University of California, San Francisco

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Reza Abbasi-Asl
John Adams
Daniel L. AdamsVisual System19982006 Jonathan Horton (post-doc)
R. Alison Adcockmemory, motivation, reward, schizophrenia, neuromodulation Psychiatry Sophia Vinogradov (post-doc)
Hillel AdesnikSynaptic transmission and plasticity Neuroscience2007 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student), Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Hita AdwanikarTraumatic brain injury, Pain processing Linda Noble-Haeusslein (post-doc)
Emily A. Aery JonesHippocampus, entorhinal cortex, spatial navigation, memory consolidation, Alzheimer's disease20162019 Loren Frank (grad student)
Zarinah Agnew John F. Houde (post-doc), Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Somayeh Ahmadiantehranialcohol addiction Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2012 Dorit Ron (grad student)
Osama Ahmed2009 Nirao M. Shah (grad student)
Andrew H. AhnHeadache and Migraine20002004 Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Tara Aitken2018 Zachary A. Knight (grad student)
Katerina AkassoglouNeurovascular Mechanisms of Inflammation and Tissue Repair
Stephanie D. Albin Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Stephanie D. Albin2006 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Maryana Alegro2015 Lea Tenenholz Grinberg (post-doc)
Jeffrey Alexander Orion D. Weiner (post-doc)
Bradley E. AlgerNeuroscience, Epilepsy, Learning, Memory19771981 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Omar AlHashimi Bioengineering2014 Adam Gazzaley (grad student)
Ilayda Alkislar Neuroscience2022 Kevin Yackle (grad student)
Daicia C. Allenalcohol addiction, drug discrimination20092012 Howard L. Fields (research assistant)
William E. Allenneural circuits, behavior, imaging, genetics Anatomy20102014 Stavros Lomvardas (research assistant)
Javier Diaz Alonso
Carolina AlquezarNeurodegeneration
Benedict Joseph Alter Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Arturo Alvarez-BuyllaNeural stem cells
Joon Yong AnGenetics Psychiatry2015 Stephan J. Sanders (post-doc)
Richard A. AndersenSystems Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Stewart A. Anderson John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc)
Courtney M. AndersonPhysiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Human Development Biomedical Sciences2010 Brian L. Black (grad student)
Emily B. AndersonSystems physiology, behavioral state, learning and memory, decision making, neuromodulation, arousal, attention
David W. Andrews Peter Walter (post-doc)
Madeline Andrews Regeneration Medicine2017 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Vanessa T. AngelesRestriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS), CpG islands Biomedical Sciences2009 Joseph Costello (grad student)
Joaquin Angeura
Malcolm D. AnthonyNeurotransmitters2006 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Gopala Anumanchipalli Edward Chang (post-doc)
Yasuki Aoki C. David James (post-doc)
Pierre F. ApostolidesCentral auditory neurophysiology20062008 Roger A. Nicoll (research assistant)
Mandar A. Aras
Emanuela ArgilliAddiction, Autism Neurology2015 Elliott H. Sherr (research assistant)
Annie Arguellobrain development Biomedical Sciences2013 John L. R. Rubenstein (grad student)
Maria Pia Arolfo20012003 Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Aristides B. Arrenberg Neuroscience2010 Herwig Baier (grad student)
Ari Arrenberg2006 Herwig Baier (grad student)
Andoni I. Asencor2022 Sam Pleasure (grad student)
Cedric AsensioVMAT2, dopamine, trafficking, dense core vesicle biogenesis20052014 Robert H. Edwards (post-doc)
John H. AsheAuditory System Benjamin Libet (post-doc)
Kaveh Ashrafi
Marcos Assis Nascimentoneural stem cells, development, extracellular matrix2019 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (post-doc)
Craig A. AtencioAuditory system20072007 Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc), Christoph E. Schreiner (grad student)
Jegath Athilingam Neuroscience20132013 Kevin J. Bender (grad student), Vikaas Singh Sohal (grad student), Linda E. Wilbrecht (research assistant)
Jonathan Augustin Arnold Kriegstein Lab2022 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Iris Bachmutsky Physiology2018 Kevin Yackle (grad student)
Anil D. Bagri2001 John L. R. Rubenstein (grad student)
Ling Bai2017 Zachary A. Knight (post-doc)
Herwig BaierNeuroscience, Behavior, Genetics Sigrun I. Korsching (grad student)
Michael E. Ballardbehavior, psychopharmacology, human neuroimaging, PET, fMRI, stimulants, cannabinoids, cognition, delay discounting, executive function, memory, emotional processing, working memory2015 Andrew Kayser (post-doc)
Krystof Bankiewiczneurosurgery
Shaowen Bao Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Izhar Bar-Gadbasal ganglia, neurophysiology, Parkinson's disease20042005 Robert S. Turner (post-doc)
Scott C. BarabanEpilepsy
Segev BarakNeurobiology of addiction Dorit Ron (post-doc)
Nicholas Barbaro
Nicholas Barbaro
Cori BargmannC. elegans, decision
Alison Barker2010 Herwig Baier (grad student)
Adrian Barker Biomedical Sciences2013 Shaun Coughlin (grad student)
James A. Barkovich
Michael Barnes
Samuel H. Barondes
Jerika Barron2017 Anna V. Molofsky (grad student)
Greg S. Barshpigmentation, melanocortin system Charles J. Epstein (post-doc)
Christopher M. BartleyDevelopmental Neurobiology Neurology2019 Samuel Pleasure (post-doc)
Allan I. BasbaumPain Howard L. Fields (post-doc), Ronald Melzack (research assistant)
Ilia V Baskakovprions Neurology19992001 Stanley Ben Prusiner (post-doc)
Maxime O. Baudepilepsy Neurosurgery20142015 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Omer Ali A. BayraktarNeural stem cells
Michael S. BeattieNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Gerard MJ BeaudoinDevelopmental Neuroscience2005 Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Joshua B. Bederson Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Joshua Bederson
Supinder S. BediAplysia Erik M. Ullian (post-doc)
Annaliese K. BeeryBehavioral Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology, Social behavior20082010 Elissa S. Epel (post-doc)
Elizabeth E. BellocchioNeurotransmitters2001 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Camilla Bellone20022005 Christian Lüscher (grad student), Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Roy Ben-ShalomAlgorithms, GPU, Models Physiology2013 Kevin J. Bender (post-doc)
Kevin J. BenderAxon initial segment, Ca channels, plasticity
Davide BenedettiSleep, Perception
Michael A. Berberoglu Neuroscience2012 Su Guo (grad student)
Mitch Berger
Amy Chang Berger Neuroscience2010 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Miles Bergerpostoperative delirium, postoperative cognitive dysfunction, neuroimmunology, neuroinflammation, serotonin Psychiatry 20032007 Larry Tecott (grad student)
Amy C. BergerGPCRs, pharmacology, biased agonism, Addiction, pain, neuropsychiatric disease Neuroscience2010 Jennifer L. Whistler (grad student)
Mitchel Berger
Sharon B. BergquistChannel Physiology Neuroscience2011 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Josh Berkebasal ganglia; learning/memory; motivation; addiction
Jennifer R. BermanAging2005 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Gabriel Mercado Besserer Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Alexandre Bettencourt da Cruz
Lisa Beutler20162019 Zachary A. Knight (post-doc)
Seema Bhatnagarchronic stress effects, neuroanatomy, behavior19941999 Mary Dallman (post-doc)
Martha R.C. Bhattacharyaneuroscience20022007 David Julius (grad student)
Jeremy S. Bianeplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration2018 Mazen A. Kheirbek (post-doc)
Brian Biehs Cell Biology2009 Thomas B. Kornberg (grad student)
Steven M. Biererauditory system, vestibular system, cochlear implants20032005 Ben Bonham (post-doc)
John L. Bixby Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Brian L. Blackdevelopment
Cory Ann BlaissLearning and Memory Neuroscience20012007 Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
David T. BlakeLearning and cortical plasticity Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Helen M. BlauCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology19751978 Charles J. Epstein (post-doc)
Jessica S. Blumsteinneuro-signaling and long-term memory2001 Regis B. Kelly (grad student)
Charlotte A. BoettigerAddiction, Executive function19952000 Allison Doupe (grad student)
Andrew A. Boganprotein folding2000 Fred Cohen (grad student)
Brigitte A. BogertNeuroscience Neuroscience2007 Reichardt Louis (grad student)
James Boggan
Christopher J. Bohlen Neuroscience2012 David Julius (grad student)
Josiah Boivin20132016 Linda E. Wilbrecht (grad student)
Edwin Boldrey
Andrew W. BollenCNS neoplasms CNS infectious disease Epilepsy Skeletal muscle and Peripheral nerve Veterinary Neuropathology
Jacob J. Bollinger2006 Christoph E. Schreiner (grad student)
Jacob BollingerTop-down modulation, visual system, aging Adam Gazzaley (post-doc)
Stephen J. Bonasera"Neuroscience, aging" Neurology20042008 Larry Tecott (post-doc), Larry Tecott (research scientist), Bruce L. Miller (grad student)
Antonello BonciSubstance abuse Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Ben Bonhamauditory neuroscience19952000 Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc)
David R. BorcheltMouse models of neurodegenerative disease1995 Stanley Ben Prusiner (post-doc)
Valentina Borghesanilanguage, semantics, neuropsychology, fMRI, MEG Neurology Radiology20172020 Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini (post-doc), Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Stephanie L. BorglandAddiction, Obesity, Synaptic plasticity Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Elvira Belle Borovik2010 Magdalena A. Petryniak (research assistant)
Kristofer E. Bouchard Neuroscience2010 Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
Gabrielle Boulianne Yuh Nung Jan (grad student)
Henry R. Bourne
Guy A. Bouviersynaptic plasticity, NMDA receptors, cerebellum, visual system Physiology2016 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Kayla Danese Bowen20112012 Joey Ka-Yee Essoe (research assistant)
Benjamin S. BoydPathobiology and treatment of peripheral neuropathies Physical Therapy2008 Kimberly Topp (grad student)
Andrew S. Brack20012004 Simon M. Hughes (post-doc)
Daniel M. Brady
David Braffpsychophysiology19771978 Enoch Callaway (grad student)
Michael S. Brainardsong system, motor planning Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Paul Brakeman
DJ Brasier
Joao Manuel BrazPain2000 Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Helen M. Bronte-Stewart Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Dianne M. BroussardVestibular compensation, motor learning, synaptic plasticity19871992 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
David A. Brow Christine Guthrie (post-doc)
Richard O. Brown Earl Mayeri (post-doc)
Jesse A. BrownHippocampus, PFC, memory2013 William W. Seeley (post-doc)
Katja Brueckner
Audrey Christine Brumbackneurophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders20112016 Vikaas Singh Sohal (post-doc)
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Buchen2005 Sam Pleasure (grad student)
Monte S. BuchsbaumSchizophrenia, PET19621965 Enoch Callaway (grad student)
Dean Buonomano Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Mark J. Burishheadache, pain Karunesh Ganguly (research scientist)
Kenneth J. Burke Kevin J. Bender (grad student)
Dennis A. Burke2022 Vijay Mohan K Namboodiri (post-doc)
Margit Burmeistergenetics, behavioral, psychiatric, neurological Physiology and Biochemistry/Biophysics19881993 Richard Morris Myers (post-doc)
Cathryn R. Cadwellvisual system, circuit assembly, single cell transcriptomics2020 Tomasz J. Nowakowski (post-doc)
Chang Cai Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Maria Elisa CalcagnottoEpilepsy20002005 Scott C. Baraban (post-doc)
Enoch CallawaySchizophrenia, Attention, EEG
Melissa A. CaltonGenetics of Obesity Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2010 Christian Vaisse (grad student)
Jianhua Cangvisual system development Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Ryan Thomas Canolty Psychiatry San Francisco VA20132014 Daniel H. Mathalon (post-doc), Judith M. Ford (post-doc)
Yu-qing Cao Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Megan R. Carey19992005 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Steven S. Carlson Regis B. Kelly (post-doc)
Margaret F. Carr Neuroscience20072011 Loren Frank (grad student)
Reed C. CarrollSynaptic plasticty, glutamate receptors19962000 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Nathan Cashdollar
Carlos Cassanello Sloan-Schwarz Center for Theoretical Neurobiology19992003 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
David R. Castaneda-Castellanos
Pablo Castillo Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Silvia Cileni Rodrigues Catharinoprotein aggregation, protein folding20062009 Stanley Ben Prusiner (post-doc), Fred Cohen (post-doc)
Michelle Caunca Neurology20162019 Clinton B Wright (grad student), Ralph L Sacco (grad student)
Daniel J. Cavanaugh Neuroscience2009 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Matthew S. CaywoodVisual cortex Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
QueeLim Ch'ng2001 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Zack Z. ChadickTop-down modulation, visual system, aging Neuroscience2010 Adam Gazzaley (grad student)
Ayanabha ChakrabortiStress, Cognition, Anxiety, Nitric Oxide, Oxidative stress, behavior Neurosurgery John Fike (post-doc)
Yee-Ming Chan2000 Yuh Nung Jan (grad student)
Hoover ChanVision,Visual system, color vision, spatial vision, electrophysiology
Jonah R. ChanMyelination
Edward Changauditory system, language, neurosurgery20002003 Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Wei C. ChangG protein-coupled receptors Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2007 Bruce R. Conklin (grad student)
Isaac Y.M. ChangParkinson's Disease, basal ganglia, motor control
Barbara ChapmanVisual development1991 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Anne-Sophie de Preux Charles2009 Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Jonathan D. Charlesworth Neuroscience2012 Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
Josh ChartierSpeech Production, Motor Control Theory Edward Chang (grad student)
Martha R. ChaseSomatosensation Cell Biology2007 David Julius (grad student)
Liesl Chatman
Anuran ChatterjeeVascular disease
