad student)
Andrea C. GoreNeuroscience, Toxicology
Giorgio GoriniMolecular Neurobiology20082013 R. Adron Harris (post-doc), Roy Dayne Mayfield (post-doc)
Robbe L.T. Gorisvisual system, computation & theory
Marissa A. Gorlick W Todd Maddox (grad student)
Nicolas A. Gort Freitassystems biology20162017 Edward M. Marcotte (research assistant)
Samuel D. GoslingSocial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Personality Psychology
Amy S. GottliebPublic Health, Information Technology Health Education2009 Alexandra Loukas (grad student)
Philip B. Gough
Catherine A. GourleyClinical Psychology, Education, Nursing, Women's Studies2001 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student), Edmund Emmer (grad student)
David B. GracyLibrary Science, Information Science, Educational Psychology Education
Shelley A. GrahamClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology2002 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Kristen GraumanComputer vision, machine learning
Richard GrayModulation of neuronal excitability
Rick Gray
Jane A. GrayClinical Psychology2006 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Stefano GrazioliSocial Psychology, Management Business Administration, Speech Communication
Michelle W. GreenbergEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2008 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Devon Greer Neuroscience Neuroscience20152017 Nicholas J. Priebe (research assistant), Alex C. Huk (research assistant)
Jennifer Greeson-Bernier Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Marcos Gridi-Papp2003 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Grace Griesbach Psychology Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Julie D. Griffindevelopment, aging2004 Guy Manaster (grad student), Edmund Emmer (grad student)
Lisa Griffin Kinesiology and Health Education19951999 S. Jayne Garland (grad student)
Allison Griffith Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Lisa R. GrimmMotivation, Cognition Psychology2007 Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
Lisa M. GroeszClinical Psychology, Physical Education, Recreation Psychology2007 Charles J. Holahan (grad student)
Jeffrey M. Grosseye development
Benedikt Grotheauditory neuroscience1991 George Pollak (post-doc)
Steven Guerin Pharmacology & Toxicology2019 Kimberly Nixon (grad student)
Margaret M. Gullickdevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, reading, mathematics
Sihang (Suna) Guosemantic representation, fMRI, white matter structure, dMRI Neuroscience Neuroscience Computer Science Computer Science20212021 Alexander G. Huth (grad student), Franco Pestilli (grad student), Mary M. Hayhoe (research assistant), Dana H. Ballard (research assistant)
Zhe-chen GuoSpeech neuroscience
Todd M. GureckisComputational modeling, learning, categorization20012005 Bradley C. Love (grad student)
Morgan L. Gustison
William H.N. Gutzkedevelopment, phenotypic plasticity David Pafford Crews (post-doc)
Dawn Guzman Neuroscience Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Michele GuzmanClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology
Mark H.
Myung J. HaBilingual and Multicultural Education, Language and Literature Education, Technology of Education Foreign Language Education2009 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Sean A. HaleySecondary Education, Educational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education Educational Psychology2007 Toni L. Falbo (grad student)
Andreana P. Haleyaging, brain vulnerability, MRI
Courtney D. Hall2000 Jody L. Jensen (grad student)
Brent Halling Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Allison L. HamffClinical Psychology2004 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Amy M. HamiltonClinical Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Liberty S. HamiltonAuditory cortex, speech, ECoG
Lisa Dawn Hamilton Yvon Delville (grad student), Cindy Meston (grad student)
Scott D. HammelClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Criminology and Penology2000 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Kyungsun HanLanguage and Literature Education, Technology of Education, Community College Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Nicholas J. Hanovice Molecular Biosciences20102017 Jeffrey M. Gross (grad student)
Jacques W. HardyForeign Language Education, English as a Second Language Education2011 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Joshua D Harguesscomputer vision; machine learning; pattern recognition; image and video quality; adversarial machine learning ECE20072011 J. K. Aggarwal (grad student)
Mark T. HarnettDendrites, biophysics, computation Neuroscience20032009 Hitoshi Morikawa (grad student)
Kristen M. HarrisSynapse Structure and Function
R. Adron HarrisNeuropharmacology
Rayna M. HarrisBehavioral neuroendocrinology
Anthony G. Harris Asian Studies2008 A BY (grad student)
Karol K. HarrisPublic Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Behavioral Psychology, Health Education2000 Elizabeth Edmundson-Drane (grad student)
Cheryl L. HarrisEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Eric Hart Alex C. Huk (grad student)
Timothy S. HartshorneCHARGE syndrome, school psychology Guy Manaster (grad student)
Bryan J. HartzlerAddictions2003 Kim Fromme (grad student)
Martie G. Haselton2000 David M. Buss (grad student)
Nina U. HattiangadiClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2000 David M. Tucker (grad student)
Tomoko Hattori Neuroscience2009 Yvon Delville (grad student)
Carol K. HawkDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology2007 George W. Holden (grad student)
Mary B. Hawkins2002 Peter Thomas (grad student)
Raymond C. HawkinsAddictive Behaviors; Practice Research Networks; Personality; Clinical Psychology
Miles Oren Hayescoastal and fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology Geological Sciences1965 Robert L Folk (grad student)
Mary M. Hayhoeeye movements, visuo-motor coordination, visual perception, natural tasks
Christopher R. Hayworth2006 Wesley J. Thompson (grad student)
Nancy Hazen-SwannDevelopmental Psychology
Rakel HeidmarsdottirGeneral Psychology, Industrial Psychology2002 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Anibal S Heinsfeld20212021 Franco Pestilli (grad student), Richard Cameron Craddock (grad student)
Sarah M. Helfinstein2014 Russell A. Poldrack (post-doc)
Robert L. HelmreichSocial Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Ian F. HembryEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education Quantitative Methods2014 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Claire Hemingway Integrative Biology20142020 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Amy P. Hemp-MonagleClinical Psychology2002 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
Michael G. HendronManagement Business Administration, Organizational Management2008 Alison Davis-Blake (grad student)
Aimee G. HenleyClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Vocational Education2001 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Augustin C Hennings Neuroscience Psychiatry20172022 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (grad student), Joseph E. Dunsmoor (grad student)
Maria D. Hernandez1999 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Theresa HernandezClinical Neuroscience Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Benjamin D. HerndonManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology Management2009 Janet M. Dukerich (grad student)
Jennifer A. HerrenClinical Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Denise E. HerreraHealth Education, Social Psychology Health Education2009 Alexandra Loukas (grad student)
Sherry M. HessClinical Psychology2000 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Lauren Hewitt Neuroscience20172022 Darrin H. Brager (grad student)
Blair B. HickeyGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2001 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Margaret J. HickmanSpecial Education, Administration Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2004 Shernaz B. Garcia (grad student)
Kristina N. HigginsDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Human Development and Family Sciences2008 Nancy Hazen-Swann (grad student)
Una K. HillPublic Health, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Medicine and Surgery2001 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Gregory T. HillGuidance and Counseling Education, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Emily Nicole HilzBehavior neuroscience endocrinology
Anna G. Himler
Keegan Hinesion channels20092014 Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Lars Hinrichs
Sarah S. Hinshaw-Fuselierparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next2004 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Kristen N. HitchensClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Health Care Management Counseling Psychology2007 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Tsung-Han HoEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Technology of Education2010 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Valerie A. HodgesNutrition2004 M Beth Gillham (grad student)
Aaron B. Hoffman Bradley C. Love (post-doc)
Julia K. HokeEducational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies, Clinical Psychology, Secondary Education2004 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Charles J. HolahanClinical Psychology, Higher Education
George W. HoldenDevelopmental Psychology, Mass Communications
Wayne H. Holtzman Ernest (Jack) Hilgard (grad student)
Robyn M. Honig2004 Philip B. Gough (grad student)
Yumiko Honse2001 Steven W. Leslie (grad student)
Jonathan B. HoopesGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Jonathan D. HorowitzClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2009 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
Scott D. HosfordClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Hispanic American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Higher Education Administration Education Educational Psychology2007 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Toshinori HoshiIon channels, Oxidative regulation Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
George M. HoutmanCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education2000 Delayne Hudspeth (grad student)
MacKenzie A. HowardNeurophysiology, Epilepsy, Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Grant R. Howard2019 Amy Brock (grad student)
Elaina C. HowardEthanol-evoked dopamine release Neuroscience20052009 Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
Ellie Hozhabri Center for Learning and Memory20142015 Michael R. Drew (research assistant)
Pei-Hsuan HsiehEducational Psychology Education, Language and Literature Education2004 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Ya-Ping HsiehEducational Psychology Education2005 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Leon Hsieh Biomedical Engineering Huiliang Wang (grad student)
Tao-Chiuh HsuMamallian cytogenetics19481951 John T. Patterson (grad student)
