Stephen V. Desiderio
Affiliations: | Molecular Biology and Genetics | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States |
Development of Immune SystemGoogle:
"Stephen Desiderio"Mean distance: 15.37 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree
Sign in to add traineeSusan M. Dymecki | grad student | Johns Hopkins Medical School | |
Yun Liu | grad student | 2003-2009 | (GenetiTree) |
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May MR, Bettridge JT, Desiderio S. (2020) Binding and allosteric transmission of histone H3 Lys-4 trimethylation to the recombinase RAG-1 are separable functions of the RAG-2 plant homeodomain finger. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 295: 9052-9060 |
Ahmed R, Omidian Z, Giwa A, et al. (2019) A Public BCR Present in a Unique Dual-Receptor-Expressing Lymphocyte from Type 1 Diabetes Patients Encodes a Potent T Cell Autoantigen. Cell. 177: 1583-1599.e16 |
Wagner CL, Hanumanthu VS, Talbot CC, et al. (2018) Short telomere syndromes cause a primary T cell immunodeficiency. The Journal of Clinical Investigation |
Ward A, Kumari G, Sen R, et al. (2018) The RAG-2 Inhibitory Domain Gates Accessibility Of The V(D)J Recombinase To Chromatin. Molecular and Cellular Biology |
May M, Desiderio S, Bettridge JT. (2018) An Allosteric Mechanism for Epigenetic Activation of the V(D)J Recombinase Blood. 132: 512-512 |
Lu W, Dordai D, Huso D, et al. (2017) Smoothened signaling in the mouse osteoblastoid lineage is required for efficient B lymphopoiesis. Blood |
Bettridge J, Na CH, Pandey A, et al. (2017) H3K4me3 induces allosteric conformational changes in the DNA-binding and catalytic regions of the V(D)J recombinase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Desiderio S. (2016) Pumping the breaks on B cell development. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 213: 140 |
Bettridge JT, Na C, Pandey A, et al. (2016) Allosteric Regulation of V(D)J Recombination By Active Chromatin Blood. 128: 3707-3707 |
Lu C, Ward A, Bettridge J, et al. (2015) An autoregulatory mechanism imposes allosteric control on the V(D)J recombinase by histone H3 methylation. Cell Reports. 10: 29-38 |