Leonard ChavezNeuroscience Biomedical Sciences2014 Eric Verdin (grad student)
Sally Chegezebrafish, epilepsy, ion channels Scott C. Baraban (grad student)
Billy T. Chen Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Albert I. ChenNeural circuits and behavior20062012 Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Pin-Wei ChenMotor Control, Neurorehabilitation, Functional Connectivity, Rehabilitation Therapy20092011 Jyoti Mishra (research assistant)
Stacy Y. ChenMeiosis Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2009 Jennifer Fung (grad student)
Fiona Chen Emergency Medicine Lisa H. Merck (research scientist)
Lu Chen19992002 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Yiming Chen20142018 Zachary A. Knight (grad student)
Anthony Chen
Ling Cheng
Sen Cheng20062009 Philip N. Sabes (post-doc), Loren Frank (post-doc)
Hwai-Jong Chengaxon guidance Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc)
Alex CheslerSomatosensation2007 David Julius (post-doc)
Dane M. ChetkovichIon Channel Trafficking19982002 David Bredt (post-doc)
Connie Cheung Bioengineering2014 Edward Chang (grad student)
Steven Cheung Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc)
Victoria Cheungsensorimotor integration Anatomy ophthalmology20162021 Evan Feinberg (grad student), David R. Copenhagen (research assistant)
Benjamin CheyetteSignaling Scaffold Proteins in Development and Major Psychiatric Disorders
Gregory A. ChinnNeuro Development Anesthesia2016 Jeffrey W. Sall (post-doc)
David A. Chiribogagerontology, psychology, behavioral health disparities, multicultural competence Psychiatry Marjorie Fiske Lowenthal (research scientist)
Mathew Choneural stem cells, adult neurogenesis, epigenetics Daniel A. Lim (research assistant)
Kathleen K.A. Cho2011 Vikaas Singh Sohal (post-doc)
Youngshik Choe20062006 Andrew Peterson (post-doc), Sam Pleasure (post-doc)
Jay H. Choiprotein folding Biological and Medical Informatics2008 Fred Cohen (grad student)
Jeremy A. Cholfindevelopmental neurobiology20032007 John L. R. Rubenstein (grad student)
Suet Ying Christin Y. Chong2011 Ying-Hui Fu (post-doc), Louis J. Ptáček (post-doc)
Gaurav ChopraChemical and Cellular Immunology: Neuroimmunology, Cancer Immunology, Drug Discovery, Chemical Data Science, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Systems Pharmacology Immunology20132016 Jeffrey A. Bluestone (post-doc)
I-han Chou Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
James J. ChrobakHippocampus Memory David G. Amaral (post-doc)
Chiou-Fen ChuangDevelopmental Neurobiology, Brain Asymmetry
Chris S. ChungNeuroimaging methods Bioengineering2008 Roland Henry (grad student)
Hee Jung ChungActivity-dependent regulation of potassium channels in synaptic and intrinsic plasticity Lily Y. Jan (post-doc), Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Anne K. ChurchlandDecision Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Mark M. ChurchlandMotor Cortex2001 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Wesley C. ClappTop-down modulation, visual system, aging, LTP, auditory system, plasticity2006 Adam Gazzaley (post-doc)
Rebecca ClarksonNeuroscience Kevin J. Bender (grad student)
James P. ClelandRegeneration Cardiovascular Research Institute20122013 Takashi Mikawa (research assistant)
Eleanor J. ClowneyEpigenetics Biomedical Sciences2012 Stavros Lomvardas (grad student)
Jennifer K. Coats Neuroscience2010 Nirao M. Shah (grad student)
Jennifer Rachel CochranBioengineering20042005 William F. DeGrado (post-doc)
Terence J. Coderrepain, neuroplasticity Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc), Jon D. Levine (post-doc)
Fred Cohenprotein folding
Michael A. Cohnpositive emotions Judith A. Moskowitz (post-doc)
Brendan I Cohn-SheehyMemory, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, fMRI, neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, context memory, episodic memory Memory and Aging Center20122014 Gil Rabinovici (research assistant)
Allison Cokeraddiction, reinforcement, stress Howard L. Fields (grad student)
Alison E. Cole19811983 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Max Collardastrocytes, network dynamics, memetics Biochemistry and Biophysics Anatomy Neurology20232024 Kira Poskanzer (grad student), Christoph Kirst (grad student), Reza Abbasi-Asl (grad student)
Matthew F Colliesomatosensation, motor cpgs Physiology20172019 Kevin Yackle (research assistant)
Bradley M. ColquittBirdsong, molecular biology Neuroscience20142022 Stavros Lomvardas (grad student), Michael S. Brainard (post-doc)
Alison E ComrieLearning, Decision-making, Hippocampus, Prefrontal cortex2017 Loren Frank (grad student)
Julius H. Comroe
David Conant Edward Chang (grad student)
Carlo L. CondelloNeurodegenerative diseases, Biology of Neuron-Glial interactions2012 Stanley Ben Prusiner (post-doc)
Jackson Jordan ConeVisual Processing, Reinforcement Learning20062009 Patricia H. Janak (research assistant)
Bruce R. ConklinG protein-coupled receptors19901994 Henry R. Bourne (post-doc)
Shanna Cooper
David R. CopenhagenRetina Frank S. Werblin (grad student)
J. Olivier CoqSomatosensory plasticity Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Laura Heather CorbitLearning, drug abuse Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Ammon B. Corl Neuroscience2007 Ulrike Heberlein (grad student)
Patricia Correia
Joseph CostelloRestriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS), CpG islands
Shaun Coughlin Sam Pleasure (collaborator)
Michael E. Coulterneurobiology
Graham Cousens20022004 Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Michael C. CrairCortical development, Sensory map development and plasticity Robert C. Malenka (post-doc), Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Sarah Emily Craven2000 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Douglas CrawfordAging2004 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Justin Gage Crump2000 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Gage Dekoeyer Crump Cori Bargmann (grad student)
A Claudio CuelloAlzheimer's Disease, cognitive behavior, neurochemistry, immunocytochemistry, neuropharmacology and molecular biology. Physiology William Francis Ganong (post-doc)
Wilson W. CuiNeuroscience2008 John Y. Kuwada (grad student)
Gavin Cui Reza Abbasi-Asl (grad student)
Mimi Cushman-Nick Pharmaceutical Chemistry20132016 William F. DeGrado (post-doc)
Yuri Dabaghian20042010 Loren Frank (post-doc)
Maria C. Dadarlat Bioengineering2014 Philip N. Sabes (grad student)
Sarang S. Dalal20032007 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (grad student)
Corby L. Dalecognition, attention, neuroimaging20022006 Greg V. Simpson (post-doc)
Mary DallmanEndocrinology
Caroline DamskyDentistry, Neurobiology Biology, Pharmacology
Sheel Dandekar Biophysics2012 Orion D. Weiner (grad student)
Andy G. S. DanielCancer Neuroscience, Neurotechnology Neurological Surgery2021 Shawn Hervey-Jumper (post-doc)
Dang Q. DaoVisual Neuroscience, Regenerative Medicine, Retina, Cellular Electrophysiology Psychiatry Ophthalmology20152016 Jonah R. Chan (collaborator), Erik M. Ullian (post-doc), Lauren Weiss (collaborator), Stephen P. J. Fancy (collaborator), Felice A. Dunn (post-doc)
Daniel P. Darcy Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Shoumita Dasguptaneuro-signaling and long-term memory2002 Regis B. Kelly (grad student)
Aaron C. DaubNeurotransmitters Bioengineering2013 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Thomas J. DavidsonHippocampus, optogenetics, EMG Physiology20152019 Loren Frank (research scientist)
Graeme W. Davis
Richard Laverne Davis
Brandon J. Davis Biomedical Sciences2007 Donna M. Ferriero (grad student)
Tigwa H. Davis Erik M. Ullian (post-doc)
Heather E. DawesGenetics, Neuroscience
Virginia R. de Sa Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Saskia de Vries19982000 Julie L. Schnapf (research assistant)
R. Christopher deCharmsfMRI, Training, Plasticity, Pain Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Amy deIpolyiHSV transport in neurons2006 Jennifer H. LaVail (grad student)
Filippo Del Bene Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Ryan Nicholas Delgadoneural stem cells, adult neurogenesis, epigenetics, dna methylation20172020 Daniel A. Lim (grad student), Tomasz J. Nowakowski (post-doc)
Laura Deming Cynthia Kenyon (research assistant)
Eric L. DenovellisComputational Neuroscience, Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex Physiology2019 Loren Frank (research scientist)
Rik DerynckSignal transduction, Cancer research, TGF-beta
Anita V. Devineni Neuroscience2012 Ulrike Heberlein (grad student)
Tommaso Di IanniFocused ultrasound, functional ultrasound imaging, neuromodulation Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Radiology and Biomedical Imaging20182023 Raag D. Airan (post-doc)
Jeffrey S. DiamondSynaptic Physiology1994 David R. Copenhagen (grad student)
Benjamin Dichter Edward Chang (grad student)
Dion K. DickmanSynaptic homeostasis Joshua R. Sanes (research assistant), Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Anke Dijkstra2013 William W. Seeley (post-doc)
Jeehaeh DoRespiratory neurobiology
Fiona DoetschAdult stem cells19962001 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Dan Doherty19891995 Yuh Nung Jan (grad student)
Shan Dong2015 Stephan J. Sanders (post-doc)
James F. Donnellypsychophysiology, neuropsychology, concussion, emotion, brain asymmetry Psychiatry Psychiatry19992001 Joel H. Kramer (post-doc), Sandra Portman (research assistant)
Michael H Donovan
Joseph Donovan2009 Herwig Baier (grad student)
Leah Dorman2016 Anna V. Molofsky (grad student)
Allison DoupeBirdsong Jill A. Soha (collaborator)
Joshua DownerNeuroscience, Auditory System Neuroscience Neuroscience20172022 Brian J. Malone (post-doc), Edward Chang (post-doc), Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc)
Sascha du LacOculomotor Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Xin Duanneural development
Dena B. DubalAging, Alzheimers, stroke, neurodegenerative disease, klotho, longevity, sex chromosomes, X chromosome, estrogen Lennart Mucke (post-doc), Bruce L. Miller (post-doc)
Jacque L. Duncan Ophthalmology20002005 Matthew LaVail (research scientist)
Felice A. Dunn Mark A. Stopfer (post-doc)
Noelle DwyerNeural Development Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Ainhoa Echeverria Jonah R. Chan (post-doc)
John R. EconomidesVision and Oculomotor Research20032006 Jonathan Horton (post-doc), Daniel L. Adams (collaborator)
Robert H. EdwardsNeurotransmitters William J. Rutter (post-doc)
Erik Edwards Edward Chang (post-doc)
Yann Ehinger Jean-Christophe Roux (grad student)
Alexander J. EhrenbergNeurodegenerative diseases, stress, neuromodulatory systems, neuropathology Neurology / Memory and Aging Center Neurology / Memory and Aging Center Neurology / Memory and Aging Center2013 Lea Tenenholz Grinberg (grad student), William W. Seeley (grad student), Bruce L. Miller (grad student)
Paul EkmanFacial expressions, emotions
Alaa El-Din El-HusseiniSynapse development19982001 David Bredt (post-doc)
Teryl Elam19881994 Jeffry B. Lansman (grad student)
Laura Allyn Elias Neuroscience2008 Arnold R. Kriegstein (grad student)
Guillermo M. EliasNeuroscience Neuroscience2008 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Ian Ellwood Psychiatry2010 Vikaas Singh Sohal (post-doc)
Joseph Leonard Elsberndneuroscience
Caroline J. Emmettastrocytes Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Joshua J. EmrickOral somatosensation20132018 David Julius (grad student)
William C. Engelandneuroendocrinology, stress, adrenal Mary Dallman (grad student)
Pamela England
Joey D. English
Dario J. EnglotEpilepsy, consciousness, memory Neurological Surgery Biomedical Engineering20142016 Edward Chang (post-doc), Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Johan Enquist Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Elissa S. Epel social and psychobiological stress mechanisms, and impact of stress physiology on food intake, insulin resistance, obesity, and premature aging at the cellular level
Charles J. EpsteinMedical Genetics
Baran A. ErsoyGenetics of Obesity Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2009 Christian Vaisse (grad student)
J Sebastian Espinosa2009 Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Joey Ka-Yee EssoeExecutive Control, Learning, Memory, Ageing, Lifespan Cognitive Changes20112012 Adam Gazzaley (research assistant), Joaquin Angeura (research assistant), Michael T. Rubens (research assistant)
Daniel Estandian20132015 Zachary A. Knight (research scientist)
Eduardo EuropaAphasia, Neuroscience, Neurolinguistics Neurology2017 Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini (post-doc)
Gerard EvanNeuroscience Biology
Dina Faddah20142016 Zachary A. Knight (post-doc)
Josh Faguet Biomedical Sciences2014 Kaveh Ashrafi (grad student)
Samuel Wilson FailorVision, decision making, circuit development20052007 Patrick McQuillen (research assistant)
Xuelai Shelly FanTargeted protein degradation Anatomy2015 Saul A. Villeda (post-doc)
Stephen P. J. Fancyoligodendrocyte, wnt-signaling, MS David H. Rowitch (post-doc)
Jeffrey A Farrelldevelopmental biology, zebrafish Tetrad20062013 Patrick O'Farrell (grad student)
Faranak Fattahienteric nervous system, peripheral nervous system
Alexander James Fay2006 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Andriy FedorenkoUCP1, Ion channels of mitochondria, thermogenesis2007 Yuriy V. Kirichok (post-doc)
Evan FeinbergCortical-subcortical networks for sensory processing and behavior
Dan FeldmanNeurobiology Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Shengjie Feng
Gloria Fernández
Vincent P. FerreraCognitive/Systems Neuroscience, Systems and Circuits Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Donna M. Ferriero
Howard L. Fieldsopioid regulation of motivated behaviors, synaptic and circuit mechanisms, pain, addiction
Francesca FieniIon channels of mitochondria2010 Yuriy V. Kirichok (research scientist)
John Fike
Heather R. FilippiniVisual system2008 Martin Banks (grad student)
Alessandro FilosaSynaptic Plasticity
Steven FinkbeinerMolecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity and Neurodegeneration
Bonnie L. FiresteinCellular and molecular neuroscience, synaptogenesis and dendrite patterning19952000 David Bredt (post-doc)
Sarah Fischbach-Weiss Neuroscience Neuroscience2013 Patricia H. Janak (grad student), Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
David Luke FischerAlpha-Synuclein, Parkinson's disease, deep brain stimulation, brain-derived neurotrophic factor Neurology Neurology Neurology Neurology Neurology20242024 Howard Rosen (post-doc), Bruce L. Miller (post-doc), Lea Tenenholz Grinberg (post-doc), William W. Seeley (post-doc), Lawren Vandevrede (collaborator)
