Jennifer Ayala, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2005 | City University of New York, New York, NY, United States |
Higher Education, Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Jennifer Ayala"Mean distance: 6679.12
Sign in to add mentorMichelle Fine | grad student | 2005 | CUNY | |
(Corporate fogs and mestiza visions: Parallels between student and institution experiences in a faith -based college.) |
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Ayala J, Galletta A. (2012) Documenting disappearing spaces: Erasure and remembrance in two high school closures Peace and Conflict. 18: 149-155 |
Torre ME, Ayala J. (2009) Envisioning participatory action research entremundos Feminism and Psychology. 19: 387-393 |
Galletta A, Ayala J. (2008) Erasure and survival: Creating a future and managing a past in a restructuring high school Teachers College Record. 110: 1959-1985 |
Erwin EJ, Perkins TS, Ayala J, et al. (2001) “You Don't Have to be Sighted to be a Scientist, Do You?” Issues and Outcomes in Science Education Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. 95: 338-352 |
Fine M, Ayala J, Perkins T. (2000) Book Review: Untold Stories: Breaking Silence, Talking Back, Voicing Complexity. Edited by Mary Romero and Abby Stewart Sex Roles. 42: 943-946 |