Jui-En E. HsuBehavioral Neuroscience Neuroscience2007 Theresa Jones (grad student)
Grace Hu Biomedical Engineering2020 Hyun Jung Kim (research assistant)
Li-szu HuangCurriculum and Instruction Education, Linguistics Language, Language and Literature Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Kylie A Huckleberry Institute for Neuroscience20112017 Michael R. Drew (grad student)
Delayne Hudspeth
Brent L. Hughes2007 Jennifer S. Beer (grad student)
Pun Z. HuiManagement Business Administration2003 Alison Davis-Blake (grad student)
Ying HuiSpecial Education, Secondary Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2005 Shernaz B. Garcia (grad student)
Alex C. Hukvisual motion perception, perceptual decision making2010 Il Memming Park (collaborator)
Jennifer L. Humm2000 Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Laura M. Hurley George Pollak (post-doc)
Aasim F. HussainBiomaterials, Nanoparticles Mechanical Engineering2023 Alexander E. Marras (grad student)
Aletha C. HustonEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Black Studies, African American Studies
Judith A. HutchinsonCognitive Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Speech Pathology
Alexander G. HuthfMRI, vision, semantic representation, language
Ernie HwaunHippocampus; learning and memory20142019 Laura Lee Colgin (grad student)
Aiko Ikegami2003 Christine Duvauchelle (grad student)
Amy E. ImesEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Black Studies, African American Studies Psychology2008 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
Julie R. IrwinMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
Sangeetha IyerPharmacology Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (post-doc)
Russell E. JacksonVisual system Psychology2007 Lawrence K. Cormack (grad student)
Deborah B. Jacobvitzparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next
Saul JaimeAlcohol, vapor, norepinephrine, dependence, pharmacology Pharmacology and Toxicology2016 Rueben A. Gonzales (post-doc)
Shailee JainMachine Learning, NLP Computer Science20172023 Alexander G. Huth (grad student)
Andrea James Molecular Biosciences Jeffrey M. Gross (post-doc)
Eric S. JannazzoClinical Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Kristin Neff (grad student)
William L. JarroldCognitive Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Clinical Psychology2004 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Dinesh JayaramanComputer vision, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence Computer Science20132017 Kristen Grauman (grad student)
Zachary M. JeanesSynaptic Plasticity, Ethanol Richard A. Morrisett (grad student)
Min J. JeeCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education, English as a Second Language Education2010 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
John Jellies James L. Larimer (grad student)
Kimberly J. JenningsBehavioral Neuroendocrinology20092011 Yvon Delville (research assistant)
Judith A. JenningsEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education2006 Susan N. Beretvas (grad student)
Jody L. Jensen
Jeremy D. JewellEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Ellie Shuo Jinstress, cortisol, testosterone, hpa, depression, anxiety, sex differences Psychology20132019 Robert Josephs (grad student)
Martin O. Job Pharmacy2009 Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
Robert E. JohansonLanguage and Literature Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2001 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Dawn L. Johnson2001 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Glynnis M. Johnsonadvertising, marketing Family and Consumer Sciences2008 Isabella C.M. Cunningham (grad student)
Kaitlyn E. Johnson BME2020 Amy Brock (grad student)
Daniel Johnston
Theresa JonesBehavioral Neuroscience Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Amanda C. JonesNon-human animal personality, social neuroendrocrinology, measurement and instrument design Robert Reinking (grad student)
Carolyn Eagan Jones Marie H. Monfils (grad student)
Douglas Campbell Jones2004 Christine Duvauchelle (grad student)
Sara Jolly Jonesinstruction, learning, technology, mentoring Educational Psychology2011 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Sharla J. JonesLinguistics Language, Technology of Education, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2007 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Sung Jun JooVisual perception, Attention
Michelle JordanEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education, Sciences Education2010 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Robert Josephssocial endocrinology
Tyler Jost Biomedical Engineering2024 Amy Brock (grad student)
Marshall Hunter Joyce Biomedical Engineering2018 Amy Brock (grad student)
Brian D. JunckerClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2005 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Sangwook JungCellular neurophysiology, Epilepsy20002005 R. Adron Harris (grad student)
Elizabeth C. KaczmarczykNeural and Cognitive Modeling2005 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Igor KaganSystem Neuroscience D Max Snodderly (grad student)
Brian E. KalmbachPlasticity Center for Learning and Memory2010 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Jackie KaneParkinson's Disease, Behavior2005 Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Max Kanevsky
Hyuno Kang Wesley J. Thompson (grad student)
Hyun Gu Kanglocomotion, biomechanics kinesiology20032007 Jonathan B. Dingwell (grad student)
Ata B. KaragozfMRI, memory, cognitive maps Neuroscience20152020 Alison R. Preston (research assistant)
Sucharit KatyalVisual system2007 David Ress (grad student)
Leor KatzVisual system, decision making, attention20112016 Alex C. Huk (grad student)
Elizabeth R. Kaufmannparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next2003 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Sonya Kaur Psychology20092017 Andreana P. Haley (grad student)
Lisa K. KearneyClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Sociology of Education2004 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
James P. KehrerPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Timothy KeithClinical Psychology
Tonya L. KellermanEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2005 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Leslie KengTests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2008 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Julie C. KernToxicology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2002 James P. Kehrer (grad student)
Abigail L. Kerr
Harry A. Kestendevelopment, aging2001 Guy Manaster (grad student)
Zin Z. Khaingneuroscience Biomedical Engineering Christine E. Schmidt (post-doc)
Andrei KhilkevichCerebellum, coding, dynamics, learning & memory Michael Dean Mauk (grad student)
Sukant KhuranaAuditory system, MSO, dendretic integration, gain regulation, H-channels, 5-HT3, olfaction, learning and memory20102009 Nace L. Golding (grad student), Nigel Atkinson (post-doc)
Michael R. KiddBehavioral neuroendocrinology20062009 Hans A. Hofmann (post-doc)
Justin Kilmarx Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2018 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (grad student), James S. Sulzer (grad student)
Myoungsook KimEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2006 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Seunghwa J. KimCurriculum and Instruction Education, Individual and Family Studies2000 Joe L. Frost (grad student)
Wheetai KimEarly Childhood Education, Individual and Family Studies, Speech Communication2001 Joe L. Frost (grad student)
Hyojeong Kim Psychology20142020 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (grad student)
Youngwoo KimBilingual and Multicultural Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education2001 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Mi-Kyung KimLanguage and Literature Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Minseong KimEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Technology of Education2005 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Yoon-kyu KimBilingual and Multicultural Education, Linguistics Language, Adult and Continuing Education, Language and Literature Education Foreign Language Education2006 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Jung-In KimEducational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies Educational Psychology2008 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Jiseon KimEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology2010 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Seong-Hyeon KimPsychometrics Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Alissa Sherry (grad student)
Sunghun KimEducational Psychology Education, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology, Ethics2010 Toni L. Falbo (grad student)
Hyun Jung Kimhuman organs-on-chips, microbiology, microfluidics, tissue engineering
Sung Jae Kim2005 Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Christine Kim Rueben A. Gonzales (research assistant)
Soo Young KimStroke, Synapse, Astrocytes Theresa Jones (grad student)
Chung Sub KimHippocampus Neuroscience20122011 Daniel Johnston (grad student), Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Kyungil KimIndividual Differences, Cognition2005 Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
Nicole M. Kime2001 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Karissa D. King HortonHealth Education, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health2011 Alexandra Loukas (grad student)
Ashlynn L. KinneySpeech, Language, Motor Systems2005 Peter F. MacNeilage (grad student)
Kristin L. KirkpatrickClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology2005 Kristin Neff (grad student)
Dean Kirsonvisual system, motion perception2009 Alex C. Huk (grad student), S. John Mihic (grad student)
Kristian I. KlefstadMusic2002 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
James R. KlinectTransportation, Management Business Administration2006 Robert L. Helmreich (grad student)
Jörn KlingerLanguage acquisition, typology
Keith R. KluenderPerception of Complex Sounds, Speech Perception, Perceptual Learning and Plasticity Models of Sensorineural Systems1988 Randy Diehl (grad student)
Achim E. Klugauditory system19952000 George Pollak (grad student)
Candice E. KnightEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Reading Education Educational Psychology2007 Claire E. Weinstein (grad student)
Mary K. Knilldevelopment, aging2006 Guy Manaster (grad student)
Kwang Woo KoAxon physiology Nace L. Golding (grad student)
Jung-Min KoBilingual and Multicultural Education, Speech Communication, Adult and Continuing Education2001 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Futoshi KobayashiEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies, Higher Education2000 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Melissa A. Koenig2002 Jacqueline Woolley (grad student)
Helmut KoesterCellular neurophysiology
Young Ihn Koh Foreign Language Education2007 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Domin Koh Biomedical Engineering20192020 Hyun Jung Kim (post-doc)