Amber FitzsimmonsPathobiology and treatment of peripheral neuropathies Physical Therapy2013 Kimberly Topp (grad student)
Alexander C. Flint
Mary K. Floeterclinical neurophysiology Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Peying Fongion transport in non-excitable cells Jonathan Widdicombe (grad student)
Kevin J. Ford2012 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Polly Fordycebiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription Joseph DeRisi (post-doc), Kurt S. Thorn (collaborator)
Sarah M. FossNeurotransmitters Cell Biology2012 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Michelle T. Foster20052007 Mary Dallman (post-doc)
Neal P. FoxCognitive Neuroscience, Computational Cognitive Science, Speech Perception, Speech Production, Aphasia Neurological Surgery2016 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Howard S FoxNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology1987 Gail Martin (grad student)
Alfredo Franco-Obregon19871993 Jeffry B. Lansman (grad student)
Loren FrankLearning, Memory, Hippocampus, Decision making
Marcos G. FrankVisual system plasticity Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
C. Andrew FrankSynaptic Plasticity, Homeostatic Mechanisms, Drosophila Neurobiology20042010 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Adam Charles FrankLearning and Memory, CaMKII, LTP
Eleanor J. FraserSexually dimorphic behaviors, lymphoma, multiple myeloma Genetics20142012 James L. Rubenstein (post-doc), Nirao M. Shah (grad student)
Jennifer Freese2005 Sam Pleasure (post-doc)
Ben FreezeSynaptic physiology20082012 Anatol C. Kreitzer (grad student)
Benjamin FreezeNeurotransmitters Biomedical Sciences2012 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Matthew FrerkingNeuroscience, electrophysiology, synaptic transmission Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Laura FrishmanVisual system; Retina19831990 Roy H. Steinberg (research scientist)
Robert Froemke Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc), Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Christine T. FuAxon Injury, Disease, and Novel Paradigms for Therapy Neuroscience2010 David Sretavan (grad student)
Yu Fusystems neuroscience20112015 Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Ying-Hui Fuhuman neurogenetics Louis J. Ptáček (collaborator)
Jennifer FungMeiosis
Robert M. Gage2005 Mark von Zastrow (grad student)
Marta M. Gaglia Neuroscience2008 Kaveh Ashrafi (grad student)
Bradley S. Galer Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Li GanCellular and Molecular Pathways in Neurodegeneration
Sunil P. Gandhi20032011 Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Karunesh GangulyNeurology Jose Carmena (post-doc)
Fen-Biao GaoNeuroscience Biology
Yijing Gao2019 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (grad student)
Catherine E. Garabedian2004 Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Andrew C. Garcia David A. Ziegler (research assistant)
Delia Garigan2001 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Jennifer L. GarrisonNeuropeptide signaling, behavior, aging Chemistry and Chemical Biology20012007 Jack Taunton (grad student)
Alexandre Gaspar-MaiaEpigenomics20042010 Miguel R. Santos (grad student)
Adam GazzaleyTop-down modulation, visual system, aging
Steven GeeHuntington's Disease Neuroscience2014 Vikaas Singh Sohal (grad student)
Ozgur Genc2014 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Efstathios D. GennatasPrecision Medicine, Machine Learning, Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, MRI
Mark M Gerguesmood disorders, epigenetics, antidepressants, circuits, optics, imaging, behavior Neuroscience2018 Mazen A. Kheirbek (grad student)
Paul Walter GermanLearning, Memory, Stress20102005 Loren Frank (post-doc), Howard L. Fields (grad student)
Michael David Geschwindprions, dementia, rapidly progressive dementia, Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, autoimmune encephalopathy
Ania Gheyara
Jennifer Lynn Gibbspain
Aubrey L. Gilbert Robert T. Knight (grad student), Richard Ivry (grad student)
Theodore Michael Gill20002014 Patricia H. Janak (research scientist)
Deda Gillespie Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Anna K. GillespieAlzheimer's Disease, Hippocampal Physiology20152019 Loren Frank (post-doc)
Roee Gilron Neurological surgery Philip Starr (post-doc)
Abigail GinsbergNeuroendocrinology Mary Dallman (post-doc)
Alison Giovanellichild maltreatment, ACEs, early childhood intervention, adolescent health, adolescent mental health, life-course well-being
Allison E. Girasole Alexandra B. Nelson (grad student)
Zemer Gitai2003 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Claire Gizowski2020 Zachary A. Knight (post-doc)
Jason Godlove Karunesh Ganguly (post-doc)
Chern-Sing Gohprotein folding2002 Fred Cohen (grad student)
Stephen N. Gomperts Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Gabriel Aaron Nicholas Gonzales Roybalneural stem cells, adult neurogenesis, epigenetics Daniel A. Lim (post-doc)
Santiago Leon GonzalezDevelopmental neuroimmunology Anatomy Pediatrics20222021 Qili Liu (research assistant), Xianhua Piao (grad student)
Oscar Gonzalez-Perez Neurological Surgery20032006 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (post-doc)
Lisa V. Goodrichauditory system Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc)
Carleton Goold Neuroscience2010 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Joshua A. GordonPsychiatric disease, systems neurophysiology19911995 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Michael Andrew Gordon1976 Anthony John Trevor (grad student)
Maria Luisa Gorno-TempiniLanguage Luigi Vignolo (grad student)
Nathan J. Gosse Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2008 Herwig Baier (grad student)
Michael Grabeion channels20022006 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Laura B. GrabelStem Cells, Headgehog Signalling, Epilepsy Gail Martin (post-doc)
Eric S. Grady2011 Kevin T. Larkin (grad student)
Adam J. Grangerneuroscience, electrophsyiology, synaptic plasticity Neuroscience20082013 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
John A. GrayNMDA channels, synaptic plasticity, 5-HT2A20082013 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Jack A. GrebbSchizophrenia, substance abuse and signal transduction
Ellen Greenblatt19881990 James M. Roberts (post-doc)
Ian Greenhousecognitive control Adam Gazzaley (research assistant)
Joel S. F. GreenwoodNeurotechnology20042008 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student), Scott C. Baraban (grad student)
Elisabeth Greer Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2007 Kaveh Ashrafi (grad student)
Courtney T. Griffin2001 Shaun Coughlin (grad student)
Sandon GriffinBrain stimulation Neurology2020 Karunesh Ganguly (grad student)
Lea Tenenholz GrinbergAging, Neurodegenerative disease
Brian P. GroneNeuroendocrinology, Behavior, Zebrafish
James Grove2018 Zachary A. Knight (grad student)
Wesley GrueberAxon Pathfinding and Synaptogenesis, Synapses and Circuits, Neural Degeneration and Repair, Cell specification and Differentiation Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Bon-Mi Gu Neurology2014 Josh Berke (post-doc)
Adrian G. GuggisbergNeuroimaging, Neurorehabilitation Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Tanuj GulatiMotor Systems, Skill Consolidation, Brain-Machine Interface, Sleep, Neural Plasticity, Neuromodulation, Muscle Synergy Neuroscience20122018 Karunesh Ganguly (post-doc)
Ling Guo Neuroscience Karunesh Ganguly (grad student)
Cong C. GuoMotor learning20102012 William W. Seeley (post-doc)
Su Guo
Dhanesh Kumar GuptaAnesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology, Opioid Pharmacology, Depth of Anesthesia Anesthesia (Center for Cerebrovascular Research)20002002 William L. Young (grad student)
Friederike A. HaassChannel Physiology Neuroscience2007 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Patrick CG Haddickaxon guidance, axon growth, ion channels, local translation20002006 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Henry Haeberle Neuroscience2007 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
June Junghyun Hahndopamine system, neurohormone, addiction, electrophysiology Antonello Bonci (post-doc), Edwin S. Levitan (post-doc)
Angela Hahn Jonah R. Chan (post-doc)
Ilana S. Hairstonsleep20042005 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Holly K. Hamilton
Liberty S. HamiltonAuditory cortex, speech, ECoG20142017 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Cara Marie Hampton Neuroscience20042008 Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
Kasey Han Psychiatry2018 Mazen A. Kheirbek (research assistant)
Young-Goo Hanneurodevelopment
Tina Wei Han
Yiyuan HanNeural Engineering, pain, functional brain connectivity Department of Neurological Surgery2024 Prasad R. Shirvalkar (post-doc)
Douglas HanahanGenetics, Cell Biology, Oncology
Roeland Hancockpsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, neurolinguistics Psychiatry20132017 Fumiko Hoeft (post-doc)
Daniel HandwerkerHemodynamic signals, aging Roland Henry (post-doc)
Jessica Lise Hanover2002 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Joe Chao-Peng Hao2003 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Julie V. HarnessHuman embryonic stem cells, Neural Progenitors, Oligodendrocytes, Huntington's Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cancer, Glioblastoma, Cancer Stem Cells
Emily P. Harrington Biomedical Sciences20032012 David H. Rowitch (grad student)
Julie A. Harriscell death, neuro protection
R. Adron HarrisNeuropharmacology19731976 Horace H. Loh (post-doc)
Neil L. HarrisonGABA-A receptors
Griffith Harsh
Corey HarwellCellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Cortical Circuit Assembly Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc), Elly Nedivi (grad student)
Andrea R. Hasenstaub
Stephen L. HauserNeuroimmunology
Sharon E. Haynesneuroscience2006 David Julius (grad student)
Ji-Wei HePain Philip N. Sabes (post-doc)
Li He Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Cynthia X He Psychiatry20132017 Carlos Portera-Cailliau (grad student)
Linmeng HE2021 Karunesh Ganguly (grad student)
Ulrike Heberlein
Jean Hébert Gail Martin (grad student)
Jonathan H. Hechtneocortical development, child neurology2007 Sam Pleasure (post-doc)
Elizabeth Heckscher2007 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Analeah B. HeidtGenetics, Molecular Biology2006 Brian L. Black (grad student)
Peter HeinGPCR
Mary M. HeinricherPain, Pain modulation, Descending control, Analgesia, Hyperalgesia, Circuitry, Brainstem, Autonomic control, Inflammation, Cytokines, Inflammatory mediators , Neuromodulation Systems Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Marc Aaron Heiser Neuroscience Neuroscience2008 Christoph E. Schreiner (grad student), Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Robert T. HeldNeuroscience Biology, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering Bioengineering2010 Martin Banks (grad student)
Edel HennessyNeuroinflammation, Neurodegeneration
Kelly HenniganTop-down modulation, visual system, aging
Roland HenryNeuroimaging methods
Anastasia G. Henry Cell Biology2012 Mark von Zastrow (grad student)
Takao K. Henschcritical period, visual cortex, GABA, sleep19911996 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Alexander Beaumont Herman Bioengineering2013 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (grad student)
Bruce E. Herring Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Shawn Hervey-Jumper
Neal A. Hessler Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Shaul HestrinNeocortex, Cortical Circuits Roger A. Nicoll (collaborator), Juan Korenbrot (post-doc)
Hilary W. Heuer Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Robert F. HevnerNeurogenesis, Cortex development, Disorders John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc)
Anne Javier Hiniker
Leighton B. HinkleyNeuroimaging connectivity, complex manual behavior, focal dystonia2008 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Gregory O. Hjelmstad Robert C. Malenka (grad student), Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Thomas S. Hnaskoneurotransmitters, dopamine, glutamate, vesicular transporters, synaptic physiology, addiction2006 Robert H. Edwards (post-doc)
Tiffany Cheing Hocognitive neuroscience, adolescence, attention, depression, mood disorders Psychiatry20122015 Jeffry B. Lansman (research assistant), Tony Yang (post-doc)
Linh HoNeuroscience Chemistry and Chemical Biology2014 Eric Verdin (grad student)
Phuong Hoang Psychiatry 20042007 Miles Berger (research assistant)
Susan J. Hockfield Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Jonathan Hodes
Molly HodulC. elegans, neuroscience, aging Neurology Aimee W. Kao (post-doc)
Oliver Hoeller Orion D. Weiner (post-doc)
Nerissa Hoglen Psychiatry2017 Devanand S. Manoli (grad student)
Sonja Seraina HohlVisual system Neuroscience2011 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Kenton C. HokansonNeuronal electrophysiology, synaptic development, gut-brain axis, brain slices, primary culture and cell lines Biochemistry & Biophysics Biochemistry & Biophysics20102017 Graeme W. Davis (grad student), Erik M. Ullian (grad student)
Gunther HollopeterSomatosensation2005 David Julius (grad student)
David M. HoltzmanAlzheimer's, amyloid William C. Mobley (post-doc)
Natsumi Y. Homma2016 Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc)
Gerard Honig
Lee A. Honigberg Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Woody HopfElectrophysiology, motivation, drugs of abuse Antonello Bonci (research scientist)
Hadley W. Horch Peter B. Sargent (research assistant)
Jonathan HortonVisual System20032006 Daniel L. Adams (collaborator)
Mahmood HoseiniVisual system Physiology2017 Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
John F. HoudeSpeech perception, Speech production
Andrew Houk Cell Biology2011 Orion D. Weiner (grad student)
Rebecca J. HowardChannel Physiology Chemistry and Chemical Biology2007 Dan Minor (grad student)
Jonathon HowardMotor Proteins, Cytoskeleton19851987 A. James Hudspeth (post-doc)
Charles L. Howeneurodegneration, Down syndrome2000 William C. Mobley (grad student)
Karen Hsaio Ashe Stanley Ben Prusiner (post-doc)
Pei-Ken HsuGenetics, Sleep, Psychiatric disorders
Jennifer L. HsuEndocrinology Neuroscience2009 Mary Dallman (grad student)
