Michael Terman, Ph.D.

1981- Columbia University- Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, United States 
chronobiology, depression
"Michael Terman"
Mean distance: 21.8 (cluster 32)
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Bromundt V, Wirz-Justice A, Boutellier M, et al. (2019) Effects of a dawn-dusk simulation on circadian rest-activity cycles, sleep, mood and well-being in dementia patients. Experimental Gerontology. 110641
Terman M. (2019) Psychiatric Treatment by Light to the Eyes Journal of Vision. 19: 14
Sit DK, McGowan J, Wiltrout C, et al. (2017) Adjunctive Bright Light Therapy for Bipolar Depression: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial. The American Journal of Psychiatry. appiajp201716101200
Sit D, McGowan J, Wiltrout C, et al. (2017) 72. Light Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Bright White versus Dim Red Light for Bipolar Depression Biological Psychiatry. 81
Benedetti F, Terman M. (2013) Much ado about…a moody clock. Biological Psychiatry. 74: 236-7
Gottlieb JF, Terman M. (2012) Outpatient triple chronotherapy for bipolar depression: case report. Journal of Psychiatric Practice. 18: 373-80
Wirz-Justice A, Terman M. (2012) Chronotherapeutics (light and wake therapy) as a class of interventions for affective disorders. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 106: 697-713
Dauphinais DR, Rosenthal JZ, Terman M, et al. (2012) Controlled trial of safety and efficacy of bright light therapy vs. negative air ions in patients with bipolar depression. Psychiatry Research. 196: 57-61
Wirz-Justice A, Bader A, Frisch U, et al. (2011) A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of light therapy for antepartum depression. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 72: 986-93
Terman M, Jiuan Su Terman. (2010) Circadian rhythm phase advance with dawn simulation treatment for winter depression. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 25: 297-301
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