JoAnn Hsueh, Ph.D.

2004 New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
"JoAnn Hsueh"
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Hirokazu Yoshikawa grad student 2004 NYU
 (Prevalence, determinants, and developmental consequences of non-standard schedules and variable shifts among low -income families.)
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Guerrero-Rosada P, Weiland C, McCormick M, et al. (2021) Null relations between CLASS scores and gains in children’s language, math, and executive function skills: A replication and extension study Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 54: 1-12
McCormick MP, Weissman AK, Weiland C, et al. (2020) Time well spent: Home learning activities and gains in children's academic skills in the prekindergarten year. Developmental Psychology
McCormick MP, Pralica M, Guerrero-Rosada P, et al. (2020) Can Center-Based Care Reduce Summer Slowdown Prior to Kindergarten? Exploring Variation by Family Income, Race/Ethnicity, and Dual Language Learner Status: American Educational Research Journal. 283122094490
Wood RG, Mcconnell S, Moore Q, et al. (2012) The Effects of Building Strong Families: A Healthy Marriage and Relationship Skills Education Program for Unmarried Parents Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 31: 228-252
Hsueh J, Gennetian LA. (2011) Welfare policies and adolescents: exploring the roles of sibling care, maternal work schedules, and economic resources. American Journal of Community Psychology. 48: 322-40
Hsueh J, Yoshikawa H. (2007) Working nonstandard schedules and variable shifts in low-income families: associations with parental psychological well-being, family functioning, and child well-being. Developmental Psychology. 43: 620-32
Yoshikawa H, Wilson PA, Hsueh J, et al. (2003) What front-line CBO staff can tell us about culturally anchored theories of behavior change in HIV prevention for Asian/Pacific Islanders. American Journal of Community Psychology. 32: 143-58
Yoshikawa H, Magnuson KA, Bos JM, et al. (2003) Effects of earnings-supplement policies on adult economic and middle-childhood outcomes differ for the "hardest to employ". Child Development. 74: 1500-21
Yoshikawa H, Rosman EA, Hsueh J. (2002) Resolving paradoxical criteria for the expansion and replication of early childhood care and education programs Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 17: 3-27
Yoshikawa H, Hsueh J. (2001) Child development and public policy: toward a dynamic systems perspective. Child Development. 72: 1887-903
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