Katharina von Kriegstein

"Katharina von Kriegstein"
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Maguinness C, Schall S, Mathias B, et al. (2024) EXPRESS: Prior multisensory learning can facilitate auditory-only voice-identity and speech recognition in noise. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218241278649
Jeschke L, Mathias B, von Kriegstein K. (2023) Inhibitory TMS over Visual Area V5/MT Disrupts Visual Speech Recognition. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 43: 7690-7699
Schelinski S, von Kriegstein K. (2022) Responses in left inferior frontal gyrus are altered for speech-in-noise processing, but not for clear speech in autism. Brain and Behavior. e2848
Schelinski S, Tabas A, von Kriegstein K. (2022) Altered processing of communication signals in the subcortical auditory sensory pathway in autism. Human Brain Mapping
Mihai PG, Tschentscher N, von Kriegstein K. (2021) Modulation of the primary auditory thalamus when recognising speech with background noise. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Mihai PG, Tschentscher N, von Kriegstein K. (2021) Modulation of the primary auditory thalamus when recognising speech with background noise. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Maguinness C, von Kriegstein K. (2021) Visual mechanisms for voice-identity recognition flexibly adjust to auditory noise level. Human Brain Mapping
Tabas A, von Kriegstein K. (2021) Neural modelling of the encoding of fast frequency modulation. Plos Computational Biology. 17: e1008787
Tabas A, Mihai G, Kiebel S, et al. (2020) Abstract rules drive adaptation in the subcortical sensory pathway. Elife. 9
Jiang J, von Kriegstein K, Jiang J. (2020) Brain mechanisms of eye contact during verbal communication predict autistic traits in neurotypical individuals. Scientific Reports. 10: 14602
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