Nate F. KohlNeural and Cognitive Modeling Computer Science2009 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Falih Köksal Psychology Michael J. Domjan (research scientist)
Dina J. KoppermanHigher Education, Social Psychology, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology Educational Psychology2007 Michele Guzman (grad student), Marie-Anne Suizzo (grad student)
Seth Koslov Psychology20152020 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (grad student)
Dorothy Kozlowski20021996 DeAnna L. Adkins (collaborator), Timothy Schallert (grad student)
David S. Krantzhealth psychology, behavioral medicine, cardiovascular disease Psychology19711975 David C. Glass (grad student)
John KrauskopfColor vision Morton E. Bitterman (grad student)
Lauren J Kreeger20122019 Nace L. Golding (grad student)
Sheila A. Krogh-JespersenDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2009 Catharine H. Echols (grad student)
Pamela G. KronesClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2008 Rebecca Bigler (grad student)
Marc I. KruseAddictions Psychology2008 Kim Fromme (grad student)
Barry X. KuhleEvolutionary psychology of human mating David M. Buss (grad student)
Jeffrey R. KuhnTransmembrane signalling2000 Martin Poenie (grad student)
Yelena KulikHomeostatic plasticity20112013 Kristen M. Harris (research assistant)
Satwant KumarAI/ML, LLM, Medical AI Center for Perceptual Syste20182023 Eyal Seidemann (post-doc)
John S. Kuo
Garret Kurteff Communication Sciences and Disorders2018 Liberty S. Hamilton (grad student)
Masaaki Kuwajimasynaptic plasticity, serial section electron microscopy2008 Kristen M. Harris (post-doc)
Nilay B. KuyelGuidance and Counseling Education, Cognitive Psychology, General Religion Educational Psychology2007 Kristin Neff (grad student)
Juan de la Neuroscience2021 Amy Lee (post-doc)
Christopher E. LaBonteEducational Psychology Education, Psychobiology Psychology2000 Richard Marshall (grad student)
Anthony F. Lacagnina Center for Learning and Memory2012 Michael R. Drew (grad student)
Travis J. LaDucBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology2003 Robert Dudley (grad student), David C. Cannatella (grad student)
Boji Lam2017 Bharath Chandrasekaran (grad student)
Lindsay M. LambEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Kristin Neff (grad student)
Philip Lambeth2018 Regina A. Mangieri (grad student)
Donald A. LangeManagement Business Administration2006 Alison Davis-Blake (grad student)
James L. Larimer
Peter H. LarkamGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education Educational Psychology2006 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Levi B. Larkeysimilarity, analogy, decision making, categorization, knowledge representation, reasoning and individual differences2005 Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
Kevin Larson2000 Philip B. Gough (grad student)
Kenneth W. LatimerComputational Neuroscience, Statistical Modeling Neuroscience20112015 Jonathan Pillow (grad student), Alex C. Huk (grad student)
Billy Lau Jennifer R. Morgan (grad student)
Jeffrey P. Lauxsimilarity, analogy, decision making, categorization, knowledge representation, reasoning and individual differences2010 Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
Charles LayneRecreation, Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology Kinesiology Lawrence D Abraham (grad student)
Jennifer Leigh Leasure Institute for Neuroscience, Psychology19942000 Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Amanda LeBelCognitive neuroscience, cerebellum, computational Neuroscience20182020 Alexander G. Huth (research assistant)
Sujin LeeSocial Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education, Women's Studies2001 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Han-Joo LeeClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2009 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
Sokho LeeSocial Work, Mass Communications Social Work2009 Clayton Shorkey (grad student)
Chulhan LeeElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2008 Sriram Vishwanath (grad student)
Woojung Lee Rueben A. Gonzales (research assistant)
Chang Hoon Lee R. Adron Harris (grad student)
Hongjoo Joanne Lee
Amy Leecalcium channels, ribbon synapses
Kyoung Jin Lee Physics1994 Harry L. Swinney (grad student)
Sanghoon Leeimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing2000 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Shinwoong LeeLanguage and Literature Education, Technology of Education, Higher Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Given LeeHigher Education, Language and Literature Education Foreign Language Education2007 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Lisa Leitparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next Human Ecology2008 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
William C. Lemon19841990 Robert H. Barth (grad student)
Nicholas R. LennonEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Higher Education2000 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Kari N. LeonardClinical Psychology2002 David M. Tucker (grad student)
Steven W. Leslie
Ryan C. LeslieHealth Care Management, Public Health, Pharmacy Pharmacy2008 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Aaron Levi Alex C. Huk (grad student)
Jarrod A. Lewis-PeacockMemory, Cognitive Control, fMRI Mechanical Engineering Psychiatry2017 James S. Sulzer (collaborator), Joseph E. Dunsmoor (collaborator)
Na Liauditory system George Pollak (grad student)
Pei-Fen Liadvertising, marketing2004 Isabella C.M. Cunningham (grad student)
Angel Soo-Zoon LiangSocial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Cultural Anthropology Educational Psychology Educational Psychology2006 Marie-Anne Suizzo (grad student), Edmund Emmer (grad student)
Po-Sen LiaoCurriculum and Instruction Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Scott H. Lieningbehavioral endocrinology, personality
Turner J LimeAlcohol, Neuroscience, Electrophysiology Pharmacology and Toxicology Psychology20222022 Regina A. Mangieri (grad student), Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (research scientist)
Hsiu-Chen LinSpecial Education2002 Shernaz B. Garcia (grad student)
Fu-An LinEnglish as a Second Language Education, Teacher Training Education, Adult and Continuing Education, Language and Literature Education2010 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Yi-Jen LinClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2005 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Mark D. Lindnerpain, learning and memory, degenerative disorders19801980 Abe Amsel (grad student), Timothy Schallert (grad student), Michael Gabriel (grad student)
Jian Lingimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing2001 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Julie S. Linseysimilarity, analogy, decision making, categorization, knowledge representation, reasoning and individual differences Mechanical Engineering2007 Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
Mario LiottiClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
John P Liskavisual system, locomotion, V1 Center for Perceptual Systems20172022 Alex C. Huk (grad student)
He Liulearning and memory Richard W. Aldrich (post-doc)
Lijia Liucomputer science, motor control, machine learning Computer Science20132021 Dana H. Ballard (grad student)
Shizhong Liuimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing2002 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Minhua LiuCognitive Psychology2001 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Jianwen LiuNeuropharmacology2005 R. Adron Harris (grad student)
Fernando Llanos Spanish20102016 Alexander L. Francis (grad student)
Ingrid A. LoboNeuropharmacology2004 R. Adron Harris (grad student)
Ann L. Locasiodevelopment, aging2003 Guy Manaster (grad student)
Douglas T. LockardMusic2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
John C. LoehlinHuman behavior genetics, multivariate statistics, and structural modeling
Ray Lopezbehavioral neuroscience Abe Amsel (research assistant)
Sandra L. Lopez-MoralesClinical Psychology, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology2008 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Elizabeth LorencVisual working memory, source memory, visual perception Psychology20182022 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (post-doc)
Alice A. LottesIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2001 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Alexandra LoukasDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Mary Lowery Communication Sciences and Disorders20172019 Liberty S. Hamilton (grad student)
Carlos A LozaSignal processing, Neuroengineering, Robust estimation Neuroscience2020 Laura Lee Colgin (post-doc)
Sateria Lozano-Delaney Pharmacology and Toxicology2016 Saul Jaime (research scientist)
Hung-Yun Lu Biomedical Engineering2019 Samantha R. Santacruz (grad student)
Michael G. LuchsMarketing Business Administration, Design and Decorative Arts, Behavioral Psychology Marketing2008 Vijay Mahajan (grad student)
Riina M. Luik Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
James F. LukenbillMental Health, Biostatistics Biology2003 Gary Borich (grad student)
Mary L. Lumpedevelopment, aging2000 Guy Manaster (grad student)
Oana I. Lungu Andrew D. Ellington (post-doc)
Yi Luo Physics20182020 Alexander G. Huth (grad student)
Kathryn R. LuskDevelopmental Psychology Human Ecology2007 Theodore Dix (grad student)
Michael J. LustinaEducational Psychology Education2004 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Teresa M. Lyle-LahroudEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2005 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Kathleen S. LynchNeurethology Walter Wilczynski (grad student)
Teh-Sheng Ma Neuroscience2009 Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Robert Mace John M. Sharp,Jr (grad student)
Michael Mack Alison R. Preston (post-doc)
Candace L. Macken-RuizPsychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2008 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Peter F. MacNeilageSpeech, Language, Motor Systems Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
W Todd Maddoxcognitive psychology, category learning, decision making Greg Ashby (grad student)
J. Wesley Maddox Neuroscience20172022 Amy Lee (post-doc)
Kacey L. MaestasClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2009 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Jacqueline A. MaffucciNeuroscience, Toxicology Institute for Neuroscience2008 Andrea C. Gore (grad student)
Sean Maguire
Vijay MahajanMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
Rajani P. MaiyaNeuropharmacology2004 R. Adron Harris (grad student)
Lynn N. Makau2006 A BY (grad student)
Amelia Malagamba-AnsoteguiArt History, Cultural Anthropology2001 Gilberto Cardenas (grad student), Henry A. Selby (grad student)
Monica A. MaldonadoCell proliferation, brain damage20042010 Theresa Jones (grad student)
Nicholas MalecekfMRI, neurophysiology, object recognition, choice behavior20102014 Russell A. Poldrack (grad student)
