National Institutes of Health

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Blair K. A.20172018 David R. Sibley (research scientist)
Gillian M. Acca
Larisa D. Acevedo
Juan Acosta-UrquidiEnergy healing
David R. Adams William Gahl (research scientist)
Khushbu Agarwal Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism2020 Paule Valery Joseph (post-doc)
Emmanuel O. Akano2016 David R. Sibley (post-doc)
Zane N. AldworthNeural Coding2011 Mark A. Stopfer (post-doc)
Asem Ali Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Mor R Alkaslasi
Veronica A. Alvarezsynaptic physiology and morphology, addiction
Susan G. AmaraNeurotransmitter transporters
Kathleen C. Anderson
Brian AndrewsElectron microscopy, calcium
Juan M. AngueyraColor vision, retinal circuits, eye development, zebrafish
Alfonso junior ApicellaNeurobiology Veronica A. Alvarez (post-doc)
Yeka AponteNatural behaviours Peter Jonas (grad student)
Clay M. ArmstrongIon channels19611964 Kenneth S. Cole (post-doc)
Lauren Y. AtlasExpectancy, Pain, Affective Neuroscience
Gerald D. Aurbachparathyroid diseases, bone metabolism19591961 William Jacoby (research scientist)
Christopher P. Austindevelopment of a toolbox of reagents and technologies to translate genome sequence into functional insights
Michael E. Authement
Richard AxelOlfaction Gary Felsenfeld (post-doc)
Reza Azadi
Ulas BagciMedical Image Processing
Nick BalderstonNeural basis of human fear conditioning, fMRI, learning & memory
John Ball NEI Wei Li (post-doc)
Michael BancoStructural Biology
Michael J. Bannondopamine transporter, tachykinins, RGSs, drug abuse19831984 Michael Brownstein (post-doc)
Jack Barchas19621964 Sidney Udenfriend (post-doc)
Jeffrey L. Barker
Kelly Anne Barnescognitive development, autism2010 Alex Martin (post-doc)
Samuel H. Barondes Molecular Biology Molecular Biology1964 Gordon Mayer Tomkins (post-doc), Marshall Nirenberg (post-doc)
Christina S. Barrstress, behavior genetics, primate models, GxE interactions
Sean C. Barronligand-gated ion channels, synaptic transmission
Peter J. BasserBiomedical Engineering, imaging
Denis A. Baylorvision Mike G. Fuortes (post-doc)
Arthur L. BeaudetGenomic imprinting, epigenetics, and angelman syndrome19691971 Marshall Nirenberg (post-doc)
Michael A. Beaven Bernard Beryl Brodie (post-doc)
Corinne Beier
Britni R. BelcherRecreation, Public Health, Nutrition Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
T. Grant Belgardgene expression, network analysis, evolution, autism, neurodegeneration, computational biology NHGRI20082012 Elliott H. Margulies (grad student)
Leonardo BelluscioOlfaction
Rebecca A. Bermanspatial cognition2005 Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Francisco BezanillaStructure-Function in Voltage Dependent Ionic Channels and Transport proteins Kenneth S. Cole (post-doc)
Govind Bhagavatheeshwaran
John Bishop Greg Mueller (grad student)
Sara K. BlaineAlcohol Use Disorders
Randy D. BlakelyNeuroscience, Pharmacology, Genetics, Presynaptic plasma membrane transporter19871990 Susan G. Amara (post-doc)
Miriam E. BocarslyNeurogenesis Veronica A. Alvarez (post-doc)
Adrian Gopnik Bondyperceptual decision making2010 Bruce Cumming (grad student)
Alejandra Boronat Garcia Mark A. Stopfer (post-doc)
Wayne BowenSigma receptors, pharmacology19801983 Candace Pert (post-doc)
Derek BowieAMPA & Kainate receptors, Neurodevelopment Mark L. Mayer (post-doc)
Roscoe O. Bradyhereditary metabolic disorders1954 Seymour S. Kety (research scientist)
Stephanie BraudBarrel Cortex, NMDA Receptors, Kainate Receptors20032008 John T. Isaac (grad student)
Christine Bredfeldtvision20032007 Bruce Cumming (post-doc)
Miranda Broadney Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Bernard Beryl BrodieNeurochemistry
Brianna Brooks Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism2019 Paule Valery Joseph (research assistant)
Michael Stuart Brown19691971 Earl R. Stadtman (post-doc)
Michael Brownsteinneuropeptides, neural gene expression Julius Axelrod (research scientist)
Charles BruceFrontal cortex Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc)
TYLER BUCKLEY20152016 Edward Giniger (research assistant)
Huyen Wendy Buineuroscience, potassium channels, AHPs
Andres BuonannoErbb4 receptors, hippocampus
Shawn Burgess
Diana C. Burk
Robert E. Burke Phillip G. Nelson (post-doc)
Robert J. Buteraneural control of respiration, pattern generation, computational neuroscience19961999 John Rinzel (post-doc)
David M. CabreraDopamine Receptors20002009 David R. Sibley (research scientist)
Huaibin CaiNeurodegenerative disease
Emilie CampanacNeuroscience Dax A. Hoffman (post-doc)
