Jean Petitot
Affiliations: | CREA-X | École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Île-de-France, France |
"Jean Petitot"Mean distance: 26.62 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeDavid Rudrauf | research assistant | University of Iowa | |
Alessandro Sarti | grad student | EHESS |
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Citti G, Petitot J, Sarti A. (2009) Editorial for special issue neuromathematics of vision. Journal of Physiology, Paris. 103: 1-3 |
Sarti A, Citti G, Petitot J. (2009) Functional geometry of the horizontal connectivity in the primary visual cortex. Journal of Physiology, Paris. 103: 37-45 |
Petitot J. (2009) A transcendental view on the continuum: Woodin's conditional platonism Intellectica. 51: 93-133 |
Sarti A, Citti G, Petitot J. (2008) The symplectic structure of the primary visual cortex. Biological Cybernetics. 98: 33-48 |
Petitot J. (2004) Géométrie et Vision dans Ding und Raum de Husserl Intellectica. 39: 139-167 |
Petitot J. (2003) The neurogeometry of pinwheels as a sub-Riemannian contact structure. Journal of Physiology, Paris. 97: 265-309 |
Petitot J. (2003) Morphodynamical enaction: the case of color. Biological Research. 36: 107-12 |
Petitot J, Lorenceau J. (2003) Special issue: Neurogeometry and visual perception Journal of Physiology Paris. 97: 93-97 |
Barthélémy J, Glas MD, Descles J, et al. (1996) Logique et dynamique de la cognition Intellectica. 23: 219-301 |
Petitot J. (1993) Phénoménologie naturalisée et morphodynamique : la fonction cognitive du synthétique a priori Intellectica. 17: 79-126 |