Catherine A. MalerbaDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2005 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
Ruchi MalikCellular Neurophysiology, Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex, Microcircuits, Autism Center for Learning and Memory20122016 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Remington Mallett Psychology2016 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (grad student)
Anna E. MalochEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education
Regina A. Mangieriendocannabinoids, mood disorders, substance use disorders, synaptic plasticity Pharmacology & Toxicology20122017 Rueben A. Gonzales (post-doc), Richard A. Morrisett (research scientist)
Miranda J. MannClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2000 Caryn L. Carlson (grad student)
Rebecca G. MarkhamPerinatal development20052008 Toru Shimizu (grad student)
Arthur B. Markmansimilarity, analogy, decision making, categorization, knowledge representation, reasoning and individual differences
Linnéa Marks
James Donald Marler1978 Raymond C. Hawkins (grad student)
Catherine A. MarlerBehavioral neuroendocrinology Michael J. Ryan (post-doc)
Richard MarshallPsychobiology Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Carl N. MartiDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2001 Catharine H. Echols (grad student)
Joey M. MartinMusic, Biography, Music Education2000 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Susanne Martin Government Ami M Pedahzur (grad student)
Taylor MartinDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Joel Eduardo MartinezSocial Cognition Psychology Psychology20132015 Alison R. Preston (research assistant), Jessica A. Church-Lang (research scientist)
Catalina A. MartinezEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Elementary Education, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology2006 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Veronica G. Martinez20052006 Bing Zhang (post-doc)
Amanda Martinez-Lincoln Special Education20152019 Marcia A. Barnes (grad student)
Julia R. Martz Psychology Juan M. Dominguez (grad student)
Timothy Charles Marzullosystems electrophysiology George Bittner (research assistant)
Maria Paola Mascia R. Adron Harris (post-doc)
Guido MascialinoClinical Psychology Educational Psychology2008 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
Robert T. Mason Zoology19821987 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Paul J. MathewsCerebellum Neuroscience20012008 Nace L. Golding (grad student)
Jennifer L. MatjaskoDevelopmental Psychology, Genetics
Paula W. MatthewsDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Educational Psychology Education2001 Joe L. Frost (grad student)
Jonathan S. MatthisVision Center for Perceptual Systems2014 Mary M. Hayhoe (post-doc)
Mikhail V MatzEcological genomics, Coral biology, Adaptation, Climate change Leonid L. Moroz (post-doc)
Michael Dean MaukLearning & Memory / Cerebellum
Marshall R. MayberryNeural and Cognitive Modeling2003 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
James Mayer Geology John M. Sharp,Jr (grad student)
Roy Dayne Mayfield R. Adron Harris (research scientist)
Patricia Mary McAndrew YoungHuman Biomechanics20072011 Jonathan B. Dingwell (grad student)
Katie M. McCall Psychology2008 Cindy Meston (grad student)
Jennifer C. McCarrollClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
Christopher J. McCarthyEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology
Lydia V McCluremicroRNA, virus
Polley Ann McClure Gray Merriam (grad student)
Eedann D McCordion channels Neuroscience20112013 Daniel Johnston (research assistant)
Mark McCormick Peter Vize (research assistant)
Lindsay M. McCrackenNeuropharmacology R. Adron Harris (grad student), S. John Mihic (research assistant)
Ruben R. McDanielManagement Business Administration, Educational Psychology Education, Business Education
Dennis McFaddensensation and perception, audition, sex differences in the auditory system
Laura D. McFarlandDevelopmental Psychology2000 Nancy Hazen-Swann (grad student)
Craig P. McGowanlocomotion Richard R. Neptune (post-doc)
Lin A. McGregorSpeech Communication, Tests and Measurements Education Educational Psychology2007 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Jacie R McHaneyCognitive auditory neuroscience Psychology20132015 Jennifer S. Beer (research assistant)
Paul H. McQuestenNeural and Cognitive Modeling2002 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Monica R. MeadowsNutrition, Technology of Education, Health Education2003 M Beth Gillham (grad student)
Anthony R. Meanscell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function1967 Terrell H. Hamilton (grad student)
Natasha J. Mehdiabadi
Pranjal H. Mehtasocial endocrinology Psychology20072008 Jennifer S. Beer (post-doc), Robert Josephs (grad student)
Miriam L. Meister Neuroscience20072012 Alex C. Huk (grad student)
John Meitzen George Pollak (research assistant)
Olga L. MejiaClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2002 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Jennifer K. Melbourne Pharmacology & Toxicology2019 Kimberly Nixon (post-doc)
Robert O. MessingNeurology, addiction, alcohol and drug abuse
Cindy Meston
Leah J. MeunierDevelopmental Psychology Human Ecology2007 Theodore Dix (grad student)
Raquel A. MeyerBehavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Accounting Business Administration2001 Urton Anderson (grad student)
R. Chris Miall James L. Larimer (post-doc)
Linda O. MichalskyNutrition2002 M Beth Gillham (grad student)
Charles A. Michelsonvisual system, imaging, VSDI, decision making2003 Eyal Seidemann (grad student)
Anna E. MiddletonClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2004 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
S. John Mihicligand gated ion channels
Risto MiikkulainenNeural and Cognitive Modeling
Michelle MikeshNMJ, Peripheral Nervous System, muscle fibers, electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy
Alexander S. Mikheyev
Marina Milner-BolotinSciences Education, Higher Education, Educational Psychology Education2001 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Kyung-Jin MinZoology Biology, Entomology Biology, Ecology Biology2003 Mary Ann Rankin (grad student)
Soyoun Min Biomedical Engineering2019 Hyun Jung Kim (research scientist)
Jason A. MirandaNeuroethology, Auditory system,Memory20012007 Walter Wilczynski (grad student)
Siavash MirarabPhylogenetics Computer Science20112015 Tandy Jo Warnow (grad student)
Soroush MirjaliliComputational Neuroscience, Episodic Memory, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Machine Learning Psychology20182023 Audrey Duarte (grad student)
Michael S. MisnerMusic2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Marie L. MoerkbakClinical Psychology, Oncology Psychology2006 Charles J. Holahan (grad student)
Sarojani S. MohammedEducational Psychology Education, General Language, Elementary Education Educational Psychology2008 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Naomi P. MollerEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology Counseling Psychology2006 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
James P. MonacoVisual system Electrical and Computer Engineering2007 Lawrence K. Cormack (grad student)
Marie H. Monfils
Leigh A. MontgomeryClinical Psychology, Mental Health2001 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Joseph T. MoorePersonality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology2003 Charles J. Holahan (grad student)
Darrell MooreChronobiology, Ecology, Neuroscience Zoology1983 Mary Ann Rankin (grad student)
Michael C. MooreBehavioral Neuroendocrinology and Field Endocrinology David Pafford Crews (post-doc)
Nancy A. MoranSymbiosis; Genomics; Evolutionary Biology; metagenomics; metabolism
Valerie R. MorganEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology2003 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Hitoshi MorikawaDopamine and reward physiology, drug addiction, calcium signaling
Richard A. MorrisettAlchohol, excitability, synaptic plasticity
Orion A. MoskoClinical Psychology, Higher Education Psychology2007 Charles J. Holahan (grad student)
Jianing MuLanguage, memory Neuroscience Neuroscience2022 Alexander G. Huth (grad student), Alison R. Preston (grad student)
Megan K. MulliganNeurogenetics, gene expression, addiction Cell and Molecular Biology2007 R. Adron Harris (grad student)
David A Mullin1983 James R. Walker (grad student)
David Murchison James L. Larimer (grad student)
Richard F. Murray20022003 Wilson S. Geisler (post-doc)
David M. MussonPersonality Psychology, Industrial Psychology2003 Robert L. Helmreich (grad student)
Yoon-Hee NaCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education, Language and Literature Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Ayesha NadiadwalaNeuroscience Psychiatry Joseph E. Dunsmoor (grad student)
Radhika A. NairPharmacy, Health Care Management, Public Health2005 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Hemanth P. Nair2000 Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student)
Kichun NamPsycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience Philip B. Gough (grad student)
Sanjeev Namjoshibioinformatics, neuroscience Kimberly F. Raab-Graham (grad student)
Hassan R. NaqviTransmembrane signalling Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology2007 Martin Poenie (grad student)
Rishikesh NarayananDendritic information processing; intrinsic plasticity20052009 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Pravin NathMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration2006 Vijay Mahajan (grad student)
Michelle B. NatinskyClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2004 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Natalie Nawarawong Pharmacology & Toxicology2019 Kimberly Nixon (post-doc)
Michelle E. NeelyEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education, Rhetoric and Composition Language Educational Psychology2009 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Kristin NeffEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health
Stella D. NelmsSocial Psychology, Black Studies, Women's Studies Educational Psychology2006 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Charles Puryear Nelson2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Randy J. NelsonBehavioral endocrinology19841986 Frank Bronson (post-doc), Claude Desjardins (post-doc)
Matt Newman Yvon Delville (post-doc)
Matthew L. Newmansocial endocrinology2003 Robert Josephs (grad student)
Ann H. Newstead Kinesiology2010 Jody L. Jensen (grad student)
Hung Nguyen Mechanical Engineering20082013 Jonathan B. Dingwell (grad student)
Michelle Nguyen Pharmacology and Toxicology20172018 Saul Jaime (research assistant)
Kim V Nguyenspatial memory, episodic memory Neuroscience Alison R. Preston (research assistant)
Leonardo NicolaoMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology Marketing2009 Julie R. Irwin (grad student)
Farr Nierepotassium channels, mTOR Kimberly F. Raab-Graham (post-doc)
Kimberly Nixonneural stem cells, adult neurogenesis, alcohol, neurodegeneration, microglia, neuroimmune19962000 Abe Amsel (grad student), Steven W. Leslie (grad student)