Michael P. CancroImmunology, B cell development. B cell homeostasis, B cell activation, Immune tolerance, autoimmunity, National Cancer Institute19731976 Michael Potter (grad student)
Arvid CarlssonMonoamine neurotransmission and pharmacology1955 Bernard Beryl Brodie (post-doc)
C. Thomas Caskeymedical genetics19681970 Marshall Nirenberg (post-doc)
Kevin CattEndocrinology, hipothalamus
William A. CatterallCalcium channels19721974 Marshall Nirenberg (post-doc)
Robert M. Caudlepain, NMDA receptors, opioids19911996 Ronald Dubner (research scientist)
Jayanth S. ChandranNeuroscience Biology Huaibin Cai (grad student)
Lalitha ChandrasekherCognitive Neuroscience20062008 Chris I. Baker (research assistant)
Jay H. ChangAnesthesia, Analgesia, Addiction20052008 Bai Lu (post-doc)
Thomas N. ChaseParkinson's disease
Mark ChavezScience Administration
Mark R. ChavezScience Administration - eating disorders, exp ther, research training
Claire Cheetham
Leonardo ChelazziAttention19921994 Robert Desimone (post-doc)
Kevin G. ChenPluripotent stem cells, genome stability, differentiation NINDS20052010 Ronald D.G. McKay (research scientist), Michael M. Gottesman (post-doc)
Dahong ChenNeuroepigenetics
Ning Cheng
Alex CheslerSomatosensation
Hsue-Cheng Chiang Huaibin Cai (research assistant)
Stephanie Chidester Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism2019 Paule Valery Joseph (grad student)
Ramesh Chittajulla Chris McBain (post-doc)
Carson C. ChowComputation & Theory
Andreas Chrambach
Kuo-Chang Chu Cheng-Chang Lien (grad student)
Vicky Chuongalcohol use disorder, addiction, neuropharmacology20192021 Lorenzo Leggio (research assistant), George F. Koob (research assistant)
Peter Clark Henriette van Praag (post-doc)
Alison E. Cole19831985 Jeffrey L. Barker (post-doc)
Bradley M. CookeEnergy homeostasis, obesity, diabetes, synaptic plasticity, sexual differentiation, puberty
Vincent D. CostaAmygdala, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, Neurophysiology, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychophysiology
Douglas A. CoulterEpilepsy Research Daniel L. Alkon (grad student)
Fabricio do Couto NINDS ARIEL LEVINE (post-doc)
Catherine J. CravensHippocampus, Learning and Memory Kazu Nakazawa (research scientist), Catherine A. Marler (research assistant)
Melissa Crocker Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Anne Haney Crossmultiple sclerosis, neuroimmunology, diffusion tensor imaging, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis19841986 Henry F. McFarland (post-doc), Dale C. McFarlin (post-doc)
Ana V. CruzBasal ganglia, Parkinson's disease, In vivo rodent electrophysiology, Computational neuroscience20122014 Bruno B. Averbeck (grad student), Judith Walters (post-doc)
Pedro Cuatrecasasdrug and hormone receptors, drug discovery19661967 Christian B. Anfinsen (post-doc)
Changhai Cui Mark L. Mayer (post-doc)
Bruce CummingVisual cortex
Diana Cummings
Caroline A CuocoDopamine Receptor Pharmacology20172019 David R. Sibley (research scientist)
Patricia Curran
Gordon Cutler Developmental Endocrinology D. Lynn Loriaux (post-doc)
Damian E. Dalle Nogare Ajay B. Chitnis (post-doc)
John W. Dalyamphibian-derived alkaloids19581960 Julius Axelrod (collaborator), Bernhard Witkop (post-doc)
Diane Damiano
James E. DarnellSTATs, development19561960 Harry Eagle (post-doc)
Igor Dawid
Marilyn M. Day20162018 David R. Sibley (research scientist)
aki delong
Shannon N. DeMariaLateral line function and regeneration2011 Shawn Burgess (post-doc)
Robert I. DeMars Harry Eagle (post-doc)
Andrew Demidowich Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Robert DesimoneSystems, attention, vision Mortimer Mishkin (post-doc)
Troy Dildine NCCIH Lauren Y. Atlas (grad student)
Michael A. DimyanHuman Neurophysiology, Neurorehabilitation, Learning & Memory
Long Ding20032006 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Meng DingComputer Vision; Machine Learning; Medical Image Analysis
Emma Dugemosquito neurobiology, behavior, audition NIAID NIAID20202022 Eric Calvo (research assistant), David L. Sacks (research assistant)
Jean Rene Duhamel Michael E. Goldberg (post-doc)
Dipankar J. DuttaOligodendrocyte development, myelin plasticity
Johanna Todd Dwyer
Harry Eagle
Gerald Ehrensteinion channels
Tyler Ekins
Igor Elman Alan Breier (research scientist)
Lynn W. Enquistvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis Robert A. Weisberg (post-doc)
Charles J. EpsteinMedical Genetics Christian B. Anfinsen (post-doc)
Solomon David ErulkarNeurophysiology Phillip G. Nelson (research scientist)
Emad Eskandar Barry Richmond (grad student)
Ted EvansAuditory Neuroscience Phillip G. Nelson (research scientist)
