Patrick A. Wilson, Ph.D.

2004 New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Social Psychology, Public Health, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Patrick Wilson"
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Hirokazu Yoshikawa grad student 2004 NYU
 (Sexual risk-taking and drug use among Latino men: Examining episodes of high-risk and low-risk sexual behavior.)
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Brown MJ, Osinubi MO, Amoatika D, et al. (2024) Childhood Sexual Abuse and Compulsive Sexual Behavior Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Newly Diagnosed with HIV. Aids and Behavior
Hill M, Truszczynski N, Newbold J, et al. (2022) The mediating role of social support between HIV stigma and sexual orientation-based medical mistrust among newly HIV-diagnosed gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Aids Care. 1-9
Gordon KS, Chiasson MA, Hoover DR, et al. (2021) Difference in HIV testing behavior by injection status, among users of illicit drugs. Aids Care. 1-8
Teizazu H, Hirsch JS, Parker RG, et al. (2021) Framing HIV and AIDS: how leaders of black religious institutions in New York City interpret and address sex and sexuality in their HIV interventions. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 1-31
Elkington KS, O'Grady MA, Tross S, et al. (2020) A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a cross-systems service delivery model to improve identification and care for HIV, STIs and substance use among justice-involved young adults. Health & Justice. 8: 20
Ford JV, Choi J, Walsh K, et al. (2020) Using a Daily Diary Approach to Examine Substance Use and Negative Sexual Experiences Among College Students. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Joska JA, Andersen L, Rabie S, et al. (2020) COVID-19: Increased Risk to the Mental Health and Safety of Women Living with HIV in South Africa. Aids and Behavior
Martos AJ, Fingerhut A, Wilson PA, et al. (2019) Utilization of LGBT-Specific clinics and providers across three cohorts of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people in the United States. Ssm - Population Health. 9: 100505
Ly AT, Wilson PA, Parker CM, et al. (2019) Categorical dilemmas: challenges for HIV prevention among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Vietnam. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 1-16
Dawson EL, Mendoza MCB, Gaul Z, et al. (2019) Resilience, condom use self-efficacy, internalized homophobia, and condomless anal sex among black men who have sex with men, New York City. Plos One. 14: e0215455
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