Ernst Fehr
Affiliations: | Universität Zürich, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland |
"Ernst Fehr"Mean distance: 14.39 (cluster 29)
Sign in to add mentorGerhard Orosel | grad student | 1980-1986 | University of Vienna |
Alexander van der Bellen | grad student | 1980-1986 | University of Vienna |
Sign in to add traineeFlorian P Ederer | grad student | (Econometree) | |
Daria Knoch | grad student | University of Bern | |
Armin Falk | grad student | 1998 | Universität Zürich |
Andrew S. Fox | grad student | 2008-2009 | Universität Zürich |
Johannes A. Haushofer | grad student | 2012 | Universität Zürich |
Yosuke Morishima | post-doc | 2009- | Universität Zürich |
Molly J. Crockett | post-doc | 2011-2012 | Universität Zürich |
Rafael Polania | post-doc | 2012-2017 | Universität Zürich |
Kerstin Preuschoff | research scientist | 2007-2011 | Universität Zürich |
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Krajbich I, Mitsumasu A, Polania R, et al. (2021) A causal role for the right frontal eye fields in value comparison. Elife. 10 |
Williams TB, Burke CJ, Nebe S, et al. (2021) Testing models at the neural level reveals how the brain computes subjective value. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118 |
Declerck CH, Boone C, Pauwels L, et al. (2020) A registered replication study on oxytocin and trust. Nature Human Behaviour. 4: 646-655 |
Carlson RW, Maréchal MA, Oud B, et al. (2020) Motivated misremembering of selfish decisions. Nature Communications. 11: 2100 |
Engelmann JB, De Dreu CKW, Schmid B, et al. (2020) Reply to Schild et al.: Antisocial personality moderates the causal influence of costly punishment on trust and trustworthiness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Soutschek A, Kozak R, de Martinis N, et al. (2020) Activation of D1 receptors affects human reactivity and flexibility to valued cues. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology |
Burghart DR, Epper T, Fehr E. (2020) The Two Faces of Independence: Betweenness and Homotheticity Theory and Decision. 88: 567-593 |
Epper T, Fehr E, Fehr-Duda H, et al. (2020) Time Discounting and Wealth Inequality The American Economic Review. 110: 1177-1205 |
Miettinen T, Kosfeld M, Fehr E, et al. (2020) Revealed preferences in a sequential prisoners’ dilemma: A horse-race between six utility functions Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 173: 1-25 |
Burghart DR, Epper T, Fehr E. (2020) The uncertainty triangle – Uncovering heterogeneity in attitudes towards uncertainty Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 60: 125-156 |