David Koceja

University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN, United States 
spinal reflex regulation
"David Koceja"
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Tahayori B, Tahayori B, Mehdizadeh A, et al. (2022) Postural displacement induced by electrical stimulation; A new approach to examine postural recovery. Plos One. 17: e0273282
Nematollahi M, Razeghi M, Tahayori B, et al. (2017) The role of Anterior Cruciate Ligament in the control of posture; possible neural contribution. Neuroscience Letters
Fox A, Koceja D. (2016) Static otolithic drive alters presynaptic inhibition in soleus motor pool. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology : Official Journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. 32: 37-43
Ryder RA, Kitano K, Phipps AM, et al. (2015) Contralateral conditioning to the soleus H-reflex as a function of age and physical activity. Experimental Brain Research
Tahayori B, Tahayori B, Koceja D. (2015) Characteristics of preceding Ia activity on postactivation depression in health and disease. Journal of Neurophysiology. 113: 3751-8
Robertson CT, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2013) Independent segmental inhibitory modulation of synaptic efficacy of the soleus H-reflex. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 30: 81-9
Tahayori B, Koceja DM. (2012) Activity-dependent plasticity of spinal circuits in the developing and mature spinal cord. Neural Plasticity. 2012: 964843
Tsuruike M, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2012) Differential control of H-reflex amplitude in different weight-bearing conditions in young and elderly subjects. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 123: 2018-24
Robertson CT, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2012) Temporal depression of the soleus H-reflex during passive stretch. Experimental Brain Research. 219: 217-25
Tahayori B, Port NL, Koceja DM. (2012) The inflow of sensory information for the control of standing is graded and bidirectional. Experimental Brain Research. 218: 111-8
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