John N. Fain19611965 Robert O. Scow (post-doc)
Henry M. Fales
Martha M. FaradaySex
Monica Faulkner2018 Lorenzo Leggio (post-doc)
Gary Felsenfeldchromatin structure and gene expression in eukaryotes
Ningping Feng Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Gabriela A. Ferreyra
Richard Douglas Fieldsneuron-glial interactions, developmental neuroscience, synaptic plasticity Phillip G. Nelson (post-doc)
Rodrigo Ortiz Figueroa Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism2019 Paule Valery Joseph (research assistant)
Andre Fisahnhippocampus19982001 Chris McBain (post-doc)
Gerald Fischbachsynapses Phillip G. Nelson (post-doc)
Mark Fleck Mark L. Mayer (post-doc)
Abby Fleisch Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (grad student)
Christopher M. Florespain, nicotine19921994 Harold Gainer (post-doc)
Ian D. Forsythesynaptic transmission, voltage-gated potassium channels, intrinsic plasticity, auditory processing19851988 Gary L. Westbrook (post-doc), Phillip G. Nelson (post-doc)
Alexis Franks Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism20172020 Paule Valery Joseph (research assistant)
R Benjamin Free2003 David R. Sibley (research scientist)
Jonathan B. Fritzauditory system, plasticity2002 Mortimer Mishkin (post-doc), Ricardo Gil-da-Costa (collaborator)
William Gahl
Harold GainerNeurochemisty/Neuroendocrinology Phillip G. Nelson (research scientist)
Catherine G. Galbraithcell biology Michael P. Sheetz (post-doc)
Ovidiu Galescu Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Paul Gallant Ichiji Tasaki (post-doc)
Joyonna Gamble-George
Pierrette GaudreauNeuroendocrinology, Aging, Obesity19811984 Candace Pert (grad student)
Timothy J. GawneSystems Neuroscience Barry Richmond (post-doc)
Herbert M. GellerDevelopment, Regeneration, Glial Biology, Astrocytes, Extracellular Matrix
Thomas Gentryalcohol abuse
Ali GhazizadehDecision Making, Basal ganglia2012 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Nima Ghitani NCCIH2015 Alex Chesler (post-doc)
Edward Giniger
Allison E. Girasole20112013 Zayd M. Khaliq (research assistant)
Elakkat GireeshSystems Neuroscience, Schizophrenia20042009 Dietmar Plenz (post-doc)
John R. Glowabehavioral pharmacology, cocaine, self-administration
Stephen Gobel
Earl Godfrey Phillip G. Nelson (grad student)
Anurag R. Goelvision, retina, retinal ganglion cells, motion detection National Eye Institute20122014 Wei Li (research assistant)
Jeff P GoffSocial stress, decision making
Michael E. Goldbergvision, eye movements, attention, spatial perception Robert H. Wurtz (post-doc)
Jesse H. Goldberg19951996 Daniel L. Alkon (research assistant)
Joseph L. GoldsteinGenetics19681970 Marshall Nirenberg (post-doc)
David Golomb John Rinzel (post-doc)
Jorge Gomez-Deza NICHD2017 Claire Le Pichon (post-doc)
Aniket V. Gore20002006 Karuna Sampath (grad student)
Thirupugal GovindarajanCell Biology, genome editing and Mouse genetics Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology20162020 Robert S. Adelstein (grad student)
Frederico Guilherme GraeffPanic disorder, Psychobiology, Behavioral pharmacology19681969 R. I. Schoenfeld (grad student)
Malkolm E. Graffe Justin W. Taraska (research assistant)
Anne Claire Grammer Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (research assistant)
Jack A. GrebbSchizophrenia, substance abuse and signal transduction
Paul Greengardneurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs1957 Sidney Udenfriend (post-doc)
Giovanna Guerrero-MedinaDrosophila NMJ, fluorescent neural activity reporters Susan Wray (research assistant)
Evan Guiney Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (research assistant)
Nitin Guptaolfaction, sensory coding, computational neuroscience2010 Mark A. Stopfer (post-doc)
Lloyd GuthRegeneration in the Mammalian Peripheral Nervous System William F. Windle (post-doc)
Jakob Jonathan GutzmannSynaptic plasticity, potassium channels
Edgar HaberImmunochemistry19591962 Christian B. Anfinsen (post-doc)
Ralf Haefner Bruce Cumming (post-doc)
Theodros M HaileLearning, vision National Eye Institute20162018 Bevil R. Conway (research assistant)
Edaeni Hamid
Joan C. Han Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Tae Hee HanNeuroscience, synaptic plasticity Mark L. Mayer (research scientist)
Alyson Hanish Developmental Endocrinology Joan C. Han (grad student)
Roa Harb Laboratory Medicine Jaime Grutzendler (post-doc)
Assaf Harel2009 Chris I. Baker (post-doc)
Richard E. Harrision channels, pain, neuroimaging, acupuncture19982000 Marla B. Feller (post-doc)
Lindsay Hayes Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Health and Himan Development (NICHD)20062011 Sohyun Ahn (grad student)
