Christopher T. Robertson

University of Florida & VA BRRC, Gainesville, FL, United States 
spinal reflex regulation
"Christopher Robertson"
Mean distance: 17.71 (cluster 22)


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David Koceja grad student 2001-2007 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Selectivity of presynaptic inhibition: Supraspinal and segmental influences that shape movement parameters.)
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DeCouto B, Robertson CT, Lewis D, et al. (2019) The speed of perception: the effects of over-speed video training on pitch recognition in collegiate softball players. Cognitive Processing
Phadke CP, Robertson CT, Patten C. (2015) Upper-extremity spinal reflex inhibition is reproducible and strongly related to grip force poststroke. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 125: 441-8
Robertson CT, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2013) Independent segmental inhibitory modulation of synaptic efficacy of the soleus H-reflex. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 30: 81-9
Robertson CT, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2012) Temporal depression of the soleus H-reflex during passive stretch. Experimental Brain Research. 219: 217-25
Phadke CP, Robertson CT, Condliffe EG, et al. (2012) Upper-extremity H-reflex measurement post-stroke: reliability and inter-limb differences. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 123: 1606-15
Kitano K, Tsuruike M, Robertson CT, et al. (2009) Effects of a complex balance task on soleus H-reflex and presynaptic inhibition in humans. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 49: 235-43
Tsuruike M, Koceja DM, Robertson CT, et al. (2006) Implications for using H-max/M-max ratio in H-reflex parameters for elderly subjects compared with young subjects. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 46: 285-90
Harris RA, Kitano K, Robertson CT, et al. (2006) Electrically and Mechanically Induced Depression of the Soleus H-Reflex at Different Stimulus Intensities Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38: S523
Tsuruike M, Kitano K, Robertson C, et al. (2006) Investigation of H-Reflex Modulation with Two Experimental Techniques and Active Movement on the Balance Board Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38: S442
Robertson CT, Kitano K, Tsuruike M, et al. (2006) Presynaptic Inhibition of the H-reflex Relative to Test Reflex Size Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38: S441
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