WanYu Hsu Department of Neurology Adam Gazzaley (post-doc)
Ruby Hsuschizophrenia genetics, miRNAs Michael Thomas McManus (grad student)
Lisa L HuaCell and Developmental Biology20122019 Takashi Mikawa (post-doc)
Guo N. HuangDevelopment and regeneration
Eric J. HuangPediatric Neuropathology and Developmental Neurobiology
Shen Cindy Huang2005 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Xin Huang Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
A. James HudspethAudition
Kelly J. Huffmancortical development John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc)
Emmanuelle Huillardglia tumors David H. Rowitch (post-doc)
Patrick HullettAuditory System Bioengineering2013 Christoph E. Schreiner (grad student)
Michael L. Hultnerbrain development2001 John L. R. Rubenstein (grad student)
Robert F. Huntepilepsy, traumatic brain injury, electrophysiology2010 Scott C. Baraban (post-doc)
William W. HwangAdult neurogenesis, neural stem cells
Thomas N. HwangRetina2000 David R. Copenhagen (grad student)
Helen J. HwangHuman Development, Neuroscience Biology, Genetics Biomedical Sciences2011 Eric Rulifson (grad student)
Mike Ignatius Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Muneki IkedaC. elegans, Cognition, Consciousness2020 Saul Kato (post-doc)
Savatore IncontroSynaptic plasticity20132018 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Nibaldo Inestrosa Physiology Zach W. Hall (grad student)
Roshanak Irannejad20112016 Mark von Zastrow (post-doc)
William IrwinAffect, Emotion, Neurodegenerative Disease20101994 Paul Ekman (research assistant), Howard Rosen (collaborator)
John T. IsaacSynaptic plasticity; synaptic function; hippocampus; barrel cortex; AMPAR; kianate receptor19941996 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Manasi Iyer20142016 Saul A. Villeda (research assistant)
Alexander C. JacksonNeuroscience, neurophysiology2007 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Lauren JacobsonNeuroendocrinology Mary Dallman (grad student)
Shantanu P. JadhavLearning and Memory, Sensory Coding, Somatosensory cortex, 2009 Loren Frank (post-doc)
Eric JaehnigMolecular Biology, Genetics, Animal Physiology Biology2006 Brian L. Black (grad student)
Smitha Jagadishneural circuits, synaptic connectivity
Craig E. Jahrglutamate receptors, glutamate transporters, synaptic transmission Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
C. David JamesEGF receptor, PTEN, EAG2, BRAFV600E kinase, CDKN2A
Lily Y. JanChannel Physiology Yuh Nung Jan (collaborator)
Yuh-Nung Jan
Yuh Nung JanDendrite development, Potassium channel
Patricia H. JanakNeural basis of Addiction
Seil Jang Daniel L. Minor (post-doc)
Rene F. Jansen Earl Mayeri (grad student)
Brooke Jarvie2019 Zachary A. Knight (post-doc)
Ashkan JavaherianCortical Developement2004 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Robyn M. Javier Neuroscience2012 Anatol C. Kreitzer (grad student), Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Prerana JayakumarNeuroscience2006 Eric Verdin (grad student)
Thomas C. JhouRMTg, motivated behavior, dopamine Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Brian J. JianNeurosurgery
Jessica Cabral Jimenez
Marcin P. Joachimiakprotein folding2002 Fred Cohen (grad student)
Carolyn Johnsonadolescent development, plasticity, frontal cortex Neuroscience20082014 Linda E. Wilbrecht (grad student)
Brad N. JohnsonOlfaction2006 Noam Sobel (grad student)
Ervin L. JohnsonNeurotransmitters Neuroscience2009 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Mantissa Ashley JohnstonAdult neurogenesis, neural stem cells Daniel A. Lim (grad student)
Tessa Johung Michelle Monje (grad student)
Daniel L. JonesNeurophysiology Neuroscience20042009 Scott C. Baraban (grad student)
Kevin T Jonesworking memory, cognitive control, aging, neurostimulation, neuroimaging Neurology Neurology20182020 Theodore Zanto (post-doc), Adam Gazzaley (post-doc)
Reese T. JonesDrugs of abuse
Dorothy M. Jones-DavisEpilepsy20082008 Scott C. Baraban (post-doc), Elliott H. Sherr (post-doc)
Ryan M. Joseph Genetics2011 Ulrike Heberlein (grad student)
Abhilasha JoshiHippocampus, Medial septum, Interneurons Physiology2018 Loren Frank (post-doc)
Anna P. Jost
Dina Levi Juarez-Salinas2009 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Meredith JudyAging Neuroscience2009 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
David JuliusSomatosensation
damien jullieopioid, neuromodulation, synaptic transmission, membrane trafficking psychiatry2013 Mark von Zastrow (post-doc)
Scott A. Juntti Neuroscience2010 Nirao M. Shah (grad student)
Diana M. Kahn John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc)
Amanda Kahn-Kirbyobesity, olfaction, TRP channel signaling, C. elegans20052004 Kaveh Ashrafi (post-doc), Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Bennett S. KalafutMeiosis, microscopy, nucleic acid mechanics2011 Jennifer Fung (post-doc)
Valery KalatskyNeuroimaging and cortical function Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Jonathan KalksteinTop-down modulation, visual system, aging Adam Gazzaley (post-doc)
Kaiwen KamRhythmic movements, CPGs20002006 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Mimi H. Kao Physiology2014 Allison Doupe (grad student), Michael S. Brainard (post-doc)
Joshua M. KaplanCell Biology of the Neuron Microbiology19861990 Harold Elliot Varmus (grad student)
Ritu Kapur Neuroscience2008 Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
Mattias P. KarlssonLearning and memory, hippocampus, mPFC Neuroscience20022008 Loren Frank (grad student)
David B. Kastner Physiology Opthamology20162019 Loren Frank (post-doc), Felice A. Dunn (collaborator)
Saul Katodynamical systems
Julie A. Kauer19861989 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Karla Kaun Ulrike Heberlein (post-doc)
Jeremy N. Kay Herwig Baier (grad student)
Andrew Kayser Kenneth D. Miller (grad student)
Alex Keip Devanand S. Manoli (grad student)
Eve E. Kelland Jonah R. Chan (post-doc)
Regis B. Kellyneuro-signaling and long-term memory
Dacher Keltneremotion, social interaction, individual differences, conflict and negotiation, culture Paul Ekman (post-doc)
Margaret E. Kemeny
Caleb KemereNeural Signal Processing, Memory, Motor control20062011 Loren Frank (post-doc)
Kimberly A. Kempadoo Neuroscience2011 Antonello Bonci (grad student)
Richard KempterTheoretical Neuroscience Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Tal KenetAutism, functional connectivity20012005 Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Matthew J. KennedyNeuronal trafficking Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Timothy E. KennedyAxon Guidance19921996 Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc)
Jason R. Kennerdell Cell Biology2008 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Cynthia KenyonAging
Geoffrey A. KerchnerNeurology and Neurological Sciences20082009 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc), Bruce L. Miller (post-doc)
Ankit N Khambhatineuroengineering, complex brain networks, network control, brain-computer interfaces, epilepsy Neurological Surgery2018 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Mazen A. Kheirbek
Dustin KhiemMolecular Biology, Immunology Biomedical Sciences2008 Brian L. Black (grad student)
Yutaka Kikuchi Didier Stainier (post-doc)
Michael P. KilgardAuditory system plasticity19941998 Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Gunsoo Kim Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Eun-Joo Kim20072008 William W. Seeley (post-doc)
Steve M. Kim Neuroscience20042010 Loren Frank (grad student)
Kio KimBiomedical Imaging, MRI
Jinsung Kim Biochemistry and Biophysics2023 Yifan Cheng (post-doc)
Chang N Kim
Minji Kim Keith E. Mostov (post-doc)
Rhea Razon Kimpo2000 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Rhea R. Kimpo Allison Doupe (grad student)
Yuriy V. KirichokIon channels of mitochondria, thermogenesis, ion channels of the germ cells, biophysics
Heidi E. Kirschneurophysiology, social cognition, epilepsy
Christoph Kirst
Eszter Kish Physiology2018 Kevin Yackle (grad student), Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
Matthew P. KlassenHomeostasis, Cardiac Physiology, Aging, Biological Oscillators, Interoception2009 Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Uwe KleinGPCR, Drug Discovery, Molecular Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Peptides, Chemistry19951998 Mark von Zastrow (post-doc)
Zachary A. Knight19992005 Kevan Michael Shokat (grad student)
Jeffrey M. KnowlesEcholocation, Auditory Processing2012 Allison Doupe (grad student)
Renatta Knox Biomedical Sciences2012 Donna M. Ferriero (grad student)
Brian KnutsonAffective neuroscience, decision making Jaak Panksepp (post-doc)
Selina KochRetina Neuroscience2011 David R. Copenhagen (grad student)
Minoree KohwiCell Specification and Differentiation, Stem Cell Biology, Neural Degeneration and Repair19992006 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Satoshi Kojima Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Sayaka Komano-Inoue
Erica M. KorbChannel Physiology Neuroscience2012 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Juan KorenbrotRetinal Development20062008 Michael R. Taylor (collaborator)
Clio Korn Psychiatry2017 Vikaas Singh Sohal (post-doc)
Thomas B. Kornberg
Naomi Sophia Kort Bioengineering2014 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (grad student)
Hardik KothareSpeech, Language2017 John F. Houde (grad student), Srikantan S. Nagarajan (grad student)
Josh Eli KotlerNeuroplasticity, e-phys
Sarah Kotowski Neuroscience2009 Mark von Zastrow (grad student)
Joel H. Kramer
David E. KrantzDrosophila, Neurotransmitter transporters Robert H. Edwards (post-doc)
Ian H. KratterMolecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity and Neurodegeneration Biomedical Sciences2013 Steven Finkbeiner (grad student)
Richard J. Krauzlisvisual neuroscience19851991 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Anatol C. KreitzerSynaptic plasticity
Robert C. Krencikneural development20112016 Erik M. Ullian (post-doc)
Arnold R. Kriegstein Eric R. Kandel (grad student), David A. Prince (post-doc)
Keerthi KrishnanRett Syndrome, GABAergic neurons, MeCP2 Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2007 Su Guo (grad student)
David KrizajRetina, Calcium Regulation David R. Copenhagen (post-doc)
Anton E. KrukowskiVision, Pursuit Eye Movements, Auditory Localisation2000 Kenneth D. Miller (grad student)
Fumi Kubo2010 Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Yelena KulikHomeostatic plasticity Biochemistry and Biophysics2014 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Dimitri Kullmannsynaptic transmission Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
LingHsuan Theresa Kung
Tzu-Wei Kuo20132019 Zachary A. Knight (grad student)
Chay T. KuoNeural stem cells, Postnatal brain dev.20022007 Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Mark N Kvale Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc)
Wanda KwanCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology Biomedical Sciences2011 Paul J. Muchowski (grad student)
Noelle L'etoileUnderstand how molecules, cells, circuits and the physiology of an intact organism work together to produce learned behaviors
Noelle D L'EtoileCircuits neurobiology
Susanne E. la Fleurfeeding behavior, neuroendocrinology20012004 Mary Dallman (post-doc)
Eva LaDowAMPAR trafficking
Helen C. Lai2005 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Diana J. LairdDevelopmental and Reproductive Biology
Lahin K LalaniMyelin, Stress, Anxiety, Depression
Amanda LaMarreAtypical Dementias Joel H. Kramer (post-doc)
Bridget LaMonicadevelopmental neurobiology Neuroscience2014 Arnold R. Kriegstein (grad student)
Arthur D. Lander Louis F. Reichardt (grad student)
Maria Fe Lanfranco Gallofre Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Ellisa LangNeurodevelopmental disorders, cell-type specificity Neurology20212024 William W. Seeley (research assistant)
Abraham Langsetholigodendrocyte, glioblastoma Neuroscience2011 David H. Rowitch (grad student)
Jeffry B. Lansmancellular neurophysiology
Phil LarimerHippocampal circuitry2015 Andrea R. Hasenstaub (post-doc)
Argentina LarioSynaptic Plasticity, Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Disease, AMPA, NMDA, LTD, LTP, Kinesin20152017 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Paul Larkin Neuroscience2012 Lennart Mucke (grad student)
DeLaine D. Larsen Marie E. Burns (post-doc)
Ben T. Larson
Benjamin E. Lauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2008 Mark von Zastrow (grad student)
Thomas Z. LauritzenComputational neuroscience19982003 Kenneth D. Miller (grad student)
Jennifer H. LaVailHSV transport in neurons
Matthew LaVailretinal degeneration, visual system
Chauncey D. LeakePharmacology, anesthesia
Han Lee
Anthony Lee Neurological Surgery Dario J. Englot (grad student), Tomasz J. Nowakowski (grad student)
Lawrence C. Leeprotein folding Biological and Medical Informatics2008 Fred Cohen (grad student)
A Moses Leelocomotion, decision-making, vision Neuroscience Neuroscience Neurosurgery20162016 Linda E. Wilbrecht (grad student), Antonello Bonci (grad student), Indira M. Raman (research assistant), Edward Chang (post-doc), Anatol C. Kreitzer (post-doc)
Seung-Hye LeeSynapse2004 Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Unghwi Lee2022 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Alex Lee Reza Abbasi-Asl (grad student)
Frances Lefcort Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
David Leib20132018 Zachary A. Knight (grad student)
Duncan Leitch Ken C. Catania (grad student), David Julius (post-doc)
Stefan Lemke Neuroscience Karunesh Ganguly (grad student)
Matthew K. Leonardspeech, cortex Edward Chang (post-doc)
Talia N. Lernerstriatum, substantia nigra, dopamine, synaptic plasticity Neuroscience20072011 Anatol C. Kreitzer (grad student)
Robert W. LevensonEmotion. Autonomic nervous system and facial expressive components Paul Ekman (post-doc)
Jon D. LevinePain Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Carmel A. Levitanmultisensory perception20012007 Martin Banks (grad student)
Robin LeWinter2004 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Jennifer Xinge Li Neuroscience2011 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Fei Li Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Guangnan (Grant) LiCortical Development2002 Sam Pleasure (post-doc)
Huashun LiNeuroscience, develpment, stem cell Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Peter H. LiLearning, Memory, Hippocampus, Decision making Neuroscience2008 Loren Frank (grad student)
