Lakshmi J. Gogate
Affiliations: | Psychology | Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL, United States |
Child language acquisitionWebsite:
"Lakshmi Gogate"Mean distance: 16.99 (cluster 8) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: LinguisTree - PsychTree - CSD Tree
Sign in to add mentorLorraine McCune | grad student | 1995 | Rutgers, New Brunswick (LinguisTree) |
Lorraine E. Bahrick | post-doc | 1997-1999 | Florida International |
Sign in to add traineeDalit Matatyaho-Bullaro | grad student | ||
Madhavilatha Maganti | post-doc | 2009-2011 |
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Gogate L. (2019) Maternal object naming is less adapted to preterm infants' than to term infants' word mapping. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 61: 447-458 |
Gogate L, Maganti M. (2019) Bilingual versus monolingual infants’ novel word-action mapping before and after first-word production: Influence of developing noun-dominance on perceptual narrowing Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 23: 148-157 |
Gogate L, Maganti M. (2017) The Origins of Verb Learning: Preverbal and Postverbal Infants' Learning of Word-Action Relations. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-13 |
Gogate L, Hollich G. (2017) Early Verb-Action and Noun-Object Mapping Across Sensory Modalities: A Neuro-Developmental View. Developmental Neuropsychology. 41: 293-307 |
Gogate L, Maganti M. (2016) The Dynamics of Infant Attention: Implications for Crossmodal Perception and Word-Mapping Research. Child Development. 87: 345-64 |
Gogate LJ, Maganti M. (2016) The dynamics of infant attention: Implications for crossmodal perception and word mapping research Child Development. 87: 345-364 |
Gogate L, Maganti M, Bahrick LE. (2015) Cross-cultural evidence for multimodal motherese: Asian Indian mothers' adaptive use of synchronous words and gestures. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 129: 110-26 |
Matatyaho-Bullaro DJ, Gogate L, Mason Z, et al. (2014) Type of object motion facilitates word mapping by preverbal infants Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 118: 27-40 |
Gogate L, Maganti M, Perenyi A. (2014) Preterm and term infants' perception of temporally coordinated syllable-object pairings: Implications for lexical development Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 57: 187-198 |
Matatyaho-Bullaro M, Gogate L, Mason Z, et al. (2014) Type of object motion facilitates word mapping by preverbal infants Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 118: 27-40 |