Lisa A. Hazelwooddopamine receptors, GPCRs, Neuropharmacology, proteomics20042010 David R. Sibley (post-doc)
Liming HeCalyx of Held
James P. HermanEye movements, Visual Attention, Motor Learning Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research | National Eye Institute20122021 Richard J. Krauzlis (post-doc)
Matthew H. Higgsvisual neurophysiology Jeffrey S. Diamond (post-doc)
Susan J. Hockfield Stephen Gobel (grad student)
Pam Holbrook
Jesse Honig Intramural20132016 David J. Madden (research assistant)
Tasuku HonjoMolecular Immunology19731974 Philip Leder (post-doc)
Eric Horstick James J. Dowling (post-doc)
Brian A. HoshawGrant review, CSR
Eric M. Hudakplatinum electrodes, neural stimulation, electrochemistry, cochlear implants
Yu-Shan Hung Mark A. Stopfer (post-doc)
B. Ian HutchinsData science, machine learning, informatics, bibliometrics, neuroscience Office of Portfolio Analysis20162020 George Santangelo (research scientist), Kristine A. Willis (collaborator)
Stephen R. Ikeda
John T. IsaacSynaptic plasticity; synaptic function; hippocampus; barrel cortex; AMPAR; kianate receptor Xin Yu (collaborator)
Kuni H. Iwasahair cells19811984 Gerald Ehrenstein (post-doc), Ichiji Tasaki (post-doc)
Meyer B. JacksonBiophysical studies of neuronal signaling19781981 Harold Lecar (grad student)
Steven Jacobson
William Jacoby
Rosario Jaime-Lara Sensory Science and Metabolism Unit2018 Paule Valery Joseph (post-doc)
Katherine Jakubs20052006 Regina Marie Sullivan (research assistant), Olle Lindvall (grad student)
Johanna M. Jarcho
Brett Jeffrey
Joby JosephInformation processing in neuronal systems, Neuroscience Linking perception/feeling and neural representations20052010 Mark A. Stopfer (post-doc)
Paule Valery JosephChemosensation, taste, smell, brain-gut axis, neuroimaging, obesity, eating behavior, neurobiology
Konrad Juczewski Patrik Krieger (grad student)
Joo Yun Jun Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Paul J. KammermeierIon channel modulation, GPCR signaling Stephen R. Ikeda (post-doc)
Eric R. KandelLearning and Memory Wade Marshall (post-doc)
Ramakrishnan Kannan
Anke Karabanovmotor learning, parietal lobe, Sequence learning20102010 Mark Hallett (grad student), Mortimer Mishkin (post-doc)
Sabine Kastner Leslie Ungerleider (post-doc)
Leor KatzVisual system, decision making, attention
John Katz
Toshi Kawate NINDS20092011 Kenton Jon Swartz (post-doc)
Melinda S. KelleyPolicy
Nichole Kelly Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Dan Kenshalopain
Henry Khachaturian
Rohan KheraNeurophysiology, movement disorders, stroke, immunology, public health
Hyung-Wook KimNeuroscience Stanley I. Rapoport (grad student)
Hyoung KimNeuroscience, working memory, neural circuit
Brian Kim NICHD Mark A. Stopfer (grad student)
William Klein Marshall Nirenberg (post-doc)
Julia Kline
David C. KnightAssociative Learning, Fear Learning & Memory, Affective Neuroscience, Social Neuroscience Fred J. Helmstetter (grad student)
Tali Kobilo-Moav
Michael R. Koenigs Jordan Grafman (post-doc)
Stephen J. Kohut John Katz (post-doc)
Martin Korte19901992 Josef P. Rauschecker (grad student)
Elena KoustovaSubstance Abuse
Paul F. KramerCellular Neurophysiology NINDS20172023 Zayd M. Khaliq (post-doc)
Michael Krashes
Richard J. Krauzlisvisual neuroscience
Edward KravitzTransmitter biochemistry1960 Earl R. Stadtman (post-doc), P. Roy Vagelos (post-doc)
Sahana N. Kukkechildhood movement disorders, neurophysiology, rehabilitation20102013 Mark Hallett (post-doc), Diane Damiano (post-doc)
Jun Kunimatsu
Vincent Kunze NEI Wei Li (grad student)
Giancarlo La CameraTheoretical Neuroscience; Learning and Behavior20042008 Barry Richmond (post-doc)
Ruby M Lam NCCIH20172023 Alex Chesler (grad student)
Jennifer L. Langelcircadian biology SLCR Samer S. Hattar (post-doc)
Ben T. Larson Justin W. Taraska (research assistant)
Peter Latham Barry Richmond (post-doc), Phillip G. Nelson (research scientist)
Maren R. LaughlinMetabolism and Insulin Resistance, and Functional and Molecular Imaging
J Josh LawrenceNeuromodulation, hippocampus, interneuron, inhibition19992008 Chris McBain (post-doc)
Yann Le FrancStriatum, Neuronal Network, basal ganglia, neuroinformatics, ontology, conductance-based modeling, nociception, spinal cord20062009 Dietmar Plenz (post-doc)
Philip LederGenetics1962 Marshall Nirenberg (post-doc)
Paek-Gyu LeeNeurogenetics
Inseon Lee NCCIH Lauren Y. Atlas (post-doc)
Jisoo Leeneuroscience
Robert J. LefkowitzG protein-coupled receptors19681970 Ira Pastan (post-doc), Jesse Roth (post-doc)
Sidney R. LehkyVision19751976 Daniel L. Alkon (research assistant)