Marina E. NiznikEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education2004 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Sarah Nordquist Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Tehila Nugiel Psychology2016 Jessica A. Church-Lang (grad student)
Yury Orlando Nunez R. Adron Harris (post-doc)
Victoria Nutsch Neuroscience Juan M. Dominguez (grad student)
Ronan T. O'SheaVision Psychology2022 Ian M. Nauhaus (grad student), Xuexin Wei (grad student), Nicholas J. Priebe (grad student)
Lisa M. Oakesinfant cognition19851991 Leslie Cohen (grad student)
Ethan Oblak Mechanical Engineering20152019 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (grad student)
Jorg Oestreich2004 Harold H. Zakon (grad student)
Stephanie Oleson Psychology20142019 Andreana P. Haley (grad student)
Christopher M. Olsenaddiction, self-administration, motivation, operant sensation seeking2004 Christine Duvauchelle (grad student)
Nils Greger Olsson1983 Raymond C. Hawkins (grad student)
Steven J. OnkenSocial Work, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology2000 Kathryn G. Wambach (grad student)
Tiahna Ontiveros Pharmacology and Toxicology2017 Saul Jaime (grad student)
Alexander G. OphirIntegrative Behavioral Neuroscience Walter Wilczynski (research assistant)
Marlana K. OpitzGuidance and Counseling Education, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Marian E. OppenheimerClinical Psychology, Epidemiology, Public Health Educational Psychology2008 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Greg Ordemann Neuroscience Neuroscience20212023 Darrin H. Brager (grad student), Amy Lee (post-doc)
Ross Otto20072012 Arthur B. Markman (grad student), Bradley C. Love (grad student)
Gail Overbey1979 Raymond C. Hawkins (grad student)
Angela Renee OzburnNeuroscience, Addiction Neuroscience20042009 R. Adron Harris (grad student)
Margaret C. Pace2005 Peter Thomas (grad student)
Jennifer Pacheco
Eimeira Padilla Marie H. Monfils (post-doc)
Terry L. Page James L. Larimer (grad student)
Rachel A. Page Ecology, Evolution and Behavior2008 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Erin E. PahlkeDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies Educational Psychology2009 Marie-Anne Suizzo (grad student)
Llewyn E. PaineVisual perception, auditory perception2010 David L. Gilden (grad student)
Chris R. PalmerNeural Systems and Behavior Neuroscience2009 Eyal Seidemann (grad student)
Sumeet S. PanjabiCognitive Psychology, Pharmacy, Pharmacology Pharmacy2005 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Annie ParkAlcohol Addiction Neuroscience2015 Nigel Atkinson (grad student)
Yul Young ParkHippocampus, Sodium Channel20052012 Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Thomas J. ParkNeuroethology19891994 George Pollak (post-doc)
Il Memming ParkComputational Neuroscience, spike train, point process, computational methods, decision, olfaction20102014 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Mijung Parkprivacy preserving machine learning20092013 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Jessica Parker-RaleySpeech Communication, Social Psychology Communication Studies2009 Anita L. Vangelisti (grad student)
Anju G. ParthanPharmacy, Health Care Management, Public Health2005 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Lucila R. PateClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology2009 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Amee B. PatelAddictions2011 Kim Fromme (grad student)
Jagruti J. Pattadkalvisual system
Megan W. PattersonBehavioral Genetics, Developmental Psychopathology
Meagan M. PattersonDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2007 Rebecca Bigler (grad student)
Paul Patton19881989 George Pollak (post-doc)
Stephanie K. PaulosDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2007 Timothy Keith (grad student)
Katherine A. PazDevelopmental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2006 Edward Anderson (grad student)
Ami M PedahzurPolitical Science
Ezequiel PenaClinical Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Women's Studies2005 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Jose G. Perez CarreonDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies School Psychology2006 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Michelle M. PerfectGuidance and Counseling Education, Psychometrics Psychology2004 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Carin Perilloux20042011 David M. Buss (grad student)
William H. PettySocial Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Black Studies, Developmental Psychology Counseling Psychology2006 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Steven M. Phelps Ecology Evolution and Behavior Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Jon T. Pierce-ShimomuraNeurogenetics
Jessica L. PiersonMathematics Education Science and Mathematics Education2008 Taylor Martin (grad student)
Jonathan PillowComputational Neuroscience, Machine Learning Alex C. Huk (collaborator)
Elizabeth C. PinelSocial Psychology William Swann (grad student)
Randolph B. PipesGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology Department of Educational Psychology Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Keenan PituchEducational Psychology Education
Martin PoenieTransmembrane signalling
Nihat PolatCurriculum and Instruction Education, Linguistics Language, Educational Psychology Education Foreign Language Education2007 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Russell A. PoldrackPsychology
George PollakAuditory system
Elizabeth A. PommierEducational Psychology Education, Spirituality, Social Psychology2010 Kristin Neff (grad student)
Matt B Pomrenze Neuroscience20132018 Robert O. Messing (grad student)
Igor Ponomarev R. Adron Harris (research scientist)
Sonali Poudel Mandy J. Maguire (grad student)
Lorrie A. PowdrillEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology2004 Claire E. Weinstein (grad student)
Nicolas PratPersonality Psychology2001 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Katherine E. PresnellClinical Psychology2005 Eric Stice (grad student)
Alison R. Preston
Nicholas J. PriebeVisual cortex
Jefferson ProvostVision, robotics Computer Sciences2007 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Frank PugaNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Juan M. Dominguez (post-doc)
Ilya Pyatnitskiy Biomedical Engineering Huiliang Wang (research scientist)
Robin QueenLanguage contact and change; language, gender and sexuality; intonation; language variation in the media Linguistics Linguistics19901996 Anthony C. Woodbury (grad student), Keith Walters (grad student)
Kimberly F. Raab-Grahamplasticity, mammalian target of rapamycin, ion channels
Jill E. RaderClinical Psychology2003 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Jennifer D. RaganClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Charles J. Holahan (grad student)
Raghu G. Rajimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing Electrical and Computer Engineering2007 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Raghu G. Raj Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Raghu G. RajSignal/Image Processing, Machine Learning, Statistics, Remote Sensing / Radar2007 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Umesh RajashekarComputation & Theory2006 Lawrence K. Cormack (grad student), Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Vorani S. RamachandraAddiction, Dopamine, Ethanol2003 Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
Kapil RamachandranChannels, Development Nigel Atkinson (grad student)
Manuel RamirezClinical Psychology
Joanna RamirezBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2000 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Mary E. Ramsey Section of Integrative Biology2007 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Leslie A. Ramsey Alison R. Preston (grad student)
Matthew RandReproductive behavior, sexual dimorphisms19911993 David Pafford Crews (post-doc)
Gayathri RanganathanCortical Network2005 Helmut Koester (grad student)
Azucena RangelEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Sociology of Education Educational Psychology2009 Keenan Pituch (grad student)
Caroline T. RankinSpeech Communication2006 Anita L. Vangelisti (grad student)
Jeffery W RankinBiomechanics, Movement Analysis, Musculoskeletal Modeling Mechanical Engineering20052010 Richard R. Neptune (grad student)
Mary Ann Rankin
Marissa Raskin Institute for Neuroscience Marie H. Monfils (grad student)
Emily H. RayClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology Educational Psychology2007 Alissa Sherry (grad student)
Kimberly Ray Psychology2019 David Schnyer (research scientist)
Karen J. RayneDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2007 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
Naftali RazCognitive Neuroscience, Gerontology, Experimental Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology19791985 Lee Willerman (grad student)
Michelle F. ReadTeacher Training Education, Technology of Education, Reading Education Curriculum & Instruction - Learning Technologies2014 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Stephen ReadSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology1990 William Swann (grad student)
Stephan Read1981 William Swann (grad student)
Ruth P. RechisEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2006 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Curtis L. ReeseBilingual and Multicultural Education, Technology of Education, Linguistics Language Foreign Language Education2007 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Rachel Reetzke2018 Bharath Chandrasekaran (grad student)
Robert Rein1978 Raymond C. Hawkins (grad student)
Alessandra Rellini Psychology2007 Cindy Meston (grad student)
Karen P. RendonEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health Educational Psychology2006 Kristin Neff (grad student)
Timothy O. RentzClinical Psychology2001 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
Susanne ResslSynapse, receptors, adhesion, structure biology
Turk Eleazar Rhen2000 Frank Bronson (grad student)
Issac RhimVision20152021 Ian M. Nauhaus (grad student)
Elaine Rich Computer Science1979 George G. Robertson (grad student)
Erika K. RichardsPharmacy, Health Care Management2001 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Frank C. RichardsonEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education
Janet J. RiekenbergEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Social Psychology2010 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Shelley A. Riggsparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next2000 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Penny D. Riha Psychology2007 Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student)
Deanna N. Riherd MethnerNeuropharmacology Cell and Molecular Biology2009 R. Adron Harris (grad student)
Hae-Chang RIMNLP Robert F. Simmons (grad student)
Juan Rincon Pharmacology and Toxicology2018 Saul Jaime (research assistant)
