Derek van der Kooy

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Derek van der Kooy"
Mean distance: 12.43 (cluster 6)
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Maal-Bared G, Yee M, Harding EK, et al. (2024) Connexin-36-positive gap junctions in ventral tegmental area GABA neurons sustain opiate dependence. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Vargas-Perez H, Minauro-Sanmiguel F, Ting-A-Kee R, et al. (2023) Rewarding Effects of the Hallucinogen 4-AcO-DMT Administration and Withdrawal in Rats: A Challenge to the Opponent-Process Theory. Neuroscience Letters. 820: 137597
Yammine S, Burns I, Gosio J, et al. (2023) Fate specification of GFAP-negative primitive neural stem cells and their progeny at clonal resolution. Stem Cells and Development
Merritt DM, MacKay-Clackett I, Almeida SMT, et al. (2022) Arrestin-mediated desensitization enables intraneuronal olfactory discrimination in . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2116957119
Vargas-Perez H, Grieder TE, van der Kooy D. (2022) Neural Plasticity in the Ventral Tegmental Area, Aversive Motivation during Drug Withdrawal and Hallucinogenic Therapy. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 1-11
Grieder TE, Yee M, Vargas-Perez H, et al. (2021) Administration of BDNF in the ventral tegmental area produces a switch from a nicotine-non-dependent D1R-mediated motivational state to a nicotine-dependent-like D2R-mediated motivational state. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Coles BLK, Labib M, Poudineh M, et al. (2021) A microfluidic platform enables comprehensive gene expression profiling of mouse retinal stem cells. Lab On a Chip
DeVeale B, van der Kooy D. (2020) Parental Bias Has Benefits. Neuron. 107: 994-996
Yee M, Maal-Bared G, Ting-A-Kee R, et al. (2020) Segregation of caffeine reward and aversion in the rat nucleus accumbens shell versus core. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Grieder TE, Besson M, Maal-Bared G, et al. (2019) β2* nAChRs on VTA dopamine and GABA neurons separately mediate nicotine aversion and reward. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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