Elias Leiva-SalcedoSynaptic integration, TRPM4, HCN1, excitability20122011 Andres Buonanno (post-doc), Stanko Stojilkovic (post-doc)
Joel D. LevineNeurogenetics Psychology Jack Adam Yanovski (research assistant)
Sarah LevyExecutive function; fMRI
Hilton B. LevyMolecular Virology
Bobbi K. LewisImaging
Mufeng Li NINDS20052013 Kenton Jon Swartz (post-doc)
Jin LiangZebrafish, Neuroscience Shawn Burgess (grad student)
Chen-Wei Liao Cheng-Chang Lien (grad student)
Theresa LiiVisual system2011 Michael J. Iadarola (research assistant)
John Cunningham LillyNeurophysiology, Sensory Isolation, Electrophysiology Recording & Restimulation, Interspecies
Kara Marie LindstromClinical Neuroscience20052009 Daniel S. Pine (grad student)
Shmuel LissekClinical Psychology NIMH Christian Grillon (grad student)
Tina Tong Liu
Christine A. LivingstonVision and Oculomotor Research
D. Lynn Loriaux
Huo (Howard) LuNeurophysiology
Kathryn D. Luderman2014 David R. Sibley (post-doc)
Kip A. LudwigBrain Computer Interface, Brain Machine Interface, Neural Engineering, Electrodes, BMI, BCI, Neuroprosthetic, Neuromodulation
Fujun Luosynapse formation and function20102013 Ling-Gang Wu (post-doc)
H Dieter Lux19641966 Daniel Pollen (post-doc)
JUSTIN W MABIN NHLBI2023 John R. Hogg (post-doc)
Gianmaria Maccaferri Chris McBain (post-doc)
John F. MacDonaldexcitatory amino acids, LTP, excitotoxicity Jeffrey L. Barker (post-doc)
Robert L. MacdonaldGABA, epilepsy Phillip G. Nelson (research scientist)
Nora Madaras NINDS20212023 David R. Sibley (research assistant)
Eugene O. Major
Stephanie Noelle ManchinAlexia, Agnosia, Statistical Learning20072008 Chris I. Baker (research assistant), Dwight Jacob Kravitz (research assistant)
Zach March Priyanka Narayan (post-doc)
Kevin J.L. Marchedecision making and neurodevelopment NIMH2024 James A. Bourne (research scientist)
Miles D. MartinezPerception & action, computational modeling, deep learning, learning NINDS NINDS20192019 Govind Bhagavatheeshwaran (research assistant), Daniel S. Reich (research assistant)
Keri MartinowichBDNF, neural plasticity, psychiatry Bai Lu (post-doc)
Robert T. Mason Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry19871991 Henry M. Fales (post-doc)
Kaya Matson NINDS ARIEL LEVINE (grad student)
Masayuki Matsumoto Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Jose A. MattaNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology John T. Isaac (post-doc)
Frederick R. Maxfield Ira Pastan (post-doc)
Mark L. MayerStructural Biology, Ligand gated ion channels19811986 Phillip G. Nelson (post-doc)
Chris McBainsynaptic transmission
Jennifer McDuffie Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Henry F. McFarlandmultiple sclerosis, neuroimmunology,MR imaging
Dale C. McFarlinmultiple sclerosis, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Kristina A. McLindenAlzheimer's Disease Clinical Trials2012 Edward Giniger (post-doc)
David B T McMahonCognitive Neuroscience David A. Leopold (post-doc)
Andrea MeleLearning and Memory NIMH19871990 Agu Pert (post-doc)
Monika S. Mellemlanguage
Arthur Michaelson19601965 Julius Axelrod (post-doc)
Rachel Mikofskyprefrontal cortex, mice, circuits, behavior, systems neurophysiology NIMH/NINDS20182020 Joshua A. Gordon (research assistant)
George E. Milesbiochemistry; pathology
Sharon Milgram
John P. MillerSystems19811982 Wilfrid Rall (post-doc), John Rinzel (post-doc)
Nazrat Mirza Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Dominik Mischkowski NCCIH Lauren Y. Atlas (post-doc)
Takaaki MiyazakiGustatory system National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Institute of Child Health and Human Development20102015 Mark A. Stopfer (post-doc), Mark A. Stopfer (post-doc)
Scott D. Moffatcognitive aging; behavioral endocrinology Neuroscience Susan Resnick (grad student)
Uma R. MohanHuman Memory
Mira Mooreville Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (research assistant)
Kai-Markus MuellerConsumer Neuroscience, Consumer Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Visual System20032009 David A. Leopold (grad student)
Jonathan G. Murphy
Elisabeth A. MurrayMemory Mortimer Mishkin (post-doc)
Vishnu Pradeep Murtyepisodic memory, motivation, emotion20052007 Fabio Sambataro (research assistant)
Michael MyslobodskyNeurobiology and neuropsychology
Maximilian Nagel2020 Alex Chesler (post-doc)
Sunila G. NairNeuropharmacology Yavin Shaham (post-doc)
Shigetada NakanishiSynaptic Transmission and Plasticity Ira Pastan (grad student)
Kazu NakazawaHippocampus, learning and memory
