Raymond A. Swanson

University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
"Raymond Swanson"
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Mai N, Wu L, Uruk G, et al. (2024) Bioenergetic and excitotoxic determinants of cofilactin rod formation. Journal of Neurochemistry
Wang J, Swanson RA. (2020) Superoxide and Non-ionotropic Signaling in Neuronal Excitotoxicity Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14
Swanson RA. (2020) A thermodynamic function of glycogen in brain and muscle. Progress in Neurobiology. 189: 101787
Wu L, Butler NJM, Swanson RA. (2019) Technical and Comparative Aspects of Brain Glycogen Metabolism. Advances in Neurobiology. 23: 169-185
Wu L, Wong CP, Swanson RA. (2019) Methodological considerations for studies of brain glycogen. Journal of Neuroscience Research
Minnella AM, Zhao JX, Jiang X, et al. (2018) Excitotoxic superoxide production and neuronal death require both ionotropic and non-ionotropic NMDA receptor signaling. Scientific Reports. 8: 17522
Won SJ, Minnella AM, Wu L, et al. (2018) Cofilin-actin rod formation in neuronal processes after brain ischemia. Plos One. 13: e0198709
Barros LF, Brown A, Swanson RA. (2018) Glia in brain energy metabolism: A perspective. Glia
Irvine K, Bishop R, Won SJ, et al. (2017) Effects of veliparib on microglial activation and functional outcomes following traumatic brain injury in the rat and pig. Journal of Neurotrauma
Ghosh S, Castillo E, Frias ES, et al. (2017) Bioenergetic regulation of microglia. Glia
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