Marika N. RipkeGuidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2001 Aletha C. Huston (grad student)
Emilie Rissman David Pafford Crews (collaborator), Frank Bronson (grad student)
Janice L. RitchClinical Psychology Psychology2008 David M. Tucker (grad student)
Paul M. RitterEducational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2008 Susan N. Beretvas (grad student)
Lori A. RoalsonHealth Education, Individual and Family Studies, Developmental Psychology, General Religion, Guidance and Counseling Education Kinesiology and Health Education2007 Alexandra Loukas (grad student)
Gabrielle A. RobertsEducational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies, Elementary Education Educational Psychology2007 Timothy Keith (grad student)
T. R. RobertsEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education Educational Psychology2008 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Michael Thomas Robertsauditory neurophysiology20092015 Nace L. Golding (post-doc), S. John Mihic (grad student)
Donald E. Robinson Psychology Lloyd Jeffress (grad student)
Donita L. Robinson2000 Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
Christopher L. Robisonneurophysiology of sex behavior, glutamatergic excitotoxicity Psychology2015 Juan M. Dominguez (post-doc)
Emma Robson
Roberta Roccaneuroscience; cognitive science; NLP; machine learning Tal Yarkoni (post-doc)
Bertha E. Rodarte-LunaClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Hispanic American Studies Educational Psychology2008 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Mary Abbe Roe Psychology2015 Jessica A. Church-Lang (grad student)
Amy C. Roetzelparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next Psychology2008 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Akshika RohatgiGeophysics Geophysics2023 Sergey B. Fomel (grad student)
Bas RokersMotion perception, depth perception
Rheall F. Roquet Marie H. Monfils (grad student)
Temi A. RoseCurriculum and Instruction Education, Art Education, Technology of Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Valerie F. RosenbergClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Women's Studies Educational Psychology2009 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Jeremy Amiel RosenkranzSynaptic integration, dopamine, entorhinal cortex, amygdala2002 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Gil G. Rosenthal2000 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Stephanie S. RudeGeneral Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Kristen D. Rudisill Asian Cultures and Languages2007 A BY (grad student)
Clifton RumseyIntrinsic plasticity, computational neuroscience2005 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Leslie J. RundellClinical Psychology2002 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Kimberly L. RundstromEducational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies2000 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Nicholas Miles RussellNeuropharmacology, Addiction, Aggression Pharmacology and Toxicology2023 Regina A. Mangieri (grad student)
Joshua Russell Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Michael J. RyanAnimal behavior, Frogs, Fish
Muhammad F. Sabirimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing2006 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Walter Ross SagehornMachine Learning
Manish SaggarComputational Modeling, EEG, fMRI20052011 David Schnyer (grad student), Risto Miikkulainen (grad student), Clifford Saron (grad student)
Yasuaki SakamotoCognition2005 Bradley C. Love (grad student)
Jon T. Sakata Psychology20022003 David Pafford Crews (grad student), Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student), Theresa Jones (post-doc)
Joanne SalasEducational Psychology Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies2000 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Tammy T. SalazarEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology2006 Claire E. Weinstein (grad student)
Armando SalinasNeurobiology of Addiction Richard A. Morrisett (grad student), Yvon Delville (research assistant)
Juan Salinas
Mandy M. Salinas Kinesiology & Health Education20102017 Jonathan B. Dingwell (grad student)
Allison L. SalleeGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2004 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Kristina M. SaltzmanClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2000 George W. Holden (grad student)
Jason M. Samondsvisual system, multi-electrode neurophysiology2015 Nicholas J. Priebe (research scientist)
Mehul P. Sampatimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing Biomedical Engineering2006 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Edgar I. SanchezEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology Educational Psychology2008 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Sergio R. Sanchez-Pena
Amy J. Sanderparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next2001 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Nick SandersCurriculum and Instruction Education, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Social Work2003 Clayton Shorkey (grad student)
Nicholas S. Sanderson Institute for Neuroscience2007 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Samantha R. Santacruzbrain machine interfaces, neurotherapeutics, electrical stimulation
Rachel C. Saundersparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next Human Development and Family Sciences2009 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Kristin L. SavickiClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology Educational Psychology2007 Michele Guzman (grad student)
Nancy K. ScammaccaEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education2003 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Janet ScarboroughPersonality Psychology2001 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Timothy Schallert1976 DeAnna L. Adkins (collaborator), Ernest P. Lindholm (grad student)
Diane L. SchallertEducational Psychology Education
Roger C. SchankArtificial Intelligence Jacob Mey (grad student)
Alec ScharffVisual attention and object perception20112012 Alex C. Huk (post-doc)
Michael ScheierHealth Psychology, Behavioral Self-Regulation, Dispositional Optimism), Personality and Health, Anger and Cardiovascular Reactivity, Self-Awareness and Self-Consciousness Psychology Psychology19731975 Arnold H. Buss (grad student), Robert A. Wicklund (research assistant)
Christina J. Schier20072012 Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
David A. SchkadeSocial Psychology, Management Business Administration, Speech Communication
Traci D. SchluterEducational Psychology Education, Social Psychology2001 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Norman B. SchmidtClinical Psychology, Mental Health1991 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
David Schnyermemory, fMRI John J. B. Allen (grad student)
Benjamin SchollSystems and Circuits20102015 Nicholas J. Priebe (grad student)
Tom SchonbergCognitive neuroscience2009 Russell A. Poldrack (post-doc)
Brendan A SchuetzeLearning, Memory, Cognition, Education Educational Psychology2018 Veronica Yan (grad student)
Russell W. Schwabauditory system Mathematics2009 Na Li (grad student)
Wade C. Schwartzkopfimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing2002 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Luisa Scott Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (research scientist), Richard W. Aldrich (grad student)
Brooke N. Seal Psychology2009 Cindy Meston (grad student)
Mikaela K. SebreeClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology Educational Psychology2006 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Stephanie C. Seemanmotor control20082010 Nace L. Golding (research assistant)
Eyal Seidemann
Patricia P. Sekel2003 Philip B. Gough (grad student)
Jennifer G. Sellerssocial endocrinology2006 Robert Josephs (grad student)
Katelyn E. Seloff
Lisa A. SelvigPersonality Psychology2002 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Kalpana Seshadrinathanimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing Electrical Engineering2008 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Anna K. SessaBehavioral and evolutionary genomics
Robert M. Setty1979 Raymond C. Hawkins (grad student)
Mandi C. SeversonVisual system Institute for Neuroscience Institute for Neuroscience20222022 Ian M. Nauhaus (grad student), Nicholas J. Priebe (grad student)
John B. SextonSocial Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Medicine and Surgery, Health Care Management2002 Robert L. Helmreich (grad student)
Charles W SextonEvolutionary Ecology, Biogeography, Endangered Species Department of Integrative Biology Robert H. Barth (grad student)
Sonalee ShahPharmacy Pharmacy Administration2006 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
neda ShahidiVisual System20102011 Eyal Seidemann (research scientist), Nicholas J. Priebe (research scientist)
Chinchusha Anasooya Shaji Binu Tharakan (research assistant)
Diane L. ShallertEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education
Esther L. Shapiro CohenAddictions2000 Kim Fromme (grad student)
Hamid R. SheikhVisual system2004 Lawrence K. Cormack (grad student)
Keng-Hung ShenBiomechanics Kinesiology2019 Haoyuan Hsiao (grad student)
Marvin D. ShepherdCognitive Psychology, Pharmacy, Pharmacology
Stephanie M. Sherman David Schnyer (grad student)
Alissa SherryEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health
Xi (Chloe) Shi Cell and Molecular Biology Huiliang Wang (grad student)
Stephanie M Shieldsvisual system, 3D perception, neural computation Center for Perceptual Systems Center for Perceptual Systems2019 Alex C. Huk (grad student), Lawrence K. Cormack (grad student)
I-Ming ShihCurriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Joel Shillinglaw2018 Regina A. Mangieri (grad student)
Young-sook ShimLanguage and Literature Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Misung ShinClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2005 Caryn L. Carson (grad student)
Woojung Shin Biomedical Engineering20162020 Hyun Jung Kim (grad student)
Yong Cheol Shin Biomedical Engineering2019 Hyun Jung Kim (post-doc)
Harold David Shinespinal cord injury19731974 J. Regino Perez-Polo (grad student)
Christina M. Shoemaker Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior2009 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Clayton ShorkeyClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology
Jason Shumake2004 Marie H. Monfils (research scientist), Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student)
Rebekah L. Sidman-TaveauCurriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education, Linguistics Language, Technology of Education2006 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Frank Leonard Siegel19551960 Roger J. Williams (grad student)
Andrew F. SilvermanClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2001 David M. Tucker (grad student)
Robert F. Simmons
Birgitte V. SimpsonDevelopmental Psychology, Mass Communications Psychology2007 George W. Holden (grad student)
Kris G. SingletaryNeuroendocrinology Neuroscience2009 Yvon Delville (grad student)
