James R. Moyer

Psychology University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 
neuroscience, potassium channels, AHPs, IA learning
"James Moyer"
Mean distance: 14.85 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Chenghui Song grad student UW-Milwaukee
Megha Sehgal grad student 2008- UW-Milwaukee
Vanessa L. Ehlers grad student 2012- UW-Milwaukee
Hanna Yousuf grad student 2016- UW-Milwaukee
Julia A. Detert grad student 2003-2011 UW-Milwaukee
Catherine Cook Kaczorowski post-doc 2007-2009 UW-Milwaukee
Erin L. Adams research scientist 2009- UW-Milwaukee
BETA: Related publications


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Sehgal M, Ehlers VE, Moyer JR. (2023) Synaptic and intrinsic plasticity within overlapping lateral amygdala ensembles following fear conditioning. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 17: 1221176
Ehlers VL, Smies CW, Moyer JR. (2020) Apoaequorin differentially modulates fear memory in adult and aged rats. Brain and Behavior. e01832
Dulka BN, Pullins SE, Cullen PK, et al. (2020) Age-related memory deficits are associated with changes in protein degradation in brain regions critical for trace fear conditioning. Neurobiology of Aging
Yousuf H, Nye AN, Moyer JR. (2020) Heterogeneity of Neuronal Firing Type and Morphology in Retrosplenial Cortex of Male F344 Rats. Journal of Neurophysiology
Yousuf H, Ehlers VL, Sehgal M, et al. (2019) Modulation of Intrinsic Excitability as a Function of Learning within the Fear Conditioning Circuit. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 107132
Song C, Moyer JR. (2017) Layer- and Subregion-Specific Differences in the Neurophysiological Properties of Rat Medial Prefrontal Cortex Pyramidal Neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00146.2017
Song C, Ehlers VL, Moyer JR. (2015) Trace Fear Conditioning Differentially Modulates Intrinsic Excitability of Medial Prefrontal Cortex-Basolateral Complex of Amygdala Projection Neurons in Infralimbic and Prelimbic Cortices. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 35: 13511-24
Moyer JR, Deyo RA, Disterhoft JF. (2015) Hippocampectomy disrupts trace eye-blink conditioning in rabbits. Behavioral Neuroscience. 129: 523-32
Sehgal M, Ehlers VL, Moyer JR. (2014) Learning enhances intrinsic excitability in a subset of lateral amygdala neurons. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 21: 161-70
Detert JA, Adams EL, Lescher JD, et al. (2013) Pretreatment with apoaequorin protects hippocampal CA1 neurons from oxygen-glucose deprivation. Plos One. 8: e79002
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