Christian J. Resick, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2004 | Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States |
Industrial PsychologyGoogle:
"Christian Resick"Mean distance: 8905.5
Sign in to add mentorMarcus W. Dickson | grad student | 2004 | Wayne State | |
(An investigation of the antecedents and consequences of shared mental models in teams.) |
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Davis AL, Allen J, Shepler L, et al. (2020) Moving FOCUS - The Fire Service Organizational Culture of Safety survey - From research to practice. Journal of Safety Research. 74: 233-247 |
Graham KA, Resick CJ, Margolis JA, et al. (2019) Egoistic norms, organizational identification, and the perceived ethicality of unethical pro-organizational behavior: A moral maturation perspective Human Relations. 73: 1249-1277 |
Taylor JA, Davis AL, Shepler LJ, et al. (2019) Development and validation of the fire service safety climate scale Safety Science. 118: 126-144 |
Dust SB, Resick CJ, Margolis JA, et al. (2018) Ethical leadership and employee success: Examining the roles of psychological empowerment and emotional exhaustion The Leadership Quarterly. 29: 570-583 |
Travis Maynard M, Resick CJ, Cunningham QW, et al. (2017) Ch-Ch-Ch-changes: How Action Phase Functional Leadership, Team Human Capital, and Interim vs. Permanent Leader Status Impact Post-transition Team Performance Journal of Business and Psychology. 32: 575-593 |
Direnzo MS, Weingarden SM, Resick CJ. (2016) Following the leader in sports: A targeted review and a rally for extended research Monographs in Leadership and Management. 8: 67-93 |
Mawritz MB, Dust SB, Resick CJ. (2014) Hostile climate, abusive supervision, and employee coping: does conscientiousness matter? The Journal of Applied Psychology. 99: 737-47 |
Resick CJ, Murase T, Randall KR, et al. (2014) Information elaboration and team performance: Examining the psychological origins and environmental contingencies Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 124: 165-176 |
Dust SB, Resick CJ, Mawritz MB. (2014) Transformational leadership, psychological empowerment, and the moderating role of mechanistic-organic contexts Journal of Organizational Behavior. 35: 413-433 |
Resick CJ, Hargis MB, Shao P, et al. (2013) Ethical leadership, moral equity judgments, and discretionary workplace behavior Human Relations. 66: 951-972 |