Huinan (Marcus) Liglia, stem cell, organoids Ophthalmology2017 Erik M. Ullian (post-doc)
Emmy Li IND2017 Martin Kampmann (grad student)
Yuanning Licomputational neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, perception, intracranial electroencephalography Department of Neurological Surgery20192022 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Jiefu Lineurobiology, immunology Physiology20132014 Yuh Nung Jan (research assistant)
Benjamin Libet
Nataliya Libina2003 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Ivan Lieberburg
Daniel A. LimAdult neurogenesis, neural stem cells Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Charles J. LimbMusic and the Brain
Kai Lin (Karin) Lin Saul A. Villeda (grad student)
Li-Chun (Queena) Lin Neurology Neurology20142018 William W. Seeley (post-doc), William W. Seeley (post-doc)
Yen-Chu Lin20142016 Zachary A. Knight (research scientist)
Jonathan H LinOphthalmology Pathology20062012 Matthew LaVail (research scientist)
Jennifer F. LindenAuditory cortex Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc), Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Elwood LinneyMolecular Genetics and Microbiology Gordon Mayer Tomkins (post-doc)
Jeremy W. Linsley
Adam LinstedtMembrane Trafficking Regis B. Kelly (grad student)
Stephen G. LisbergerOculomotor System William Bialek (collaborator)
Steven LisbergerNeuroscience Biology
Xiaorong LiuGlaucoma, retinal ganglion cells Ophthalmology20032007 David R. Copenhagen (post-doc)
Cindy D Liu Anatomy2019 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Jessie R Liuspeech production, BCI
Zhengya Liu Neuroscience2021 Zachary A. Knight (grad student)
Robert C. Liuauditory system, behavior Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc), Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc), Kenneth D. Miller (post-doc)
S. John Liu Daniel A. Lim (grad student)
Bing Liucognitive/computational neuroscience2012 Leslie C. Osborne (post-doc)
Norman LivsonPersonality Psychology Psychiatry1977 David A. Chiriboga (post-doc)
Pierre-Marie Lledo Roger A. Nicoll (research scientist)
Braden T. LobingierNeuronal membrane traffic Mark von Zastrow (post-doc)
Rebecca LockCell Biology, Oncology Biomedical Sciences2012 Gerard Evan (grad student)
Cody J. Locke2009 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Kimberly G LockwoodStress, health disparities, cardiovascular disease, discrimination, inflammation, health psychology
Curtis M. LoerC. elegans neurodevelopment19881992 Cynthia Kenyon (post-doc)
Rachel L. LoewyEarly psychosis Sophia Vinogradov (post-doc)
Marian L. Logripalcohol addiction Neuroscience Neuroscience20022007 Dorit Ron (grad student), Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
Horace H. LohOpioid pharmacology E Leong Way (post-doc)
David LomelinBioinformatics Biology, Genetics Biological and Medical Informatics2010 Neil Risch (grad student)
Stavros LomvardasEpigenetics
James H. LongRetina Neuroscience2011 Marie E. Burns (grad student)
Jason E. Longbrain development2002 John L. R. Rubenstein (grad student)
Virginia A. LongBehavioral Neuroscience, fear, alcohol addiction2011 Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Kim L. Longneuroendocrinology Devanand S. Manoli (post-doc)
Jaime LopezNeurology and Neurological Sciences Biomedical Sciences2011 David Toczyski (grad student)
F. Alexandra Loucks Neuroscience2014 Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
Reichardt LouisNeuroscience
Kate Lovero2009 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Kathryn L. Lovero Neuroscience2014 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Sarah Ashley LowPain Anatomy20082010 Allan I. Basbaum (research assistant)
Daniel LowensteinEpilepsy
Emily Rhodes LowryNeurodegeneration; ALS Allan I. Basbaum (research assistant)
Bingwei LuPathology Molecular Physiology Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Wei LuAMPA Receptor Trafficking, plasticity2005 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Anna Lisa Lucido2009 Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Matthew J. Ludeman2004 Shaun Coughlin (grad student)
Jan H. LuiCortical Development and Connectivity Biomedical Sciences20112014 Arnold R. Kriegstein (grad student), Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Tracy Lukscognitive neuroscience20022005 Corby L. Dale (collaborator), Greg V. Simpson (post-doc)
Liqun Luo19921996 Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Christian Lüscher19961999 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Lawrence Lustigauditory neuroscience, otolaryngology Paul A. Fuchs (post-doc)
Thuy Luu2010 Magdalena A. Petryniak (research assistant)
David Bruce Lyons Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2013 Stavros Lomvardas (grad student)
Dengke K. MaNDMSA
Luigi Maccotta
Anuradha MadhavanNeuroscience Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Daniel V. MadisonNeuroscience, Synaptic Physiology, Synaptic Plasticity19841986 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student), Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Stephen T. MagillMeningioma, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Skull Base Surgery Neurological Surgery Neurological Surgery Neurological Surgery Mitchel Berger (post-doc), Joseph Costello (post-doc), David R. Raleigh (post-doc)
Jacquelyn J. MaherMechanisms of fatty liver disease
Robert C. MalenkaNeurobiology19841989 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Ruchi MalikCellular Neurophysiology, Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex, Microcircuits, Autism Psychiatry2016 Vikaas Singh Sohal (post-doc)
Brian J. Malone
Devanand S. Manolisex Nirao M. Shah (post-doc)
Sandeep C. ManyamAuditory System, Multi-Electrode Electrophysiology2006 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc), Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc)
Lifang Mao
Kurt W. Marek2004 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Kurt W. Marek Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Marta MargetaNeuroscience Research; Neuromuscular Pathology and Autopsy Neuropathology19972001 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Elyssa B. MargolisVTA
Francesca V. Marianidevelopmental neurobiology Gail Martin (post-doc)
Bruno Marie20022007 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou Neuroscience Psychiatry2014 David Julius (grad student), Matthew W. State (post-doc)
Gail MartinFGF signaling and mouse hindbrain development1976 Charles J. Epstein (post-doc)
William J. Martin Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Neil Martin
Gonzalo Martinez de la EscaleraNeuroendocrinology, GnRH Richard I. Weiner (post-doc)
Verónica Martínez-CerdeñoCerebral cortex development2001 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Lene Martini Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Peggy Mason Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Catherine M. MassaroSynapse Stability
William D. Matthew Louis F. Reichardt (grad student)
Alika K. MaunakeaRestriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS), CpG islands Biomedical Sciences2008 Joseph Costello (grad student)
Earl Mayeri
Javier MazarioPain2002 Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Kevin McCairnbasal ganglia, neurophysiology, Parkinson's disease20032006 Robert S. Turner (grad student), Gordon W. Allport (research assistant)
Steven McCarrollHuman genome variation, schizophrenia, and the molecular biology of neurons and microglia2004 Cornelia I. Bergmann (grad student)
Mark McCormick Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2009 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Emily McCuskerGPCRs, voltage-gated sodium channels, Claudin, acetylcholine receptor
Aaron W. McGeevisual development Physiology19952001 David Bredt (grad student)
David J. McGonigleNeuroimaging, Neurophysiology, Perception, Learning20022003 Timothy Roberts (post-doc), Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Matt M. McGregorBasal Ganglia Neurology2016 Alexandra B. Nelson (grad student)
Match M McGregor Neurology20152022 Alexandra B. Nelson (grad student)
Leah M M McGuire Neuroscience20042010 Philip N. Sabes (grad student)
Richard J. McKenneyAxonal transport, Neural development, Dynein2016 Ronald D. Vale (post-doc)
Gabriel L. McKinseyDevelopmental Neuroscience2014 John L. R. Rubenstein (grad student), Nirao M. Shah (post-doc)
Helen M. McLendonAuditory processing Neuroscience20062014 Allison Doupe (grad student)
Patrick McQuillenHypoxia-ischmeia, developmental plasticity
Javier F. MedinaLearning and memory in cerebellar circuits Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Anthony N MeffordNeurology
Hamish Mehaffey Psychiatry Physiology20152015 Allison Doupe (post-doc), Michael S. Brainard (post-doc)
onno c meijerstress biology, glucocorticoids, brain, metabolism Physiology Medicine19971998 Mary Dallman (post-doc), david pearce (post-doc)
Shan Meltzer Physiology Yuh Nung Jan (grad student), Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Wendy Berry MendesEmotion
Ian D. MengPain Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Karen A. Menuzolfaction, sensory systems, electrophysiology Neuroscience20012007 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Florian T. MerkleNeural stem cells Neuroscience2007 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Michael M. MerzenichAuditory system, plasticity20072009 Greg V. Simpson (collaborator), Corby L. Dale (collaborator)
Irina Y. MerzlyakLearning, Memory, Affect, Addiction
Nima MesgaraniAuditory system20102013 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Robert O. MessingNeurology, addiction, alcohol and drug abuse
Susan Michaeliss.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms Ira Herskowitz (post-doc)
Melissa D. Michelitschprotein folding2002 Fred Cohen (grad student)
John C. MiddlebrooksAuditory system1982 Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Zayra Millan
Oliver H. MillerSynaptic Physiology20172019 Zachary A. Knight (post-doc)
Steven L Millerlearning, electrophysiology, neural plasticity, dyslexia, attention, memory, applied neuroscience, temporal processing, human performance Neuroscience19941998 Michael M. Merzenich (research scientist)
Kenneth D. MillerComputation & Theory1989 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Bruce L. Miller Frank Benson (post-doc)
Mark N. MillerMicrocircuitry, Song System
Arthur Millius Cell Biology2011 Orion D. Weiner (grad student)
Aaron D. MilsteinSynaptic Integration Neuroscience20042009 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Dan MinorChannel Physiology19962000 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Daniel L. MinorStructural and Mechanistic Studies of Ion Channels and Ion Channel Regulation
Zaman MirzadehNeural stem cells Biomedical Sciences2008 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Jyoti Mishraattention, multisensory, plasticity, cognitive training2009 Adam Gazzaley (post-doc), Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Jennifer M. Mitchell Howard L. Fields (grad student)
Kevin J. MitchellNeural development, synaesthesia, schizophrenia, axon guidance, semaphorins19982002 Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc)
Ali MohebiPrefrontal Cortex, Decision Making, Basal Ganglia2014 Josh Berke (post-doc)
Anna V. MolofskyAstrocytes in Neural Circuit Formation and Function Institute for Regenerative Medicine20092015 David H. Rowitch (post-doc)
Christopher I. Moore Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Kazuhito MoriokaSpinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Polytrauma, Low Back Pain, Bone Pain
Ryan Morrie Physiology20182021 David Julius (post-doc)
David Moses Edward Chang (grad student)
Judith A. Moskowitzemotion, coping, health, stress
Colleen Mosley20122014 Zachary A. Knight (research scientist), Stavros Lomvardas (research scientist)
Julia A. Mossbridgecross-modal perception, temporal processing, working memory, perceptual learning Howard L. Fields (grad student)
Mohammed A Mostajo-RadjiDevelopmental neuroscience Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research Alexander A. Pollen (post-doc)
Paul J. MuchowskiNeuroscience Biology, Immunology
Lennart MuckeNeurobiology of Diseases Affecting Cognitive Functions
Ulrich Muellerhair cells, genetics19911997 Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Pratik Mukherjeehuman imaging2010 Corby L. Dale (collaborator)
Tanzila MukhtarNeurobiology Department of Biomedicine2019 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Rosel Mulkeysynaptic plasticity, LTD, hippocampus19911996 Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Brendan C. Mullaney Neuroscience2010 Kaveh Ashrafi (grad student)
Leah Muller Edward Chang (grad student)
Roeben N. MunjiDevelopmental Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20052010 Sam Pleasure (grad student)
Brendan K. Murphy Biophysics2007 Kenneth D. Miller (grad student)
Zeeshan MushtaqHomeostatic Plasticity, Synaptic function and Neurodegeneration
Akira Muto Kensaku Mikoshiba (grad student), Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Ben Myerssomatosensation, ion channels David Julius (grad student)
Benjamin R. MyersSomatosensation Cell Biology2008 David Julius (grad student)
Jay Nadel Cardiovascular Research Institute Julius H. Comroe (grad student)
Howard Naffziger
Srikantan S. NagarajanSensory systems, and MEG2008 Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc), Heidi E. Kirsch (collaborator), Corby L. Dale (collaborator)
Naveen NagarajanGene targeting Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Raman Nagarajan
Raman Nagarajan
Katherine I. Nagel Neuroscience20012007 Allison Doupe (grad student)
Ken NakamuraMitochondrial Biology in Neurodegenerative Disease
Alissa Nana Li2011 William W. Seeley (post-doc)
Rakesh NanjappaVisual System20202022 Jonathan Horton (grad student)
Neil NathansonSignal transduction Zach W. Hall (post-doc)
Nikhilesh NatrajNeurophysiology Neurology Karunesh Ganguly (post-doc)
Ana Navarro Cebrián
Scott Nawyretina, glutamate signal transduction David R. Copenhagen (grad student)
Alexandra B. NelsonBasal ganglia, neurophysiology2010 Anatol C. Kreitzer (post-doc)
Venu M. NemaniParkinson's Disease20032008 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Werner Maria Neuhausser2003 David Julius (grad student)
Linda Nevin Neuroscience2008 Herwig Baier (grad student)
A. Jamila Newtonsynaptic plasticity2007 Allison Wanting Xu (post-doc)
Benjamin K. Ng Jonah R. Chan (post-doc)
Norman Ng2005 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Brenda Ng Biomedical Sciences2007 Thomas B. Kornberg (grad student)
