Michelle C. Phillips

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
"Michelle Phillips"
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P. Andrew Leynes research assistant The College of New Jersey
Jennifer Vendemia grad student 2013 University of South Carolina
 (The impact of age and executive function on susceptibility to misinformation.)
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Meek SW, Phillips MC, Boswell CP, et al. (2013) Deception and the misinformation effect: an event-related potential study. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 87: 81-7
Phillips MC, Meek SW, Vendemia JMC. (2011) Understanding the underlying structure of deceptive behaviors Personality and Individual Differences. 50: 783-789
Leynes PA, Phillips MC. (2008) Event-related potential (ERP) evidence for varied recollection during source monitoring. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 34: 741-51
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