Yiu F. SitNeural and Cognitive Modeling Computer Science2009 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Austen Sitko Psychology20042007 Theresa Jones (research assistant)
Marcos SivitanidesTechnology of Education, Sciences Education, Cognitive Psychology
Tracy B. SloanClinical Psychology2001 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
Kirsten E. Smayda Psychology2017 Bharath Chandrasekaran (grad student)
Elizabeth S Smithneuroinflammation, attention Psychology20102015 Hongjoo Joanne Lee (grad student)
G. Troy Smith Harold H. Zakon (post-doc)
Heidi Kay SmithBehavioral Ecology, neuroethology, genetics
Gail P. SmithTransmembrane signalling2005 Martin Poenie (grad student)
Kylee Smith Marie H. Monfils (grad student)
Heather Smith2015 Kristen M. Harris (grad student)
Chase H. SmithSystematics and Biodiversity, Phylogenetics, Conservation Integrative Biology Integrative Biology Integrative Biology20202023 David M. Hillis (post-doc), Mark Kirkpatrick (post-doc), Justin C. Havird (post-doc)
Jasper A. SmitsClinical Psychology2004 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
George Davis Snellmouse genetics, transplant immunology19311932 Hermann J. Muller (post-doc)
D Max SnodderlyVisual cortex
melvin L. Snyderattribution theory19761981 Mark H. (collaborator), Robert A. Wicklund (grad student), Walter G. Stephan (grad student), David C. Glass (post-doc)
Sung-Hyun SongReading Education, Language and Literature Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Natasha SosanyamTOR Kimberly F. Raab-Graham (grad student)
Debora H. SouzaDevelopmental Psychology2004 Catharine H. Echols (grad student)
Carol J. SpauldingHealth Education, Mass Communications, Public Health, Early Childhood Education, Hispanic American Studies Health Education2009 Alexandra Loukas (grad student)
David J. Spencerdevelopment, aging2000 Guy Manaster (grad student)
Rick A. SperlingEducational Psychology Education, Hispanic American Studies, Social Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education Educational Psychology2007 Barbara G. Dodd (grad student)
Michael J. SpinettaRetrograde Memory Impairments Psychology2008 Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Jaclyn M. Spivey Psychology2008 Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student), Juan Salinas (grad student)
Brian J. StankiewiczObject Recognition, Bayesian Modeling
Kenneth O. StanleyNeural and Cognitive Modeling2004 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Mark Stanton Abe Amsel (grad student)
Kevin StarkEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology
Sabrina M. StarlingSocial Psychology, Women's Studies2001 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Liza E. Stavchanskyadvertising, marketing2000 Isabella C.M. Cunningham (grad student)
Hannah Stealey BME2018 Samantha R. Santacruz (grad student)
Evan M. SteinTime Pressure, Motivation, Math Anxiety, & Theories of Intelligence Psychology2015 Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
Rebecca M. SteinbergNeuroscience, Toxicology The Institute for Neuroscience2007 Andrea C. Gore (grad student)
Scott M. SteinerAddictions2002 Kim Fromme (grad student)
Nancy J. Stephensmarketing, communications, services19761980 Isabella C.M. Cunningham (grad student)
Benjamin Read StephensVision, human factors, education19791985 Martin Banks (grad student)
Kyle R StephensonClinical Psychology, Sexual Dysfunction, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Psychology20082014 Cindy Meston (grad student)
Ithai SternManagement Business Administration2005 Alison Davis-Blake (grad student)
Harvey M. StevensMusic Education, Educational Psychology Education2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Harold W. Stevensonchildren's learning
Eric Sticeeating disorders, obesity, prevention, dietary restraint, reward, intervention
Mark Strauss Leslie Cohen (grad student)
Scott M. StrongClinical Psychology2004 Eric Stice (grad student)
Jon A. StuberMusic, Biography2001 Carroll Gonzo (grad student)
Dylan Gilbert SucichAnxiety, Alcohol dependence and withdrawal Neuroscience Neuroscience20152016 Nigel Atkinson (research assistant), Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (research assistant)
Marie-Anne SuizzoHigher Education, Social Psychology, Hispanic American Studies
Molly K. SullivanDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology Human Development and Family Sciences2009 Edward Anderson (grad student)
Matthew Alexander Sullivan Cell and Molecular Biology2008 Hitoshi Morikawa (grad student)
Jessica J. SummersEducational Psychology Education2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
B. Dennis SustareFrog visual system Zoology W. Frank Blair (grad student)
Marilla D. SvinickiEducational Psychology Education
Michael S. SweetEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education Educational Psychology2008 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Liza Talavera-GarzaClinical Psychology, Aging, Hispanic American Studies2010 Charles J. Holahan (grad student)
Leanne TammClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Mental Health2000 Caryn L. Carlson (grad student)
Xinzhou TanPhysics Physics2017 Alex De Lozanne (grad student)
Pin Kwang TanVision and Consciousness Institute of Neuroscience2021 Eyal Seidemann (grad student)
Man A. Tang2003 Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
Wen-Tzu TangRecreation, Biomedical Engineering2002 Lawrence D Abraham (grad student)
Kevin Tang Biomedical Engineering Huiliang Wang (grad student)
Rayna Taniguchi BME Lief E Fenno (grad student)
Kereshmeh Taravosh-LahnStroke, Aggression, Stress, Behavior Institute for Neuroscience2008 Yvon Delville (grad student)
Aaron Tasset Biomedical Engineering Huiliang Wang (grad student)
Abtine Tavassolivision science; image & video processing Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering2007 Lawrence K. Cormack (grad student), Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Eric G. Taylorcategorization, explanation, causal reasoning, similarity, analogy, memory, computational models20032005 Arthur B. Markman (research assistant)
Michael J. TelchClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Lisa N. Terrydevelopment, aging2001 Guy Manaster (grad student)
Deydre S. TeyhenRadiology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Biomedical Engineering2004 Lawrence D Abraham (grad student)
Kimberly K. Thalhuberparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next2001 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Nam Than Biomedical Engineering2020 Hyun Jung Kim (grad student)
Deoborah TharingerGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology
Deborah J. TharingerEducational Psychology Education, Special Education, Elementary Education, Hispanic American Studies
E. Donnall Thomastransplantation immunology1943 Harry L. Lochte (grad student)
Robert Thompson
K. Ryan Thompson Pharmacology & Toxicology2018 Kimberly Nixon (grad student)
Wesley J. Thompson
Thomas E. ThorsheimSocial Psychology2002 Frank W. Wicker (grad student)
Le Tian2003 Wesley J. Thompson (grad student)
Lindsay M. TimmermanSpeech Communication, Social Psychology2001 Anita L. Vangelisti (grad student)
Adela Timmons
Megan Elizabeth Tipps2007 S. John Mihic (grad student)
Daniel J. Tobianskymedial preoptic area, drugs of addiction, sexual behavior, neurosteroid, steroidogenesis20092014 Juan M. Dominguez (grad student)
Jelena Todorovic2002 S. John Mihic (grad student)
Stephen Topper Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (grad student)
Tammy T. Tranmemory, fmri, hippocampus psychology Alison R. Preston (grad student)
Jennifer N. Trapaniparent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next Educational Psychology2006 Deborah B. Jacobvitz (grad student)
Sean Gregory TrettelMedial entorhinal cortex, Grid cells, oscillations, learning and memory, computational models20122018 Ila R. Fiete (grad student), Laura Lee Colgin (grad student)
John B. Trimpermemory; in vivo hippocampal electrophysiology; oscillations Neuroscience, Center for Learning & Memory2016 Laura Lee Colgin (post-doc)
Ariel S. TrostEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology2006 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Logan T. Trujillovisual perception, consciousness, decision
Christopher W. Tubbs Marine Science2007 Peter Thomas (grad student)
David M. TuckerClinical Psychology, Higher Education
Sara A. Tullos Psychology2009 Jacqueline Woolley (grad student)
Fred Turek Michael Menaker (post-doc)
Eric TurkheimerBehavior Genetics Psychology19791986 John C. Loehlin (grad student), Lee Willerman (grad student)
George M. TurnerEducational Psychology Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Technology of Education2004 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Monique TurnerSpeech Communication, Behavioral Psychology
Tal TverskyNeural and Cognitive Modeling Computer Science2008 Risto Miikkulainen (grad student)
Bill Underwood
Rosa A. UribeRetinal differentiation, neural crest, zebrafish, neuron Molecular biosciences20062012 Jeffrey M. Gross (grad student)
Carmen R. Valdez ChavezEducational Psychology Education, Public Health, Clinical Psychology2004 Kevin Stark (grad student)
John P. ValentaBehavioral Neuroscience2009 Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student), John D. Salamone (research assistant)
Suzanne V.H. van der Feestchild phonology, phonetics, speech perception20092011 Barbara L. Davis (post-doc), Rajka Smiljanic (collaborator)
Jennifer L. Van Reet Psychology20002002 Jacqueline Woolley (research assistant)
Jennifer D. VaneClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2002 Stephanie S. Rude (grad student)
Anita L. VangelistiSpeech Communication, Social Psychology
Brandon Javier Vareladisease ecology, molecular ecology, microbiota, genomics Department of Integrative Biology Department of Integrative Biology2017 Daniel I. Bolnick (research assistant), Yoel Stuart (research assistant)
Nicole L. Varga2017 Alison R. Preston (post-doc)
Adriana Vasquez Psychology Juan M. Dominguez (grad student)
Angela L. VaughanSecondary Education2005 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Phillip W. VaughanSocial Sciences Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education Educational Psychology2009 Susan N. Beretvas (grad student)
Christy A. VaughnSocial Psychology, Clinical Psychology2001 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Rebecca G. Vauriocognitive psychology, category learning, decision making2004 W Todd Maddox (grad student)
Ashley Vena Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
Andres G. Vidal-GadeaNeuroethology Jon T. Pierce-Shimomura (post-doc)
Javier G. VillanuevaDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2000 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Vita M. VockCortical development Neuroscience20032007 Mendell Rimer (grad student)
Martha C. VogelCultural Anthropology, Clinical Psychology2001 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Rebecca VoglewedeSubcellular integration within axons and dendrites Neuroscience20192022 Nace L. Golding (post-doc)
