Peter Marshall

Psychology Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
EEG, child development
"Peter Marshall"
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Shen G, Weiss SM, Meltzoff AN, et al. (2021) Exploring developmental changes in infant anticipation and perceptual processing: EEG responses to tactile stimulation. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies
Meltzoff AN, Marshall PJ. (2020) Importance of body representations in social-cognitive development: New insights from infant brain science. Progress in Brain Research. 254: 25-48
Drew AR, Meltzoff AN, Marshall PJ. (2018) Interpersonal Influences on Body Representations in the Infant Brain. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 2601
Weiss SM, Meltzoff AN, Marshall PJ. (2018) Neural measures of anticipatory bodily attention in children: Relations with executive function. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 34: 148-158
Shen G, Weiss SM, Meltzoff AN, et al. (2018) The somatosensory mismatch negativity as a window into body representations in infancy. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 134: 144-150
Meltzoff AN, Saby JN, Marshall PJ. (2018) Neural representations of the body in 60-day-old human infants. Developmental Science. e12698
Meltzoff AN, Ramírez RR, Saby JN, et al. (2018) Infant brain responses to felt and observed touch of hands and feet: an MEG study. Developmental Science
Shen G, Saby JN, Drew AR, et al. (2017) Exploring Potential Social Influences on Brain Potentials during Anticipation of Tactile Stimulation. Brain Research
Saby JN, Meltzoff AN, Marshall PJ. (2016) Beyond the N1: A review of late somatosensory evoked responses in human infants. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology
Saby JN, Meltzoff AN, Marshall PJ. (2015) Neural body maps in human infants: Somatotopic responses to tactile stimulation in 7-month-olds. Neuroimage. 118: 74-78
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