Shovan NaskarSensory system, barrel cortex, GABAergic interneurons, Austism, Down's syndrome, GABAergic transmission in developmental disorders National Institute of Mental Health2017 Soohyun Lee (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. Neckasocial psychology, loneliness, social networks NCCIH Lauren Y. Atlas (post-doc)
Phillip G. Nelson Karl Frank (post-doc)
Ralph Nelsonretina
John D. Newmanbioacoustics, neuroethology
Amy H. NewmanG-protein coupled receptors
Hendrikje NienborgVisual system, psychophysics, computational modelling, stereo vision, perceptual decisions Bruce Cumming (post-doc)
Marshall NirenbergBiochemistry19571959 Dewitt Stetten (post-doc)
Kate M. O'Neill
Margaret OchocinskaVisual System, Retinal Development
Michael Oram19961999 Barry Richmond (post-doc)
László Orbánfish genomics; reproductive biology; NICHD19861989 Andreas Chrambach (post-doc)
Stuart H. OrkinGenetics, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology Philip Leder (post-doc)
Vivian Ota Wanggenomics, genetic counseling, neuropsychology, psychology
Jingxing Ou NEI Wei Li (post-doc)
Sinisa PajevicComputational Neuroscience
Marta Pallotto
Harish C. Pant Ichiji Tasaki (post-doc)
Loukia Parisiadou Huaibin Cai (post-doc)
Jung Eun Park
V. Adrian ParsegianComputed and Measured Forces Among Membranes, Nanoparticles, and Macromolecules
Kathy PartinGlutamate Receptord19901994 Mark L. Mayer (post-doc)
Alvaro Pascual-LeoneHuman Cortical Physiology, Plasticity, Neuromodulation Mark Hallett (post-doc)
Ira PastanMolecular Biology19591961 Earl R. Stadtman (post-doc)
Sara S Pattersonretina, color vision NINDS20142015 Ralph Nelson (research assistant)
Annika Pauknercomparative psychology2011 Elizabeth Ann Simpson (collaborator)
Jonah E Pearl NIMH20182020 Barry Richmond (research assistant)
Kenneth PelkeyInterneurons, synaptic physiology Chris McBain (post-doc)
Agu Pert
Luiz PessoaEmotion/ Cognition, cognitive neuroscience Leslie Ungerleider (post-doc)
Thomas PetermannNeural Network, Criticality, Complex Systems20052008 Dietmar Plenz (post-doc)
Bret Peterson
Emily Petruscircuit plasticity NINDS20142019 Alan P. Koretsky (post-doc)
Diana L. Pettit Jerry Yakel (post-doc)
Zoe Piccus
Ajay S. PillaiAuditory System, Theoretical Neuroscience, Neural Networks
Daniel S. Pine
Andrew PlestedLigand gated ion channels Mark L. Mayer (post-doc)
Ilya M. PlonskyNeuroscience Joshua Zimmerberg (post-doc)
Todd A. PonzioNeuroendocrinology
Joshua Campbell PooreSocial Attachments, Trust, Personality20092010 Jordan Grafman (post-doc)
Michelle C. Potterneurogenesis
Christian T Potterpopulation coding NIDA Satoshi Ikemoto (research assistant)
Danielle N PrattPsychosis, Psychosis-risk, cognition CTNB20132015 Dwight Dickinson (research assistant)
Stanley Ben PrusinerPrion diseases19691972 Earl R. Stadtman (post-doc)
Daniel L. PurichNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology Earl R. Stadtman (grad student)
Jong-Cheol RahCortical circuits2005 John T. Isaac (post-doc)
Premchand RajeevSynaptic transmission, Super-resolution microscopy NINDS2023 Ling-Gang Wu (post-doc)
Wilfrid RallDendrites
Bruce R. Ransomastrocytes, glial cells, oligodendrocytes, optic nerve, white matter, ischemia Phillip G. Nelson (post-doc)
Kristina M RapuanofMRI, neurobiological vulnerability, health-risk behaviors, adolescence National Institute of Mental Health20102012 Alex Martin (research assistant)
Arippa Ravindran
Christine L. RebschNeuroimaging, schizophrenia
Jessica L. (Ihne) ReedCognitive/Clinical Neuroscience, fMRI20082009 Andrew Holmes (research assistant)
Paul ReierNeurodegeneration,Traumatic Injury,Spinal Cord Injury, Respiratory Neuroplasticity, Pharmacological Modulation Henry de Forest Webster (grad student)
Samantha Reina Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (research assistant)
Kenner C. Ricemedicinal chemistry, drugs of abuse Everette L. May (post-doc)
Barry Richmond
John RinzelSystems Wilfrid Rall (post-doc)
Norman Robbins Gerald Fischbach (collaborator)
Rex R. RobisonNeuro librarian
Katherine Roche Juan S. Bonifacino (post-doc)
Phelix A. RodriguezVisual system, primary visual cortex, scotoma, inferotemporal cortex, IT cortex, perirhinal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, working memory, reward, visual categorization, visual familarity, recognition
John D. RolstonNeural information processing, brain machine interfaces, epilepsy20022004 Jason N D Kerr (research assistant)
Isabelle A. Rosenthalmachine learning, neuroscience20162018 Bevil R. Conway (research assistant)
Jermaine RossGene Regulation2009 Chi-Hon Lee (grad student)
Andrew F. Rossi Robert Desimone (post-doc)
Haldor Enger Rosvold
Noah Care Roy
Abhrarup Roy Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism20172019 Paule Valery Joseph (grad student)