Christopher T. NguyenDiffusion MRI Brain and Heart2010 Roland Henry (research assistant)
Phi Nguyen2016 Anna V. Molofsky (grad student)
Vivan Nguyen ChiDrug Discovery, Drug Development, Tolerability Testing, Efficacy Testing, In Vivo Pharmacology, Toxicology, Learning and Memory, Mood Disorders Department of Psychiatry20182020 Mazen A. Kheirbek (post-doc)
Saleem M. Nicola19992002 Robert C. Malenka (grad student), Howard L. Fields (research scientist), Irene Yun Salter (collaborator)
Roger A. NicollNeurobiology19992002 Dane M. Chetkovich (collaborator), David Bredt (collaborator), John T. Isaac (collaborator)
Hong Nie20002003 Patricia H. Janak (post-doc)
Jessica L. NielsonBioinformatics, Neurotrauma, Spinal Cord Injury Adam R. Ferguson (post-doc)
Jasmine Nirody20102011 William J Lehman (grad student)
Yu-Qiong NiuVisual System2007 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Caroline A. NiziolekSpeech motor control, Auditory feedback20102015 John F. Houde (post-doc), Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Linda Noble-HaeussleinTraumatic brain and spinal-cord injury
Amber Nolan2016 Lea Tenenholz Grinberg (post-doc)
Yitzhak NormanLearning and memory; speech; language; intracranial electrophysiology
Brian J. NorthNeuroscience2005 Eric Verdin (grad student)
Tomasz J. Nowakowskicortex development, radial glia, microRNAs Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc), David Jonathan Price (grad student)
Randolph J. NudoMotor cortex: plasticity and stroke19851987 Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Adam Numis
Tulip NuwalSynaptic Proteins,neurodegentrative disorders
Joseph E. O'DohertyMotor System, Sensory System, brain-machine interface, Neuroprosthesis Physiology20112017 Philip N. Sabes (post-doc)
Aoife O'DonovanTrauma, PTSD, psychoneuroimmunology, depression, anxiety, threat sensitivity
Patrick O'Farrell
Catherine M. O'Hare (Massaro)synapse, zebrafish Neuroscience20042009 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
John G. O'Leary Neuroscience20052011 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Carina Renate OehrnCognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience, electrophysiology, oscillations, conflict, memory, motor and cognitive function in Parkinson's disease Department of Neurological surgery2021 Philip Starr (research scientist)
Ian Michael OhAlzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Neurodegeneration, Sleep, Tau Department of Neurology, Memory and Aging Center2018 Lea Tenenholz Grinberg (research assistant)
Yasushi O. OHKUBONeural Stem19962000 John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc)
Nathan D. OkerlundSignaling Scaffold Proteins in Development and Major Psychiatric Disorders Neuroscience2010 Benjamin Cheyette (grad student)
Stéphane H. OlietNeuroglial Interactions Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Louise Elisabeth OlofssonHypothalamic regulation2008 Allison Wanting Xu (post-doc)
Olav OlsenNeurodegeneration20012007 David Bredt (post-doc)
Kwadwo A. Opoku-Nsiahprotein homeostasis, chemical biology, proteasome activation, TRiC assembly Pharmaceutical Sciences20132020 Jason E. Gestwicki (grad student)
Grace Or Pediatrics Patrick McQuillen (research assistant)
Michael B. Orger2005 Herwig Baier (grad student)
Brian O\'neal OrrDrosophila NMJ, Drosophila giant fiber, PPK2014 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Leslie C. Osbornecomputational systems neuroscience2000 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc), William Bialek (collaborator)
Jeremiah D. Osteen David Julius (post-doc)
Stephen F. OsterAxon Injury, Disease, and Novel Paradigms for Therapy2002 David Sretavan (grad student)
Jose Javier Otero
Yvonne Ou Chay T. Kuo (post-doc)
David Ouyang Internal Medicine20112012 Dario J. Englot (grad student)
Maya R. Overland Biophysics2013 Orion D. Weiner (grad student)
Julia P OwenMEG source localization, functional connectivity, motor control Bioengineering20062011 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (grad student)
Melinda T. Owens20052011 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Judy Pa
Emily Ling-Lin Pai Psychiatry Daniel Vogt (grad student)
Stephanie E. Palmer Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Zhizhong Z. Pan Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Simon Pan Psychiatry Mazen A. Kheirbek (grad student)
Matthew Robert PaquetteAging, Cognitive Control,
Mercedes ParedesNeurodevelopment20022005 Scott C. Baraban (grad student), Sam Pleasure (grad student)
Neelroop Parikshaktranscriptomics, human genetics, neurological diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders
Sangsoon ParkHeart regeneration Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics2024 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Ki Youb ParkAdult neurogenesis, neural stem cells Daniel A. Lim (post-doc)
Philip Ross Lutton ParkerVisual circuits20092015 Arnold R. Kriegstein (research assistant), Anatol C. Kreitzer (grad student)
Daniel M. Paskowitzretinal degeneration, visual system2006 Matthew LaVail (grad student)
Kartik PattabiramanDevelopmental Neurobiology Neuroscience20092014 Shanni Silberberg (collaborator), John L. R. Rubenstein (grad student)
Catherine Pawson Cell Biology2008 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Sussan Paydar John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc)
Rodrigo Manuel Paz Anatol C. Kreitzer (post-doc)
Jeanne PazNeural dynamics and plasticity in Epilepsy and associated cognitive dysfunction
david pearce
Mark-Phillip Lee Pebworth Biomedical Sciences20162020 Arnold R. Kriegstein (grad student)
Sailaja Peddada
Carol L. Peebles Neuroscience2009 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Mark PennesiOphthalmology
Yonatan PerezNeurobiology, stem cells, autism
David PerkelSynaptic Physiology, Vocal learning, Songbird Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Arie Perryneuro-oncology
Harvey Peskinholocaust survivors, developmental psychology Psychiatry19751976 David A. Chiriboga (post-doc)
Andy Peters
Christian J. Petersion channels, potassium channels Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Carl C. H. PetersenBarrel Cortex1996 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Andrew Peterson Physiology and Biochemistry/Biophysics19881994 Sam Pleasure (collaborator), Richard Morris Myers (post-doc)
Maja Petkovic Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Magdalena A. Petryniakoligodendrocyte, leukodystrophies, Krabbe disease20082011 David H. Rowitch (post-doc), John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc)
Elizabeth AK Phillipssystems neuroscience, auditory system, interneuron function Otolaryngology2012 Andrea R. Hasenstaub (grad student)
Joanna J. PhillipsNeuro-Oncology Research and Neuropathology Autopsy
Jan PielageSynaptic Stability and Maintenance20032007 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Andrew A. Pierceneuronal control of hepatic function, hypothalamic regulatory mechanisms, cell signaling, cell proliferation Dept of Medicine20112015 Allison Wanting Xu (post-doc), Jacquelyn J. Maher (research scientist)
Julie M. PinkstonAging Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2007 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Darya PinoNeuroscience2005 Sam Pleasure (grad student)
Darya Pino-DempseyCortical Development Neuroscience2010 Sam Pleasure (grad student)
Sean A. PintchovskiMolecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity and Neurodegeneration Neuroscience Neuroscience2007 Steven Finkbeiner (grad student), Eric Verdin (grad student)
Merisa L. PiperCell signaling20052007 Allison Wanting Xu (research assistant)
Silvia Pittoloastrocytes, dopamine, monoamines, prefrontal cortex, psychiatric disorders, fiber photometry Biochemistry and Biophysics20182021 Kira Poskanzer (post-doc)
Sam PleasureCortical Development19972000 Marc Tessier-Lavigne (post-doc), Daniel Lowenstein (post-doc)
Samuel PleasureNeurobiology Biology, Human Development
David Poeppelauditory cognition, speech, language, cognitive neuroscience19951997 Timothy Roberts (post-doc), Howard Rowley (post-doc)
Alexander A. Pollenbrain evolution & genetics Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Daniel B. PolleyAuditory System20022005 Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Galina Popova20172021 Tomasz J. Nowakowski (post-doc)
Jessica A. PorterOlfaction2007 Nirao M. Shah (post-doc)
Sandra Portman
Kira Poskanzer2006 George W. Huntley (research assistant), Deanna L. Benson (research assistant), Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Sonja PotrebicMigraine Howard L. Fields (research scientist)
Gregory B. PotterImmuno-oncology20082011 John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc), David H. Rowitch (post-doc)
Wyatt B. Potterepilepsy, synaptic plasticity, tuberous sclerosis
Stephen Powers
Christine D. Pozniak2002 Sam Pleasure (post-doc)
Sumit PrakashCancer Signaling
Elizabeth D. Prescott2003 David Julius (grad student)
Peter Scott PressmanFrontal lobe
Nicholas J. PriebeVisual cortex2001 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
John M. ProctorNeuronal development2006 Louis F. Reichardt (grad student)
Stanley Ben PrusinerPrion diseases
Louis J. PtáčekHuman neurogenetics Raymond L. White (post-doc)
Louis Ptáčekgenetics, ion channels Ying-Hui Fu (collaborator)
Stefan M. Pulstspinocerebellar ataxias, Parkinson disease Earl Mayeri (post-doc)
Eli Putermanhealth psychology
Manoj A. PuthenveeduAddiction, Opioid receptors, neurotransmission, cell biology, trafficking, signaling, GPCRs Mark von Zastrow (post-doc)
Salman E. QasimCognitive Electrophysiology Neurological Surgery20132015 Philip Starr (research assistant)
Lijun Qineuroscience Department of Physiology20162017 Lily Y. Jan (research assistant)
Judy Quan General and Internal Medicine Dean Keith Simonton (grad student)
Phuong N. QuangDentistry, Neurobiology Biology, Pharmacology Oral and Craniofacial Sciences2010 Caroline Damsky (grad student)
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa
Alfredo Quinones-HinojosaNeurogenesis / Oncology Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Benjamin N. R. CheyetteNeuroscience Biology, Human Development
Kimberly F. Raab-Grahamplasticity, mammalian target of rapamycin, ion channels Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Gil Rabinovici Memory and Aging Center Bruce L. Miller (post-doc)
Katalin Rabl
Caroline A. RacinePsychopathology, Schizophrenia, Cognition Department of Neurological Surgery20042005 Jeffrey N. Browndyke (grad student)
Sandra RadtkaRehabilitation and Therapy, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Inez RaharjoSpeech Neuroscience and Imaging Bioengineering Bioengineering2016 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (grad student), John F. Houde (grad student)
Raghav RajanRodent Olfaction, Song birds2006 Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Ramnarayan Ramachandran20002007 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Dhakshin Ramanathanplasticity, Alzheimer's, regeneration Psychiatry Karunesh Ganguly (post-doc)
Alexander Daniel RamosAdult neurogenesis, neural stem cells
Ciro D Randazzo Michael S. Brainard (research assistant)
Yi Rao Lily Y. Jan (grad student), Yuh Nung Jan (grad student)
Jennifer L. RaymondMotor Brainstem Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Heather L. ReadAuditory system Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc)
Gregg RecanzoneAge-related hearing loss Michael M. Merzenich (grad student)
Stephanie A. RedmondGlia Neurosurgery Neurology20162016 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (post-doc), Jonah R. Chan (grad student)
Alison S. Reed20072009 Allison Wanting Xu (post-doc)
Louis F. ReichardtNeuronal development
Gang RenSingle-molecule 3D structure Biochemistry and Biophysics20062010 David A. Agard (research scientist)
Nichole ReyesNeuroscience Biology Biomedical Sciences2011 Gerard Evan (grad student)
Lydia Reznichenko Karunesh Ganguly (post-doc)
Jocelyn M. Richardmotivation, ventral pallidum, alcohol abuse20132014 Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Beatriz RicoNeuroscience19982003 Louis F. Reichardt (post-doc)
Gina Rinettivestibular system, hair cells, exocytosis Kevin J. Bender (post-doc)
Neil Rischstatistics, genetics, epidemiology
Erik RobersonNeurodegenerative Disease20032005 Bruce L. Miller (post-doc)
Timothy Robertsneurolinguistics; neuroimaging; auditory processing of language; language and autism
Ashley S. RobinsonHuman Development, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Developmental Biology2013 Brian L. Black (grad student)
Sarah E. RobinsonDopamine, Schizophrenia, Autism
Estuardo Robles2008 Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Aylin R. Rodan2002 Ulrike Heberlein (grad student)
Forrest D. RogersBehavioral Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Psychiatry20172020 Wendy Berry Mendes (grad student)
Alexander V. RoitmanMotor system2005 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Camarin Rolle20122012 Joey Ka-Yee Essoe (collaborator), Joey Ka-Yee Essoe (research scientist)
John D. RolstonNeural information processing, brain machine interfaces, epilepsy Neurological Surgery Edward Chang (post-doc)
Dorit Ronalcohol addiction
Indigo V.L. Roseglia, astrocytes, reactive astrocytes, extracellular vessicles2020 Martin Kampmann (grad student)
Tom RoseberryBasal Ganglia20132012 Anatol C. Kreitzer (grad student), David Perkel (research assistant)
Howard Rosendementia, neurorehabilitation
Marci Rosenberg2018 Anna V. Molofsky (grad student)
Oren S. Rosenbergdopamine,basal ganglia20092015 Robert M. Stroud (post-doc)
Mark Rosenblum
Susanna Rosi
Michael E. Rothenberg2003 Yuh Nung Jan (grad student)
Barry S. Rothman Earl Mayeri (post-doc)
Gideon Rothschildauditory system Loren Frank (post-doc)
Nathalie Rouachneuroglial interactions, receptors trafficking, gap junctions20022004 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Demetris K. Roumis Neuroscience2012 Loren Frank (grad student)
David H. Rowitcholigodendrocyte, glioblastoma, stem cells
Michael T. RubensCognitive Neuroscience of Attention and Memory20072012 Adam Gazzaley (research assistant)
John L. R. Rubensteinbrain development Sam Pleasure (collaborator)
James L. RubensteinCNS Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma
Eric RulifsonHuman Development, Neuroscience Biology, Genetics
Jonathan Rutchik
Edward S. Ruthazervisual system, imaging, activity-dependent, morphology19891996 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Devon P. RyanBioinformatics, neuronal alterations associated with neurocognitive and neurodegenerative disorders20042010 Louis J. Ptáček (grad student)
