Eric E. Nelson

National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, United States 
Emotion,Amygdala, Development
"Eric Nelson"
Mean distance: 17.79 (cluster 29)
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Fu X, Bolton SH, Morningstar M, et al. (2024) Young Children of Mothers with a History of Depression Show Attention Bias to Sad Faces: An Eye-tracking Study. Research On Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Stroud LR, Morningstar M, Vergara-Lopez C, et al. (2023) Neural Activation to Peer Acceptance and Rejection in Relation to Concurrent and Prospective Depression Risk in Adolescent and Pre-Adolescent Girls. Biological Psychology. 108618
Taylor HG, Hoskinson KR, Vrantsidis DM, et al. (2023) Quality of Social Relationships with Parents and Peers in Adolescents Born Extremely Preterm. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics : Jdbp
Morningstar M, Thomas P, Anderson AM, et al. (2022) Exogenous testosterone administration is associated with differential neural response to unfamiliar peer's and own caregiver's voice in transgender adolescents. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 59: 101194
Fu X, Hung A, de Silva AD, et al. (2022) Development of the Mentalizing Network Structures and Theory of Mind in Extremely Preterm Youth. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Morningstar M, Mattson WI, Nelson EE. (2022) Longitudinal Change in Neural Response to Vocal Emotion in Adolescence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Grannis C, Leibowitz SF, Gahn S, et al. (2021) Testosterone treatment, internalizing symptoms, and body image dissatisfaction in transgender boys. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 132: 105358
Hung A, Morningstar M, Mattson WI, et al. (2021) Atypical age-related changes in the structure of the mentalizing network in children with refractory focal epilepsy. Epilepsy Research. 175: 106701
Morningstar M, Hung A, Grannis C, et al. (2020) Blunted neural response to emotional faces in the fusiform and superior temporal gyrus may be marker of emotion recognition deficits in pediatric epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 112: 107432
Morningstar M, Hung A, Mattson WI, et al. (2019) Internalizing symptoms in intractable pediatric epilepsy: Structural and functional brain correlates. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 106845
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