Kai Willadsen
Affiliations: | Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Fijaš, Slovakia |
"Kai Willadsen"Mean distance: 15.85 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJanet Wiles | grad student | University of Queensland | |
Jochen Triesch | post-doc | 2009 | FIAS |
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Willadsen K, Cao MD, Wiles J, et al. (2013) Repeat-encoded poly-Q tracts show statistical commonalities across species. Bmc Genomics. 14: 76 |
Geard N, Willadsen K. (2009) Dynamical approaches to modeling developmental gene regulatory networks. Birth Defects Research. Part C, Embryo Today : Reviews. 87: 131-42 |
Willadsen K, Triesch J, Wiles J. (2008) Understanding robustness in random boolean networks Artificial Life Xi: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference On the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, Alife 2008. 694-701 |
Willadsen K, Wiles J. (2007) Robustness and state-space structure of Boolean gene regulatory models. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 249: 749-65 |
Willadsen K, Wiles J. (2003) Dynamics of gene expression in an artificial genome 2003 Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Cec 2003 - Proceedings. 1: 185-190 |
Willadsen K, Wiles J. (2002) All binary representations are equal: But some are more equal than others Proceedings of the 2002 Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Cec 2002. 1: 570-575 |