Michael B. Ryanbasal ganglia, movement, electrophysiology, mulitsensory integration Neurology2015 Alexandra B. Nelson (grad student)
Philip N. SabesSensorimotor Control
Wolfgang Sadee1970 Neal Castagnoli (post-doc)
Martin A. SaferExperimental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Criminology and Penology psychology Paul Ekman (grad student)
Alvaro Sagasti2001 Cori Bargmann (post-doc), Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Taslimarif SaiyedPresynaptic machinery20062009 Robert H. Edwards (post-doc)
Jon T. Sakata Michael S. Brainard (post-doc)
Arif Saleem Biomedical Sciences2013 Shaun Coughlin (grad student)
Nathan G. SalomonisG protein-coupled receptors Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2008 Bruce R. Conklin (grad student)
Irene Yun Salteraddiction, accumbens, science education, curriculum development19982002 Howard L. Fields (grad student)
Madhuja SamaddarBiochemistry, Chaperones, Mitochondrial import Cynthia Kenyon (post-doc)
Jason SamahaCognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness, Working Memory, and Attention20112012 Joey Ka-Yee Essoe (research assistant)
Stephan J. Sanders
Peter B. Sargent
Federica SartiHomeostatic plasticity Antonello Bonci (research assistant)
Jennifer Sasaki Russell Anesthesia20152018 Jeffrey W. Sall (post-doc)
Masaaki Satoadult plasticity, two-photon imaging Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Benjamin T. SaundersDopamine, Motivation, Reward
Massimo Scanziani Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc), Hillel Adesnik (collaborator)
William R. Schafer Cynthia Kenyon (post-doc)
Carole S. ScherlingCognitive impairment, chemofog, dementia, neuroimaging, biomarkers2001 Howard Rosen (post-doc)
Grégory ScherrerPain, opioid system20062012 Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Suzaynn F. SchickCell Biology, Molecular Biology2001 Caroline Damsky (grad student)
Craig A. Schiltzappetitive motivation
Lucas SchirmerNeurology, Neurobiology, Neuroimmunology, Neuropathology, Systems Biology20152018 David H. Rowitch (post-doc)
Sabine Maria Schmidionotropic glutamate receptors Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology20032008 Michael Hollmann (grad student)
Dietmar SchmitzSynaptic Physiology19992002 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Julie L. Schnapf
Eric Schnellplasticity, synaptogenesis2002 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Peter J. SchoonheimVisual system Herwig Baier (post-doc)
David SchoppikVestibular, Oculomotor Neuroscience20012007 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Jonathan S. SchorDBS, PD, Movement Disorders Neurology2016 Alexandra B. Nelson (grad student)
Christoph E. SchreinerAuditory system Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Thomas L. SchwarzDrosophila Neurobiology19831989 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Bjoern Schwer
Ethan K. Scott Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Rebecca P. SealNeurotransmitter Transporters Robert H. Edwards (post-doc)
Joy Sebeinhibition, interneurons, epilepsy Scott C. Baraban (post-doc)
Peter H. Seeburgglutamate receptors19751977 Howard M. Goodman (post-doc)
William W. SeeleyNeurodegenerative disease20032005 Bruce L. Miller (post-doc), DeArmond J. Stephen (post-doc)
Taban Seifneuroscience, potassium channels, AHPs, endocannabinoids, NRs
Kristin K. Sellers2016 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Julia L. SemmelhackVisual system2009 Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Kamal SenBirdsong Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Yuta Senzaicortex2018 Massimo Scanziani (post-doc)
Laura P. Serwer Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2011 C. David James (grad student)
Steven J. ShabelAmygdala Neuroscience Neuroscience20012008 Howard L. Fields (grad student), Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
Nirao M. Shah
Shai ShahamApoptosis19992001 Cori Bargmann (post-doc)
Kevin A. Shapirocognitive neuropsychology Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini (post-doc)
Panid Sharifnia Psychiatry 20042007 Miles Berger (research assistant)
Ruchira Sharma Psychiatry2017 Devanand S. Manoli (post-doc)
Tatyana SharpeeVisual system, computational neuroscience Kenneth D. Miller (post-doc), William Bialek (post-doc), Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Shahriar SheikhbahaeiNeuron-Glia Interactions
Hsin-Chieh J. ShenMolecular Biology, Human Development2003 Brian L. Black (grad student)
Susan Q. Shen20132017 Joseph C. Corbo (grad student)
Jane Shen20092011 Ben J Evans (grad student)
Helen Huei-Yuen Shen Neuroscience2011 Philip N. Sabes (grad student)
Helen H. ShenOculomotor System Neuroscience2011 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Kang Shen Cori Bargmann (post-doc)
Yiguo ShenNeurological Movement Disorder20022005 Andrew Peterson (post-doc)
Morgan ShengSynaptic Plasticity19901994 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Nengyin Sheng Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc), Naihe Jing (grad student)
Alana D. Sherman2003 Michael H. Dickinson (grad student)
Elliott H. SherrAgenesis of the Corpus Callosum2011 Corby L. Dale (collaborator)
Eugenia Shevchenko20072010 Magdalena A. Petryniak (research assistant)
Shannon D. ShieldsPain19992007 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Jonathan Y. ShihAuditory Cortex Bioengineering2012 Christoph E. Schreiner (grad student), Steven Cheung (post-doc)
SooYoon Shin
David ShinNeurodevelopment, Neurodegenerative Disease2018 Tomasz J. Nowakowski (grad student)
Seth L. Shipmanneuroscience, electrophysiology, synaptic transmission, neurodevelopment, synthetic biology Neuroscience20082012 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Prasad R. ShirvalkarChronic Pain, Neuromodulation, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Deep Brain stimulation, Neurophysiology, Neurology, Learning and Memory Neurosurgery Neurological Surgery2017 Edward Chang (research scientist), Philip Starr (research scientist)
Daniel W. ShreyComputational Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Epileptic Encephalopathies Neurology Epilepsy20192005 Adam Gazzaley (research assistant), Adam Numis (collaborator)
Angela M. SiaGeneral Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Toxicology Biomedical Sciences2013 Paul J. Muchowski (grad student)
Julie Siegenthaler2006 Sam Pleasure (post-doc)
Yaron M. Sigalsomatosenstion Cell Biology2008 David Julius (grad student)
Karen A. Sigvardt Earl Mayeri (post-doc)
Shanni SilberbergDevelopmental Neurobiology, Interneurons2008 John L. R. Rubenstein (grad student)
John C. SilbereisNeurovascular Mechanisms of Inflammation and Tissue Repair Neuroscience2014 Katerina Akassoglou (grad student)
Kätlin SilmNeuroscience Neurology/Physiology Robert H. Edwards (post-doc)
Nicholas J. Silva Psychiatry2018 Anna V. Molofsky (post-doc)
Michael A. SilverVisual cortex, attention1999 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
Donn A. Simmonsbasal ganglia, neurophysiology, Parkinson's disease20022004 Robert S. Turner (post-doc)
Martha L. Simmons
Greg V. Simpsonattention, multi-modal imaging Dale A. Ritter (post-doc)
Lawrence C. SincichVisual cortex20002006 Jonathan Horton (post-doc), Daniel L. Adams (collaborator)
Thomas P. Singer
Annabelle C. SingerMemory, Hippocampus, Alzheimer's Disease, Neurostimulation Neuroscience20052009 Loren Frank (grad student)
Daniel W. Sirkis Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics20072012 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Jason J. Siu Daniel A. Lim (research assistant)
Kate Skinner Howard L. Fields (post-doc), Allan I. Basbaum (research scientist)
George M. SlavichLife stress, depression20072009 Diego Pizzagalli (collaborator), Margaret E. Kemeny (post-doc)
Paul A. SlesingerGIRK channels, addiction, plasticity, G proteins19911997 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc), Jeffry B. Lansman (grad student)
Matt C. Smear2005 Herwig Baier (grad student)
Betty SmootPathobiology and treatment of peripheral neuropathies Physical Therapy2009 Kimberly Topp (grad student)
Peter SobaDrosophila, neurodevelopment, functional connectomics, cicruits, neuromodulation and behavior20052011 Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Samuel J. Sober20002005 Michael S. Brainard (post-doc), Philip N. Sabes (grad student)
Vikaas Singh Sohalschizophrenia, autism, cortical microcircuits20152017 Nadia Lybøl von Schoubye (collaborator)
Michele M. Solis Allison Doupe (grad student)
Carlos Efrain SolorzanoNeuroscience, sensory system, inflammation2010 Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Yuanquan SongNeuroscience2009 Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Shawn Sorrells Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (post-doc)
Mari SosaHippocampal Learning and Memory2012 Loren Frank (grad student)
Derek G. SouthwellNeuroscience Biology Neuroscience2009 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Dennis R. Sparta Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Robert Spetzler
Matthew J. SpindlerG protein-coupled receptors Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics2011 Bruce R. Conklin (grad student)
Perry WE Spratt
David SretavanAxon Injury, Disease, and Novel Paradigms for Therapy
Neil Stahl Stanley Ben Prusiner (post-doc)
John Amsden StarkweatherComputer-based language processing
Phil Starr
Philip StarrPhysiology of movement disorders in humans
Matthew W. StateGenetics and genomics of developmental neuropsychiatric disorders Nevan J. Krogan (collaborator)
David M. Steffen Neurological Surgery Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (post-doc)
Josh Steighner Devanand S. Manoli (grad student)
Roy H. SteinbergRetinal physiology
Elizabeth E. Steinberg Neuroscience2013 Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
Laurie Stepanek Allison Doupe (post-doc)
W. Eugene Stern
Marilyn Steyert2021 Tomasz J. Nowakowski (grad student)
Leland S. Stone1987 Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Michael P. StrykerDevelopment, Visual system20102011 Torsten Wiesel (post-doc), A Moses Lee (collaborator)
Garret D. Stuberneural circuits that underlies neuropsychiatric disorders20052010 Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Lakshmi SubramanianDevelopment2009 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Hiroki SugiharaVisual system Kenneth D. Miller (post-doc)
Shawn Wen SunAdult neurogenesis, neural stem cells Daniel A. Lim (research assistant)
Yujiao Jennifer SunVisual neuroscience, cortical plasticity, neuromodulation, circuit, development20152020 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc), Michael P. Stryker (post-doc)
Felice T. SunComputational neuroimaging2004 Mark D'Esposito (grad student)
Varun SureshNeuro-development Neurosurgery2023 Tomasz J. Nowakowski (post-doc)
Rowena M. SuribenSignaling Scaffold Proteins in Development and Major Psychiatric Disorders Developmental Biology2009 Benjamin Cheyette (grad student)
Toral S. Surti2005 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Mitchell Sutterauditory system Christoph E. Schreiner (grad student)
Nicole C. Swann Phil Starr (post-doc)
Raymond A. Swanson Neurology Frank R. Sharp (post-doc)
Kurtis J SwartzBird Song, Computational Neuroscience Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
Neal T. Sweeney2006 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Tamas SzikraVisual system, calcium regulation20032006 David R. Copenhagen (post-doc), David Krizaj (post-doc)
Sharif A. TahaMotivation and reward; food intake; addiction19962001 Michael P. Stryker (grad student)
D. Koji Takahashineuroscience, epilepsy, glia20012003 Scott C. Baraban (research assistant)
Nhi Tan20052007 Jeffry B. Lansman (research assistant)
Chan Lek Tan20132018 Zachary A. Knight (post-doc)
Andrew Yong-Yi Tan2006 Christoph E. Schreiner (grad student)
Chin Hong Tan Rahul Desikan (post-doc), Leo Sugrue (post-doc)
Chengxi Tracy Tanneurodevelopment
Masaki Tanaka Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Lamont S. TangNeural Circuits, neuromodulation, electrophysiology, computational models, molecular biology2010 Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Yunshuo Caroline Tang Psychiatry20042007 Miles Berger (research assistant)
Kimberly D. Tanner SEP (Science and Health Education Partnership) Jon D. Levine (grad student), Liesl Chatman (post-doc)
Wucheng TaoNeurophysiology, ligand gated ion channels Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Donald M Taylormechanisms of anesthesia, learning and memory, pain
Bradley K. Taylor Anatomy19921995 Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Michael R. TaylorZebrafish genetics, blood-brain barrier20072008 Scott C. Baraban (post-doc), Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Larry Tecott David Julius (post-doc)
Laurence TecottMolecular Genetic Analysis of Behavioral Traits
Paul TemkinGPCR trafficking, GPCR signalling, AMPAR trafficking, LTP, Parkinson's Cell Biology2011 Mark von Zastrow (grad student)
Bruce TempelGenetics of disease19841988 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Ching-Ling Tengauditory system, visual system, theoretical neuroscience20052006 Michael P. Stryker (post-doc), Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc), Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Sheralee A. Tershner Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
Frederic Theunissenauditory system Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Tod R. ThieleNeuroscience19992001 Andrew Davies (research assistant), Steven L. McIntire (research assistant)
Dawn Thompson Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Katherine L. Thompson-Peer Physiology20122019 Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Lucas Y Tiansystems neuroscience, cognition, computational neuroscience, planning, learning20132019 Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
Jason TienChannel Physiology Neuroscience2014 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Tarik Tihanistological classification of primary CNS neoplasms
Whittemore Tingley
David M. Tobin2001 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Jared Toettcher Wendell A. Lim (grad student)
Jessica TollkuhnTranscriptional Regulation, Nuclear Receptors, Social Behavior2007 Nirao M. Shah (post-doc)
Susumu Tomita David Bredt (post-doc)
Gordon Mayer Tomkinsembryonal carcinoma stem cells