Fabio SambataroImaging Genetics, Schizophrenia20072010 Daniel R. Weinberger (post-doc), Daniel R. Weinberger (research scientist)
John Paul SanGiovanniRetina, Nutrition Norman Salem (collaborator)
Thom Puifai SantisakultarmTwo-photon imaging, Cerebral microcirculation, Neurovascular coupling, Marmosets2012 Afonso C. Silva (post-doc)
Matthew R. SapioPain, Sensory systems, Neuropeptides Anesthesia Michael J. Iadarola (post-doc)
Anupama SathyamurthySensorimotor circuits NINDS ARIEL LEVINE (post-doc)
Pascal SatiMagnetic resonance imaging
Richard C. Saunders Mortimer Mishkin (research scientist)
David M. SavastanoNutrition Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Antonio Scarpa
Kayla A. Schardien20182020 David R. Sibley (research scientist)
Robert T. Schimkeprotein turnover and gene amplification19601966 Herbert Tabor (research scientist)
Eric A. SchwartzRetinal synapses Mike G. Fuortes (post-doc)
Idan Segev Wilfrid Rall (post-doc)
Abhishek Senguptaneuroanatomy, visual neuroscience
Yeonee Seol
Saurav R. Seshadri
Shihab A. ShammaAuditory Cortex David Symmes (post-doc)
Sarah M Shapleyglia, neurodegeneration NINDS20192019 Steven Jacobson (research assistant)
Jiansong ShengSynaptic Transmission Ling-Gang Wu (post-doc)
Gordon M. ShepherdOlfaction19621964 Wilfrid Rall (post-doc)
Roya Sherafat-Kazemzadeh Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
John Lawrence SherwoodHippocampus, kainate receptors John T. Isaac (post-doc)
Hoon Shim Huaibin Cai (research assistant)
Kazumichi Shimizu Mark A. Stopfer (grad student)
Jun Hoon Shin Veronica A. Alvarez (post-doc)
Lauren B. ShomakerClinical Psychology Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Parkhurst A. ShorePharmacology, monoamines1961 Bernard Beryl Brodie (research scientist)
Dorela Doris Shuboni-MulliganBrain Cancer, Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, Molecular Imaging
Varsha ShuklaNeurodegeneration
G. Milton Shy
David R. SibleyDopamine
Janine Simmonscortical electrophysiology
Elizabeth Ann Simpsonsocial cognition, face perception, evolutionary psychology2011 Stephen J. Suomi (post-doc)
Phil Skolnickanxiolytic drugs, GABA Receptors, glutamate, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, NMDA receptor
Casey SkvorcWell-Being, Injuries
TJ SmithHuman subjects research, program evaluation
Peter Jeffrey SnyderNeuropsychology, Neuropharmacology, Alzheimer's Disease, History of Neuroscience, Bioethics, Neurophysiology Surgical Epilepsy Section19911991 Paul Fedio (grad student)
Agila Somasundaram Justin W. Taraska (post-doc)
Sunbin Sylvie SongMotor learning, TMS, Sequence Learning, Memory Consolidation, Sleep Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Bo-Mi Song Mark A. Stopfer (grad student)
Marta Sanchez Soto2017 David R. Sibley (post-doc)
W Alden SpencerSensory systems Wade Marshall (post-doc)
Allen M. Spiegelendocrinology, diabetis Gerald D. Aurbach (research scientist)
Caleb S. SponheimNeural Interfaces LBC20152017 Adam C. Messinger (research assistant)
Earl R. StadtmanProtein chemistry, aging
Michael Steinmetz
Esther M. SternbergClinical Neuroendocrinology, SNIB (Chief), Integrative Neural Immune Program (Director)
Dewitt Stettenmetabolic studies with isotope labeling
Stanko Stojilkovicpurinergic transmission Kevin Catt (post-doc)
Mark A. Stopfer
Peter Strickmotor cortex19721976 Edward Vaughan Evarts (post-doc)
Argyris StringarisMood, anxiety, depression, child and adolescent psychiatry Daniel S. Pine (post-doc)
Amanda Studnicki
Jaichandar SubramanianMemory, fear
Ames Sutton Hickey NIDDK2018 Michael Krashes (post-doc)
Wendy SuzukiHippocampus Robert Desimone (post-doc)
Catherine Croft Swanwickreceptor trafficking
Kenton Jon SwartzIon channels
David SymmesAuditory system, communication
Marcin Szczot NCCIH2014 Alex Chesler (post-doc)
M K. SzwarebartAnatomy, Basal Ganglia
John Tallmanpharmacology, damage & disease Roscoe O. Brady (post-doc)
Bharath Chandra TalluriCognitive Neuroscience National Eye Institute2021 Incheol Kang (collaborator)
Seiji TanabeVisual system20052010 Bruce Cumming (post-doc)
Hua Tangsystems and computational neuroscience
Jun Tanjimotor cortex Edward Vaughan Evarts (grad student)
Marian Tanofsky-KraffClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Physiological Psychology Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (post-doc)
Justin W. TaraskaImaging, Fluorescence, Exocytosis, Ion Channels
Ichiji Tasakinerve excitation and propagation
Anna R. TaylorMotorneuron, Cell death, ALS, astrocyte
Dezmond Taylor-Douglas Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (grad student)
William Thomas Thachmotor system, motor learning Edward Vaughan Evarts (post-doc)
