Susan Whitbourne

Psychology University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
Social Psychology
"Susan Whitbourne"
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Gonzales-Backen MA, Dumka LE, Millsap RE, et al. (2015) The Role of Social and Personal Identities in Self-Esteem Among Ethnic Minority College Students. Identity (Mahwah, N.J.). 15: 202-220
Gonzales-Backen MA, Dumka LE, Millsap RE, et al. (2015) The Role of Social and Personal Identities in Self-Esteem Among Ethnic Minority College Students Identity. 15: 202-220
Bersamin MM, Zamboanga BL, Schwartz SJ, et al. (2014) Risky business: Is there an association between casual sex and mental health among emerging adults? Journal of Sex Research. 51: 43-51
Sneed JR, Whitbourne SK, Schwartz SJ, et al. (2012) The relationship between identity, intimacy, and midlife well-being: findings from the Rochester Adult Longitudinal Study. Psychology and Aging. 27: 318-23
Schwartz SJ, Park IJK, Huynh QL, et al. (2012) The American Identity Measure: Development and Validation across Ethnic Group and Immigrant Generation Identity. 12: 93-128
Schwartz SJ, Beyers W, Luyckx K, et al. (2011) Examining the light and dark sides of emerging adults' identity: a study of identity status differences in positive and negative psychosocial functioning. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 40: 839-59
Freeman G, Whitbourne S, Westerhof GJ. (2010) When I grow up : Examing projected gains, maintenance and losses in aging adults Gerontologist. 50: 145-145
Weinberger MI, Whitbourne SK. (2010) Depressive Symptoms, Self-Reported Physical Functioning, and Identity in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Ageing International. 35: 276-285
Rodriguez L, Schwartz SJ, Whitbourne S. (2010) American identity revisited: The relation between national, ethnic, and personal identity in a multiethnic sample of emerging adults Journal of Adolescent Research. 25: 324-349
Whitbourne SK, Sneed JR, Sayer A. (2009) Psychosocial development from college through midlife: a 34-year sequential study. Developmental Psychology. 45: 1328-40
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