Cheuk K. TongNeural stem cells Neuroscience2014 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Leslie M. TongNeural stem cells Biomedical Sciences2014 Arturo Alvarez-Buylla (grad student)
Kimberly ToppPathobiology and treatment of peripheral neuropathies
Douglas Totten Karunesh Ganguly (post-doc)
Thomas N. TozerBiopharmaceutics/Pharmacokinetics
Jodie Anne Trafton2000 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Anthony John Trevor
Todd W. TroyerComputation & Theory, Birdsong Kenneth D. Miller (post-doc), Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Michael A TrujilloStigma, Health, Resilience Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine20182021 Wendy Berry Mendes (post-doc)
PEI-I Tsai2017 Patrick O'Farrell (post-doc)
Linus T. Tsai2004 Ulrike Heberlein (grad student)
Pei-San Tsaireproductive endocrinology19931995 Richard I. Weiner (post-doc)
Patricia I. Tsao2000 Mark von Zastrow (grad student)
Adelyn Tsu Karunesh Ganguly (post-doc)
Makoto Tsunozaki Cell Biology2008 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Pamela TsurudaSomatosensation2005 David Julius (grad student)
Evren C. TumerComputational modeling, dynamics Department of Physiology20042009 Michael S. Brainard (post-doc)
Marc Lawrence TurnermPFC and social behavior Psychiatry2016 Vikaas Singh Sohal (grad student)
Victoria Turner Psychiatry2017 Mazen A. Kheirbek (grad student)
Kay M. TyeAmygdala, Reward, Anxiety, Plasticity, Social Homeostasis20082009 Patricia H. Janak (grad student), Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Lynne D. Tye2010 Anatol C. Kreitzer (grad student)
anastassios V. Tzingounispotassiun channels, hippocampus Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Joe Udeochu Saul A. Villeda (grad student)
Erik M. Ullian19921997 Peter B. Sargent (grad student)
Elizabeth K. Ungerregulatory mechanisms of reproductive behavior and energy balance20092015 Allison Wanting Xu (research assistant), Nirao M. Shah (grad student)
Rochelle Urban Neuroscience2011 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Christian VaisseGenetics of Obesity2005 Allison Wanting Xu (collaborator)
Pablo Valenzuela William J. Rutter (grad student)
Louis D. Van de KarPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology1981 William Francis Ganong (post-doc)
Filip Van Petegemvoltage-gated sodium and calcium channels, Ryanodine Receptors20022007 Dan Minor (post-doc)
Richard M. Van Rijnopioid receptors, addiction, alcoholism20072013 Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Martine R. van SchouwenburgCognitive Control20132015 Adam Gazzaley (post-doc)
Virginie van Wassenhovetime, cognition, multisensory, perception, auditory-visual speech20042005 Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Angela Vandenberg Neuroscience20082013 Peter B. Sargent (grad student), Linda E. Wilbrecht (grad student)
Lawren Vandevrede
Miri K. VanHovenDevelopmental Neurogenetics2005 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Sarat Vatsavayai2013 William W. Seeley (post-doc)
Vasanth Vedantham
Lena Veit20162020 Michael S. Brainard (post-doc)
Prahatha VenkatramanZebrafish, Epilepsy, Mechanobiology, Retinal degeneration Neurosurgery2021 Scott C. Baraban (post-doc)
Eric VerdinNeuroscience
Timothy D. VerstynenMotor systems, computational motor control20062009 Philip N. Sabes (post-doc)
Jan Verweij
Michael VerziMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2006 Brian L. Black (grad student)
Tess L Veutheymotor learning, premotor cortex, motor cortex, motor skill Neuroscience2014 Karunesh Ganguly (grad student)
Chi T. VietPain Nursing2011 Jon D. Levine (grad student)
Saul A. Villedaneuroscience, aging, stem cell, cognition, neuroimmunology
Will Vincent
Sophia Vinogradovschizophrenia and neurocognition2008 Corby L. Dale (collaborator)
Bhavana VishnubhotlaVTA and learning Neuroscience2008 Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
Indre V. Viskontasdeclarative memory, medial temporal lobe
Kate Vitale2010 Patricia H. Janak (grad student)
Elizabeth A. VitalisNeuroendocrinology, GnRH2000 Richard I. Weiner (grad student)
Susan VoglmaierNeurotransmitters Robert H. Edwards (post-doc), Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Daniel VogtNeuroscience, Molecular and Cell Biology, Autism, Alzheimer's Disease Psychiatry Psychiatry Psychiatry20092017 John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc), Shawn Sorrells (collaborator), Shanni Silberberg (collaborator), Annie Arguello (collaborator), Kathleen K.A. Cho (collaborator)
Mark von Zastrow
An Thanh VuAccelerated High Field MRI Bioengineering Radiology20152011 Jack L. Gallant (grad student), Pratik Mukherjee (collaborator)
Julian Alexander Wagner CarenaSystems Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroscience, Machine Learning
Peter E. WaisTop-down modulation, visual system, aging
Clarissa L. WaitesNeural Degeneration and Repair, Cellular/Molecular/Developmental Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Synapses and Circuits2001 Robert H. Edwards (grad student)
Maria Waldhoer Jennifer L. Whistler (post-doc)
Nicholas John Alexander WanEEG, MUSIC PROCESSING, NEURAL EFFICIENCY, SENSORY BINDING20122013 David A. Ziegler (research assistant)
Matthew J. WanatDopamine Neuroscience20022007 Antonello Bonci (post-doc)
Doris D. Wangcortical development Neuroscience20042009 Arnold R. Kriegstein (grad student), Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Tingting WangSynaptic homeostasis, Genetics, Cell Biology Biophysics and Biochemistry Graeme W. Davis (post-doc)
Lynn Wang Physiology20142019 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Li Wang
Shuyu Wang Devanand S. Manoli (post-doc)
Xiaowei Wangcerebral vascular basememt membrane and related diseases
xiaoqun wangbrain development Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Vincent WangNeurosurgery
Timothy L. Warren Neuroscience2012 Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
James Arvid WaschekNeuropeptides19801984 Thomas N. Tozer (grad student)
Joel C. Watts Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases20082014 Stanley Ben Prusiner (post-doc)
Maggie W WaungHeadache, migraine, PAG, mGluR5 Neurology2015 Howard L. Fields (post-doc)
E Leong WayOpioid pharmacology Chauncey D. Leake (post-doc)
Ann M. Wehman2006 Herwig Baier (grad student)
Xin Paul Wei Physiology2017 Kevin Yackle (grad student)
Thomas Weimbspolycystic kidney disease, membrane trafficking, SNARE membrane fusion proteins19941999 Keith E. Mostov (post-doc)
Zara Y. Weinbergcell signaling, quantiative biology, synthetic biology, cell engineering Biochemistry and Biophysics2020 Hana El-Samad (post-doc)
Richard I. WeinerNeuroendocrinology, GnRH1969 William Francis Ganong (grad student)
Orion D. Weiner2001 Henry R. Bourne (grad student)
Jarret A.P. WeinrichNeural Circuitry Anatomy2017 Allan I. Basbaum (post-doc)
Philip Weinstein
Lauren WeissGenetics of Autism
Friedbert WeissNeuroscience of Addiction19791981 Paul Ekman (research assistant)
Rong WenRetina19891993 Roy H. Steinberg (post-doc)
Donna M. WerlingNeurogenetics, Autism Stephan J. Sanders (post-doc)
Paul Dylan WesAlzheimer's disease, Microglia, Neuroinflammation19982001 Cori Bargmann (post-doc)
Kelly Westlakeplasticity, stroke, rehabilitation Srikantan S. Nagarajan (post-doc)
Andrew J. Westphalcognitive control, memory
Elizabeth Wheatley Saul A. Villeda (grad student)
Jennifer L. WhistlerGPCRs, pharmacology, biased agonism, Addiction, pain, neuropsychiatric disease Mark von Zastrow (post-doc)
Raymond L. WhiteHuman Genetics, Cancer, Behavioral Disorders
Jonathan Widdicombe Alison F. Brading (grad student)
Giovanni Corrado WiederholdComputer medical databases1976 John Amsden Starkweather (grad student)
Linda E. Wilbrechtadolescent development of circuits involved in value based decision making, addiction20072008 Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Jill C. WildongerCharacterizing how discreet functional domains in neurons are created by investigating how proteins are trafficked; combining in vitro approaches with in vivo live-cell imagining in the developing fruit fly.20052011 Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Clayton Alexander WileyViral encephalitis and neurodegeneratioin Richard Laverne Davis (post-doc)
Cameron A. WilhiteHippocampus, Learning and Memory, Medical Imaging
Scott A. WilkeTranscription, synaptogenesis, hippocampal development, patterning of connectivity Psychiatry Vikaas Singh Sohal (post-doc)
Lisa Ellen Williams2003 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
L. D. Willison2005 Shaun Coughlin (grad student)
Helen Willsey Psychiatry Matthew W. State (post-doc)
Charles Wilson
Rachel I. Wilson2001 Roger A. Nicoll (grad student)
Stephen M. Wilson Gregory S Hickok (post-doc)
Amanda L. Woermanneurodegenerative disease, tau, synuclein, protein misfolding20132019 Stanley Ben Prusiner (post-doc)
Melville Joseph Wohlgemuth Neuroscience2008 Michael S. Brainard (grad student)
Martin Wojtowicz Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc)
Fred W. WolfGenetics, Behavior, Drosophila19982005 Gian Garriga (grad student), Ulrike Heberlein (post-doc)
Xiu M. WongChannel Physiology Chemistry and Chemical Biology2013 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Nick I Woods
Catherine WoodsNeuroscience Patricia H. Janak (research assistant)
Joshua D. WoolleyOpioids and Feeding2005 Howard L. Fields (grad student)
Sarah C. Woolleysong system, learning Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Brian D. WrightNeuroscience - birdsong Allison Doupe (post-doc)
Beverly A. WrightPsychoacoustics Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Claudia (Kaye) WuMemory and Aging20102012 Linda E. Wilbrecht (research assistant)
Di Wusynaptic transimission
Melody Wu Neuroscience2010 Nirao M. Shah (grad student)
Julie Wu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2014 Orion D. Weiner (grad student)
Brenda Wu2021 Vijay Mohan K Namboodiri (research assistant)
Christian Xerri Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Houhui Hugh XiaPP1, its regulatory proteins, synaptic plasticity and experience-dependent brain functions19941997 David Bredt (grad student)
Tong Xiao Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Dan XieMicroscopy, behavioral neuroscience
Wendy Xinoligodendrocytes and neural circuitry Neurology2019 Jonah R. Chan (post-doc)
Allison Wanting Xumolecular genetics, mechanisms of insulin and leptin signaling Larry Tecott (collaborator), Shi-Bing Yang (collaborator)
Nicole Anne Yabut Anesthesia20152018 Jeffrey W. Sall (research assistant)
Kevin YackleRespiration
Smita Yadav
Tracy M. YamawakiAging Genetics2009 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Hongyi YanBrain Computer Interface Bioengineering2022 Karunesh Ganguly (grad student)
Zhuonan Yangmemory, learning Physiology, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences20182020 David B. Kastner (research assistant)
Jeffrey Yang
Lucie L. YangAging2003 Cynthia Kenyon (grad student)
Huanghe YangIon channels, biophysics, electrophysiology, neuroscience20082015 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Tony Yang
Bing YangChemical Biology; Proteomics Meng-Qiu Dong (grad student), Lei Wang (post-doc)
Sungchil YangNeuroscience Kevin J. Bender (post-doc)
Cindy F. Yangsexual dimorphism; behavior Neuroscience20052012 Nirao M. Shah (grad student)
Jian YangChannel Physiology19941996 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Jin Yang19992004 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc), Shurong Wang (grad student)
Yan Yangmotor learning Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Shi-Bing YangCell signaling, hypothlamic function Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Azadeh Yazdan-ShahmoradCortical Stimulation, Brain Machine interface, Optogenetics2011 Philip N. Sabes (post-doc)
Wenlei Yeion channel, chemosensation
Bing YeNeuroscience, Cell biology, Genetics, Drosophila, Mammal Yuh Nung Jan (post-doc)
Byungdoo Alexander Yi2001 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
Sachi J. YimPediatric Neuropathology and Developmental Neurobiology Biomedical Sciences2012 Eric J. Huang (grad student)
Meg A. YoungerNeuroscience Neuroscience20072013 Graeme W. Davis (grad student)
Sahar M. YousefCognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Training, Vision Science, Psychopharmacology Neurology20132018 Anthony Chen (grad student)
Tim W. YuDevelopmental neurobiology19962001 Cori Bargmann (grad student)
Jai YuLearning and memory2010 Loren Frank (post-doc)
Y. J. Yu Neuroscience2009 Mark von Zastrow (grad student)
Guohua YuanNeuroscience
Kexin YuanAuditory system, Inhibitory circuits2006 Christoph E. Schreiner (post-doc)
Irene A. Yun2002 Howard L. Fields (grad student)
Hengameh Zahed Kargaranneuroscience
Jennifer L. Zamanianneuro-signaling and long-term memory2003 Regis B. Kelly (grad student)
Theodore Zanto2007 Adam Gazzaley (post-doc), Michael T. Rubens (collaborator)
Konstantinos (Kostas) Zarbalis20052005 Andrew Peterson (post-doc), Sam Pleasure (post-doc)
Mark v. ZastrowNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Karla Petersen Zeitz2001 Allan I. Basbaum (grad student)
Noa Zerangue2000 Lily Y. Jan (grad student)
wei zhangsuper-resolution imaging
wei zhangNeuroscience
Wei ZhangMechanotransduction, Hearing
Chuchu ZhangSomatosensation, ion channels Neuroscience2012 David Julius (grad student)
Ye Zhang Neuroscience2009 Yuh Nung Jan (grad student)
Zhihao ZhangNeuroeconomics, Consumer Research, Marketing Department of Neurology2016 Andrew Kayser (post-doc)
Li I. Zhangcircuits, sensory systems Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Lingyun ZhaoPrimate Vocalization, Motor-auditory interactions2019 Edward Chang (post-doc)
Li ZhouNeural circuit and development2017 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Chengji ZhouCNS development20012005 Sam Pleasure (post-doc)
Xiaoming ZhouAuditory system Michael M. Merzenich (post-doc)
Juan (Helen) Zhou William W. Seeley (post-doc)
Yanming ZhuNeurolinguistics, neurosurgery, bioengineering Neurosurgery Edward Chang (research assistant)
Xiaowen Zhuang20212020 Jun Wang (post-doc), Alexandra B. Nelson (post-doc)
Christopher A Zimmerman20142019 Zachary A. Knight (grad student)
Limor Ziv Herwig Baier (post-doc)
Xiaowei ZouTheoretical Neuroscience, Cognitive/Systems Neuroscience, Brain Imaging, Systems and Circuits
Mario V. ZubiaNeurodegeneration
Johanna M. ZumerMEG, fMRI, attention, multisensory integration Bioengineering20032007 Elizabeth A. Disbrow (collaborator), Srikantan S. Nagarajan (grad student)
Guolong ZuoDevelopmental neuroscience2022 Arnold R. Kriegstein (post-doc)
Jian ZuoHearing Richard Morris Myers (grad student)