Ramona E. von Ledenspinal cord injury, neuroinflammation, microglia, traumatic brain injury, aging Neurology2017 Linda Noble-Haeusslein (post-doc)
Haruka Wada Integrative Biology2007 Creagh W. Breuner (grad student)
Juli S. Wade19871992 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Carson B. WagnerSocial Psychology
Bradley J. Wagstaff2004 David Begun (grad student)
Sarah J. WalkerClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Social Psychology2001 Lucia A. Gilbert (grad student)
Deena M. Walker20062012 Andrea C. Gore (grad student)
Mary J. WallerManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology Robert L. Helmreich (grad student)
Stephen M. WallsEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education Educational Psychology2009 Marilla D. Svinicki (grad student)
Keith Walters
Kathryn G. WambachSocial Work, Mental Health, Clinical Psychology
Tracy H. Wangepisodic memory, aging, fMRI Psychology20142019 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (post-doc)
Silu WangSpeciation
Huiliang WangNeuroengineering, biomaterials, bioelectronics
Wenliang Wang Biomedical Engineering Huiliang Wang (post-doc)
Zhou Wangimage processing, visual perception, vision science, image quality, video processing2001 Alan C. Bovik (grad student)
Wei-Hsuan WangEducational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education Educational Psychology Educational Psychology2009 Toni L. Falbo (grad student), Marie-Anne Suizzo (grad student)
Johanna M. WarcholaClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Educational Psychology2007 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Karen M. WarkentinPhenotypic plasticity, hatching, amphibians1998 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Susan M. Warner ThomasonCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education Curriculum & Instruction2009 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Paige S. Warren2000 Michael J. Ryan (grad student)
Jennifer L. Watts2002 Philip B. Gough (grad student)
Ralph M. WaughSocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology2002 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Pamela J. WayEducational Psychology Education2002 Claire E. Weinstein (grad student)
Amy P. WebbCognitive Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Developmental Psychology Family and Consumer Sciences2008 Edward Anderson (grad student)
Peck-Sheng Wee
Zhen Weivisual system, computational neuroscience
Claire E. WeinsteinEducational Psychology Education, Teacher Training Education, Reading Education
Erica S. WeisgramDevelopmental Psychology, Gender Studies, Industrial Psychology2006 Rebecca Bigler (grad student)
Chelsea Weitekamp
Tasha M. WellingtonClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology2008 Caryn L. Carlson (grad student)
Gregory C. WellsEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology2005 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Terri L. WellsLanguage and Literature Education, Linguistics Language, General Engineering2005 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Beth S. WellsEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2000 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Brian Thomas Welsh20052010 S. John Mihic (grad student)
Lonnie K. WenPharmacy2002 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Deborah A. WendlandEducational Psychology Education, Individual and Family Studies2004 Kevin Stark (grad student)
Jeffrey J. WenstrupAuditory system, Acoustic communication19831986 George Pollak (post-doc)
Laura L. S. WernerWorking Memory, Forgetting20222024 Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock (post-doc)
John G. Westhafersensation and perception, audition, sex differences in the auditory system Psychology2007 Dennis McFadden (grad student)
Joshua M. WestheimerMental Health, Health Care Management Educational Psychology2008 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Reagan WetherillAddictions, fMRI
Diek W. WheelerNeuroinformatics, modeling1998 William C. Schieve (grad student)
Keith William Whitakersocial behavior plasticity20072011 Hans A. Hofmann (grad student)
Matthew P. WhitmireVisual System, Attention, Decision Making Neuroscience Eyal Seidemann (grad student)
Jake Alden Whritnervision science, motion processing, 3D motion, eye tracking, natural scene statistics Center for Perceptual Systems2017 Alex C. Huk (grad student)
Jennifer B. WickEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education Educational Psychology2006 Diane L. Shallert (grad student)
Frank W. WickerGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education
Robert A. Wicklundexperimental social psychology
John Eric WidloskiSpatial Navigation and Memory
Lon A. Wilkenspaddlefish, crayfish, scallop, giant clam James L. Larimer (post-doc)
Lee WillermanBehavior Genetics
Joan W. WilliamsClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Cultural Anthropology, Women's Studies2000 Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Jeannetta G. WilliamsEducational Psychology Education, Black Studies2004 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Sherry L. Willis Educational Psychology19691972 Jere Brophy (grad student)
Jennifer Clark Wilson Curriculum and Instruction2007 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Bradley D. Winterssynaptic plasticity and dendritic physiology2013 Nace L. Golding (post-doc)
Lin S. WintonBehavioral neuroendocrinology
Sarah (Sadie) J. Witkowskisleep, memory Psychology20112014 David Schnyer (research assistant)
Sarah Wolfealcohol, addiction Kimberly F. Raab-Graham (grad student)
Kate B. Wolitzky-TaylorClinical Psychology Psychology2009 Michael J. Telch (grad student)
Joel Wommack Yvon Delville (grad student)
Nancy L. WonacottDevelopmental Psychology2001 Charles J. Holahan (grad student)
Ryan Y. Wongbehavior, neuroscience, behavioral genomics, neuroethology, behavioral ecology20062011 Molly E. Cummings (grad student), Hans A. Hofmann (grad student)
Stephanie WooMorphogenesis Peter Vize (research assistant)
Teri L. WoodEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education Educational Psychology2007 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
Jessica Woodenbehavioral neuroscience Pharmacology and Toxicology2019 Kimberly Nixon (post-doc)
Martin T. WoodleeParkinson's Disease Neuroscience2008 Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Althea L. WoodruffEducational Psychology Education, Secondary Education2003 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Kelly L. WoodruffHealth Education, Women's Studies, Mental Health2002 Alexandra Loukas (grad student)
Harrell W. WoodsonClinical Psychology2003 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
John Woodward1986 Steven W. Leslie (post-doc)
Jacqui D. WoolleyDevelopmental Psychology
Jacqueline Woolley
Sarah C. Woolleysong system, learning2002 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Emily Workmandepression, mTOR Kimberly F. Raab-Graham (grad student)
Darrell A. Worthy W Todd Maddox (grad student), Arthur B. Markman (grad student)
Sebastian A. Wren2000 Philip B. Gough (grad student)
Beverly A. WrightPsychoacoustics Dennis McFadden (grad student)
Kathryn M. Wrubel2006 Francisco Gonzalez-Lima (grad student)
Mingming Wu Neuroscience2009 Harold H. Zakon (grad student)
Biao WuQuantum Gas, Quantum Computation, Cold Atoms Physics Qian Niu (grad student)
Di Wu Pharmacy2009 Andrea C. Gore (grad student)
Congyu Peter Wu Psychology2019 David Schnyer (post-doc)
Alex Wu Biomedical Engineering2018 Hyun Jung Kim (research assistant)
Zhuoru WuTransmembrane signalling2001 Martin Poenie (grad student)
Margaret Lorraine Wynn-Dancy2001 Ronald B. Gillam (grad student)
Ruili XieAuditory system Neurobiology2006 George Pollak (grad student)
Zilong Xie2018 Bharath Chandrasekaran (grad student)
Huadong Xiongcomputational neuroscience Department of Neuroscience2021 Xuexin Wei (research scientist)
Mary G. YancyGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2005 Kevin Stark (grad student), Deborah J. Tharinger (grad student)
Eun-Jin Yang2002 Walter Wilczynski (grad student)
Dongwook YangEducational Psychology Education, Higher Education2004 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Ming-Lung YangVocational Education, Educational Psychology Education, Technology of Education Foreign Language Education2006 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Hongyan Yang Neuroscience Program2007 Timothy Schallert (grad student)
Jacob Yates20112016 Il Memming Park (collaborator), Jonathan Pillow (grad student), Alex C. Huk (grad student)
David S. YeagerSocial-cognitive development, Motivation, Aggression, Adolescence, Research methodology, and Psychological interventions
Jennifer J. YehBiomechanics, Comparative Physiology2001 Robert Dudley (grad student), David C. Cannatella (grad student)
Rebecca C. YerlyEducational Psychology Education, Industrial Psychology, Adult and Continuing Education2000 Christopher J. McCarthy (grad student)
Han Gyol Yi Communication Sciences and Disorders2017 Bharath Chandrasekaran (grad student)
Murat Yildirimnonlinear imaging, optogenetics
Weiling YinNeuroscience, Toxicology Neuroscience2008 Andrea C. Gore (grad student)
Hyunjeong YooEducational Psychology Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Higher Education Educational Psychology2009 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Yongseok Yooneural coding, learning and memory Center for Learning and Memory20082014 Ila R. Fiete (grad student)
KiJung YoonComputational and Theoretical Neuroscience Ila R. Fiete (grad student)
Larry J. Younggenes and behavior19891994 David Pafford Crews (grad student)
Michael W. Young1975 Burke Judd (grad student)
Stacy L. YoungSpeech Communication, Social Psychology2000 Anita L. Vangelisti (grad student)
Liu YuezhangComputational Neuroscience
Sichang Yum1998 Diane L. Schallert (grad student)
Woodie M. ZachryPharmacy, Marketing Business Administration2000 Marvin D. Shepherd (grad student)
Harold H. Zakon
Shannon L. ZandyNeuropharmacology Pharmacology and Toxicology Rueben A. Gonzales (grad student)
Timothy J. ZeddiesPhilosophy, Clinical Psychology2000 Ricardo C. Ainslie (grad student)
Andrea M. ZeddiesClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Physiological Psychology2001 Frank C. Richardson (grad student)
Dasa Zeithamova Neuroscience2008 W Todd Maddox (grad student)
Dagmar Zeithamova Alison R. Preston (post-doc)
Boris V. ZemelmanThe role of hippocampal microcircuits in memory formation and recall
Ruohan ZhangMachine Learning;Reinforcement Learning;Computational Neuroscience; Attention Computer Science Center for Perceptual Systems2014 Dana H. Ballard (grad student), Mary M. Hayhoe (grad student)
Yi Zhao2019 Samantha R. Santacruz (grad student)
Xing ZhengCivil Engineering
Chenguang Zheng Laura Lee Colgin (post-doc)
Da-Jiang "David" ZhengBehavioral neuroendocrinology
Lian Zhou
Yifeng Zhurobot learning
Corey M ZiembaVision Center for Perceptual Systems20182024 Robbe L.T. Goris (post-doc)
Edward F. ZiglerDevelopmental Psychology1958 Harold W. Stevenson (grad student)
Benjamin D. Zinszer20172018 Bharath Chandrasekaran (post-doc)
Ellen L. Zippi Alison R. Preston (research assistant)
Alfredo Zuniga