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Warren P. Lombard research scientist 1906-1910 University of Michigan
Otto Frank research scientist 1912-1912 University of Munich


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Louis N. Katz grad student 1918-1923 Case Western
Corneille Heymans post-doc Case Western Medical School (Physiology Academic Tree)
Robert M. Berne research scientist 1948-1949 Western Reserve University Medical School (Physiology Academic Tree)
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Wiggers CJ, Bell JR, Paine M. (2003) Studies of ventricular fibrillation caused by electric shock: II. Cinematographic and electrocardiographic observations of the natural process in the dog's heart. Its inhibition by potassium and the revival of coordinated beats by calcium. Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology : the Official Journal of the International Society For Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Inc. 8: 252-61; discussion 2
HURLIMANN A, WIGGERS CJ. (1953) The effects of progressive general anoxia on the pulmonary circulation. Circulation Research. 1: 230-7
GELLER HM, BRANDFONBRENER M, WIGGERS CJ. (1953) The derivation of coronary sinus flow during elevation of right ventricular pressure. Circulation Research. 1: 152-6
WIGGERS CJ. (1952) Dynamics of ventricular contraction under abnormal conditions. Circulation. 5: 321-48
GUPTA TC, WIGGERS CJ. (1951) Basic hemodynamic changes produced by aortic coarctation of different degrees. Circulation. 3: 17-31
WIGGERS CJ. (1947) Myocardial depression in shock; a survey of cardiodynamic studies. American Heart Journal. 33: 633-50
OPDYKE DF, WIGGERS CJ. (1946) Studies of right and left ventricular activity during hemorrhagic hypotension and shock. The American Journal of Physiology. 147: 270-80
WIGGERS CJ, OPDYKE DF, JOHNSON JR. (1946) Portal pressure gradients under experimental conditions, including hemorrhagic shock. The American Journal of Physiology. 146: 192-206
Wiggers CJ. (1945) THE FAILURE OF TRANSFUSIONS IN IRREVERSIBLE HEMORRHAGIC SHOCK: (A Study of Central Venous Pressures) American Journal of Physiology. 144: 91-101
Huizenga KA, Brofman BL, Wiggers CJ. (1943) Ineffectiveness of Adreno-Cortical Preparations in Standardized Hemorrhagic Shock.∗ Experimental Biology and Medicine. 52: 77-77
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