Kelly R. TheimClinical Psychology Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (research assistant)
Martina Thurman SLCR Samer S. Hattar (research assistant)
Biao TianAuditory Cortex19902004 Josef P. Rauschecker (grad student)
Xiaoguang Tian
Olga Tjurmina
Camille R. ToarminoCortical systems, vocal communication Afonso C. Silva (grad student)
Gordon Mayer Tomkinsembryonal carcinoma stem cells
Christine L. TorborgVisual System, hippocampus, interneurons20052010 Chris McBain (post-doc)
Katherine E. (Katie) TravisLanguage Development, Neuromorphology20042005 Chris McBain (research assistant)
Adam J. Trexlermicroscopy, exocytosis2013 Justin W. Taraska (post-doc)
Sarah M. Turner2009 Jacqueline Crawley (research scientist)
Sidney Udenfriend Bernard Beryl Brodie (research scientist)
Suzanne Underhill Mark P Goldberg (grad student)
Leslie UngerleiderVision, cognition1975 Mortimer Mishkin (post-doc)
Ntree User
Carter Van WaesCancer
Ana Lucia Marques Ventura19941996 David R. Sibley (post-doc)
Teresa A. Victor National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda2013 Wayne Drevets (grad student)
Susheel Vijayraghavanneuropharmacology, cognition Elisabeth A. Murray (post-doc)
Carlotta Vizioli Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism2019 Paule Valery Joseph (post-doc)
Carl VoegtlinPharmacology
Steven S. VogelCaMKII, Dysferlin, FRET microscopy19891996 Joshua Zimmerberg (post-doc)
Xiao-Jing Wangcomputational neuroscience John Rinzel (post-doc)
Lupeng Wangvisual system
Hui Wang SLCR Samer S. Hattar (research scientist)
Susan G. Wardle Stephen Palmisano (post-doc)
James Arvid WaschekNeuropeptides19841988 Michael Brownstein (post-doc)
Emily Sophia Webberreward, obesity, decision-making
Tenley Weil SLCR Samer S. Hattar (research assistant)
Herbert Weingartner
Gary L. Westbrookglutamate receptors19811987 Mark L. Mayer (collaborator), Phillip G. Nelson (post-doc)
James P. Whitlock, Jr.1978 Robert T. Simpson (post-doc), Harry V. Gelboin (grad student)
Cheri Wiggs Alex Martin (post-doc)
William F. WindleDevelopment CNS
Paige N. WinokurNeuroscience
James Timothy WinslowBehavioral Neuroscience
Markos Tesfaye Woldeyohannes Section of Sensory Science and Metabolism2019 Paule Valery Joseph (post-doc)
Garry WongParkinson's disease, dopamine, bioinformatics, functional genomics Phil Skolnick (post-doc)
Wai T. Wong Rachel Wong (grad student)
Newton H. WooSynaptic plasticity Bai Lu (post-doc)
Susan Wraydevelopmental neurobiology, neuronal migration, neurogenesis, neuroendocrinology Harold Gainer (post-doc)
Ling-Gang WuSynaptic transmission
Robert H. WurtzOculomotor system Ichiji Tasaki (post-doc)
Hong Xu
Jerry YakelHippocampus, nicotinic receptors
Shinya Yamamotointegrative neuroscience20082011 Okihide Hikosaka (post-doc)
Jack Adam YanovskiObesity
Mark YdeAstrocytes, Neuroscience, Fear NIAAA20182019 Olena Bukalo (grad student)
Yizhou Ye
Cecil Chern-Chyi YenMRI, functional MRI, Preclinical MRI, Medical Imaging National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NIMH NINDS20232023 Afonso C. Silva (post-doc), Annabelle Marie Belcher (collaborator), John D. Newman (collaborator), Daniel S. Reich (collaborator), Chia-Chun (Alden) Hung (collaborator), Afonso C. Silva (research scientist), David A. Leopold (research scientist), Alan P. Koretsky (research scientist), Daniel Zaldivar (collaborator), Feng Luo (collaborator), Yogita Chudasama (collaborator), Aidan P. Murphy (collaborator), CiRong Liu (collaborator), Camille R. Toarmino (collaborator)
Grace H. Yeni-KomshianBrain and language, Speech perception and production in various populations
David T. YeungCholinergic, anticholinesterase, bioscavenger, paraoxonase
Xin YuNeuroimaging, fMRI, plasticity, Neurovascular Coupling,2007 Alan P. Koretsky (post-doc)
Shan YuNeural Network, Criticality, Complex Systems, Synchronization2007 Dietmar Plenz (post-doc)
Xiaomin Yuevisual system
Matthew K. ZabelNeuroscience, Microglia Wai T. Wong (post-doc)
Zhen Zhangsynaptic transmission2010 Ling-Gang Wu (post-doc)
Feng Zhang
Ze (Harris) Zhang SLCR Samer S. Hattar (post-doc)
Chan-Ying zhengNMDA channels20102009 Katherine Roche (post-doc), Robert J. Wenthold (post-doc), Jianhong Luo (grad student)
Zhishang Zhou
Corey M ZiembaVision
Joshua ZimmerbergThe fundamental membrane mechanisms of enveloped viral infection, parasitic diseases, neurotransmitter release, apoptosis, and cell-cell fusion. Tissue mechanisms of pathogenesis and regeneration by stem cell fusion.
Caroline F. Zink2007 Daniel R. Weinberger (research scientist)
Jaclyn Zocca Developmental Endocrinology Jack Adam Yanovski (research assistant)