Shan Yu

Section on Critical Brain Dynamics National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 
Neural Network, Criticality, Complex Systems, Synchronization
"Shan Yu"
Mean distance: 13.43 (cluster 17)
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Turishcheva P, Fahey PG, Vystrčilová M, et al. (2024) Retrospective for the Dynamic Sensorium Competition for predicting large-scale mouse primary visual cortex activity from videos. Arxiv
Ribeiro TL, Jendrichovsky P, Yu S, et al. (2024) Trial-by-trial variability in cortical responses exhibits scaling of spatial correlations predicted from critical dynamics. Cell Reports. 43: 113762
Yang H, Shew WL, Yu S, et al. (2023) Editorial: Deciphering population neuronal dynamics: from theories to experiments. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 17: 1193488
Miller SR, Yu S, Pajevic S, et al. (2021) Long-term stability of avalanche scaling and integrative network organization in prefrontal and premotor cortex. Network Neuroscience (Cambridge, Mass.). 5: 505-526
Bellay T, Shew WL, Yu S, et al. (2020) Selective Participation of Single Cortical Neurons in Neuronal Avalanches. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 14: 620052
Wu D, Fan L, Song M, et al. (2020) Hierarchy of Connectivity-Function Relationship of the Human Cortex Revealed through Predicting Activity across Functional Domains. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Miller SR, Yu S, Plenz D. (2019) The scale-invariant, temporal profile of neuronal avalanches in relation to cortical γ-oscillations. Scientific Reports. 9: 16403
Zhang JY, Tung JK, Wang Z, et al. (2019) Improved trafficking and expression of luminopsins for more efficient optical and pharmacological control of neuronal activity. Journal of Neuroscience Research
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