Laura M. Schultz

Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, United States 
"Laura Schultz"
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Schultz LM, Butson CR, Clark GA. (2001) Post-light potentiation at type B to A photoreceptor connections in Hermissenda. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 76: 7-32
Schultz LM, Lee ES, Clark GA. (1998) Synaptic depression at type B to A photoreceptor connections in Hermissenda. Neuroreport. 9: 437-40
Schultz LM, Clark GA. (1997) GABA-induced synaptic facilitation at type B to A photoreceptor connections in Hermissenda. Brain Research Bulletin. 42: 377-83
Schultz LM. (1997) REVIEW ■ : GABAergic Inhibitory Processes and Hippocampal Long-term Potentiation The Neuroscientist. 3: 226-236
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