Clinton W. Anderson, Ph.D.

2006 University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Gender Studies
"Clinton Anderson"
Mean distance: 14248.8


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Ken I. Maton grad student 2006 UMBC
 (Do decreases in conventional masculinity among participants in a men's organization predict improvement in their psychological well-being?)
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Maton KI, Mankowski ES, Anderson CW, et al. (2014) Long-Term Changes among Participants in a Men's Mutual-Help Organization International Journal of Self Help and Self Care. 8: 85-112
Anderson CW, Maton KI, Burke CK, et al. (2014) Changes in Conventional Masculinity and Psychological Well-Being among Participants in a Mutual Help Organization for Men International Journal of Self Help and Self Care. 8: 61-84
Burke CK, Maton KI, Mankowski ES, et al. (2011) Erratum to: Healing Men and Community: Predictors of Outcome in a Men's Initiatory and Support Organization American Journal of Community Psychology. 48: 455-455
Burke CK, Maton KI, Mankowski ES, et al. (2010) Healing men and community: Predictors of outcome in a men's initiatory and support organization American Journal of Community Psychology. 45: 186-200
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