Julia Ann Englund

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
visual system, dyslexia, reading disabilities, learning disabilities, neurodevelopmental disorders
"Julia Englund"
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Englund JA, Decker SL, Allen RA, et al. (2013) Common Cognitive Deficits in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 32: 95-106
Decker SL, Roberts AM, Englund JA. (2013) Cognitive predictors of rapid picture naming Learning and Individual Differences. 25: 141-149
Englund JA, Palomares M. (2012) The relationship of global form and motion detection to reading fluency. Vision Research. 67: 14-21
Palomares M, Ramsey S, Englund J. (2012) What can dots tell us about development of form and motion processing? Journal of Vision. 12: 792-792
Strait GG, McQuillin S, Smith B, et al. (2012) Using motivational interviewing with children and adolescents: a cognitive and neurodevelopmental perspective Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. 5: 290-304
Decker SL, Englund JA, Carboni JA, et al. (2011) Cognitive and developmental influences in visual-motor integration skills in young children. Psychological Assessment. 23: 1010-6
Palomares M, Englund JA, Ahlers S. (2011) Patterns and trajectories in Williams Syndrome: the case of visual orientation discrimination. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 32: 1021-9
Englund J, Palomares M. (2011) The Relationship of Global Form and Coherent Motion Detection to Reading Fluency Journal of Vision. 11: 433-433
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