Nathan Witthoft

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Vision and learning
"Nathan Witthoft"
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Witthoft N, Sha L, Winawer J, et al. (2018) Sensory and decision-making processes underlying perceptual adaptation. Journal of Vision. 18: 10
Winawer J, Witthoft N. (2017) Identification of the ventral occipital visual field maps in the human brain. F1000research. 6: 1526
Weiner KS, Barnett M, Witthoft N, et al. (2017) Defining the most probable location of the parahippocampal place area using cortex-based alignment and cross-validation. Neuroimage
Le R, Witthoft N, Ben-Shachar M, et al. (2017) The field of view available to the ventral occipito-temporal reading circuitry. Journal of Vision. 17: 6
Witthoft N, Eagleman D, Winawer J. (2016) Regularities in Grapheme-Color Synesthesia Journal of Vision. 16: 467
Le R, Wandell B, Ben-Shachar M, et al. (2016) The field of view of word-responsive regions in visual cortex Journal of Vision. 16: 1426
Winawer J, Witthoft N. (2015) Human V4 and ventral occipital retinotopic maps. Visual Neuroscience. 32: E020
Jacques C, Witthoft N, Weiner KS, et al. (2015) Corresponding ECoG and fMRI category-selective signals in Human ventral temporal cortex. Neuropsychologia
Miller KJ, Hermes D, Witthoft N, et al. (2015) The physiology of perception in human temporal lobe is specialized for contextual novelty. Journal of Neurophysiology. 114: 256-63
Witthoft N, Winawer J, Eagleman DM. (2015) Prevalence of learned grapheme-color pairings in a large online sample of synesthetes. Plos One. 10: e0118996
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